Gijsbert Rutten became LUCL’s new Director of Education
On 1 January 2019, Gijsbert Rutten became LUCL’s new Director of Education. We asked him about his plans.

Gijsbert: ‘At first, there’s probably going to be an intensive period of learning about the role! Not just in terms of content, but especially in terms of the people. I don’t know everyone yet, of course, so I will be trying to meet my new colleagues as soon as possible. One of the most important issues – as we all know – is workload, which many colleagues in Humanities feel is extremely heavy. As Director of Education, I hope I can help to reduce this experience of being overloaded, so that people have space for new ideas. I also think it’s important for everyone to be equally involved in the teaching as far as possible, and for the allocation of education tasks to be transparent to everyone.’