Three VIDI Grants for Humanities researchers
Three researchers of Humanities have been awarded with a VIDI research grant. With a VIDI they can spend five years researching the topic they submitte. The grant amounts to a maxium of eight hundred thousand euros.
The following three researchers have received the VIDI grant.
Dr. Casper de Jonge - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society

Greek and Latin Language and Culture
Greek scholars played a prominent role in Ancient Rome. They maintained intensive contacts with Roman authors such as Cicero, Horace and Virgil. De Jonge studies the intercultural dialogue between Greeks and Romans, which played an important role in Roman literature.
More information on this project (Dutch)
Prof.dr. Herman Paul - Leiden University Institute for History

Men of Science
Why did scientists around 1900 like to talk about the ‘character’ and the ‘personality’ of famous professors? This project will investigate what these scientists meant by ‘scientific personality’, what scientific ethics formed the underlying basis for this idea and how such ethics contributed to the formation of scientific disciplines.
Dr. Gijsbert Rutten - Leiden Uniersity Centre for Linguistics

Dutch for the Dutch?
It seems self-evident that the language spoken in the Netherlands is Dutch and that new Dutch citizens therefore have to learn to speak Dutch. And yet, this is not as obvious as it might seem. Rutten examines how around 1800 the Dutch language suddenly became a central element of the Dutch nation.
Innovation and application of knowledge
NWO selects the VIDI laureates on the basis of the quality of the researcher, the innovative character of the research, the expected scientific impact of the research proposal and the possibilities for applying the knowledge gained.