Universiteit Leiden

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Edwin Bakker

Professor Terrorism and Contraterrorism

Prof.dr. E. Bakker
+31 70 800 9506

Edwin Bakker is professor in Terrorism and Counterterrorism at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs in The Hague. His fields of research are radicalisation, jihadi terrorism and in particular profiles of (jihadi) terrorists. In addition, his research is focussed on dealing with (fear of) terrorism and the policy implications in this field.

More information about Edwin Bakker

Leiden Safety and Security Blog

Google Scholar

Edwin Bakker is professor in Terrorism and Counterterrorism at Leiden University - Institute of Security and Global Affairs in The Hague. His research topics are threats against the democratic rule of law in general and the threat of radicalisation and jihadist terrorism in particular. In addition, his research focuses on threats to the democratic legal order by terrorists and other non-state actors. Currently, the his main research project is one for the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrrorism that involves research and training to improve the system of protection and surveillance against threats to persons, objects and services. The multidisciplinary research focuses, amongst others, on new threats, the implementation and impact of protection and surveillance measures, and new threat assessment methods.

Edwin Bakker teaches courses in the Institute of Security and Global Affairs' programmes and is a guest lecturer at, among others, the Police Academy, the Centre for Professional Learning and SSR Study Centre for the Administration of Justice. Together with Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn, he runs a Massive Open Online Course on terrorism and counterterrorism in which tens of thousands of students worldwide have already participated. He is also an editorial board member of several professional journals and scientific magazines in the field of security and a member of several advisory committees and expert networks in the field of security policy.

Next to his position as Professor at Leiden University Edwin Bakker is head of sector Knowledge & Research at the Dutch Police Academy. There he is, among other things, responsible for the connection and operation of research within the Dutch National Police and with relevant partners of the police.

Professor Terrorism and Contraterrorism

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Institute of Security and Global Affairs

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 4.49



  • Openbaar Ministerie Lid Reflectieraad
  • Nationale Politie, Politieacademie Sectorhoofd Kennis & Onderzoek
  • Radboud Universiteit jurylid Leon Wecke scriptieprijs
  • Stichting JASON lid raad van advies
  • Journal of Strategic Security redactielid
  • Studiecentrum Rechtspleging gastdocent
  • Internationale Spectator redactielid
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