Bibi van den Berg
Professor Cybersecurity Governance
- Name
- Prof.dr. B. van den Berg
- Telephone
- 070 8009500
- 0000-0002-4810-0460

Prof.dr. Bibi van den Berg (1975) is full professor of Cybersecurity Governance at Leiden University, and the head of the Cybersecurity Governance research group at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of this university. Van den Berg has an MA and PhD in philosophy, both from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Her research and teaching focus on several themes: (1) cybersecurity governance, (2) governance of security and safety and (3) regulating human behavior through the use of technologies (techno-regulation and nudging.
More information about Bibi van den Berg
Research output
A systematic literature review of security and privacy by design principles, norms, and strategies for digital technologies
Assessing the effect of cybersecurity training on End-users: A Meta-analysis
Shielding software systems: A comparison of security by design and privacy by design based on a systematic literature review
A systematic review of current cybersecurity training methods
Vulnerabilities and Cyberspace: A New Kind of Crises
Governing Cyberspace: Behavior, Power and Diplomacy
PhD candidates
Personal website
Prof.dr. Bibi van den Berg (1975) is full professor of Cybersecurity Governance at Leiden University, and the head of the Cybersecurity Governance research group at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of this university. Van den Berg has an MA and PhD in philosophy, both from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Her research and teaching focus on several themes: (1) cybersecurity governance, (2) governance of security and safety and (3) regulating human behavior through the use of technologies (techno-regulation and nudging.
Van den Berg is the chair of ACCSS, the Academic Cyber Security Society in the Netherlands. She is also a member of the Dutch Cyber Security Council, a Council that advises the Dutch cabinet on how to improve cybersecurity in the Netherlands. She is also a member of the ICT Advisory Board of the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Netherlands, and chair of the Advisory Board of ID&D.
Professor Cybersecurity Governance
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Del-Real Cristina, De Busser Els & van den Berg Bibi (2025), A systematic literature review of security and privacy by design principles, norms, and strategies for digital technologies, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology : 1-32.
- Real C. del., Busser E. de & Berg B. van den (2024), Shielding software systems: a comparison of security by design and privacy by design based on a systematic literature review, Computer Law & Security Review 52: 105933.
- Prümmer J., Steen T. van & Berg B. van den (2024), A systematic review of current cybersecurity training methods, Computers & Security 136: 103585.
- Steen T. van, Real C. del & Berg B. van den (2024), What works well? A safety-iI approach to cybersecurity. Schmorrow D.D. & Fidopiastis C.M. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. : Springer.
- Berg B. van den (2024), Dealing with uncertainty in cyberspace, Computers & Security 144: 103939.
- Scholte J.A. & Berg B. van den (2024), Governing the public core of the Internet: a snapshot of the Netherlands’ practices. The Hague: The Hague Program on International Cyber Security.
- Berg B. van den, Weggemans D. & Nobbenhuis M. (2024), Samenwerken tegen Ransomware: Evaluatie Melissa. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden.
- Prümmer J., SteenT. van & Berg B. van den (2024), Assessing the effect of cybersecurity training on end-users: a meta-analysis, Computers & Security 150: 104206.
- Scholte J.A. & Berg B. van den (2024), Governing the public core of the Internet: a snapshot of the Netherlands’ practices. In: Broeders D, Byoung Won Min, Sukumar A. & In Tae Yoo (Eds.), Protecting the Public Core of the Internet: Perspectives from the Netherlands and Republic of Korea. The Hague: The Hague Program on International Cyber Security. 40-47.
- Boeken J., Berg B. van den & Steen T. van (2024), The Past and Future of Stakeholder Theory: Introducing the TOPPER Framework. In: Radu C. (Ed.), Contemporary Perspectives on Organizational Behaviour: IntechOpen.
- Berg B. van den (2023), The need for safety and security. In: Chrzastrowski S. & Vetere A. (Eds.), Safety, danger, and protection in the family and community: a systemic and attachment-informed approach: Routledge. 9-23.
- Cristiano F. & Berg B. van den (Eds.) (2023), Hybridity, conflict, and the global politics of cybersecurity. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Cristiano F . & Berg B. van den (2023), Hybridity and conflict in cyberspace: rethinking the emergent character of international cybersecurity. In: Cristiano F. & Berg B. van den (Eds.), Hybridity, conflict, and the global politics of cybersecurity. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 1-12.
- van den Berg B., Noordzij E. & Gerritsen M. (2022), De marechaussee en het cyberdomein. In: den Boer M.G.W., Muller E.R., van Kemenade I.M.N.M., Leijtens J.A.J. & van der Woude M.A.H. (Eds.), Marechaussee: Studies over de werkwijze en organisatie van de Koninklijke Marechaussee: Wolters Kluwer. 515-537.
- Berg B. van den & Kuipers S.L. (2022), Vulnerabilities and cyberspace: a new kind of crisis, Politics : .
- Real C. del, Busser E. de & Berg B. van den (2022), Security by design: an interdisciplinary systematic review and conceptual framework, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University.
- Berg B. van den, Prins R.S. & Kuipers S.L. (2021), Assessing contemporary crises: aligning safety science and security studies, Politics : .
- Van den Berg B. & Prins S.L. (2021), Exploring, understanding and doing interdisciplinary education : a three-step approach to guide lecturers and students through interdisciplinary analysis of complex security challenges, International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 8(6): .
- Nieuwesteeg B., Berg B. van den, Pras A., Lodder A., Laat C. de, Custers B., Koops B.J., Daemen J., Eekelen M. van, Dijk M. van, Mentens N., Rijswijk-Deij R. van, Ruiter S. & Faure M. (3 July 2021), Betaal geen losgeld bij een ransomware-aanval. Het Financieele Dagblad, Opinie: 34.
- Peters K., Boogaard G., Berg B. van den & Kalken L. van (2021), Lokale democratie achter de schermen: Lessen leren uit digitaal vergaderen door gemeenteraden in coronatijd, Bestuurskunde 30(3): 54-61.
- Broeders D.W.J. Berg B. van den (2020), Governing cyberspace: behavior, power, and diplomacy. London: Rowman and Littelfield.
- Broeders D.W.J. & Berg B. van den (2020), Governing Cyberspace: Behavior, Power, and Diplomacy. In: Broeders D.W.J. & Berg B. van den (Eds.), Governing Cyberspace: Behavior, Power, and Diplomacy. London: Rowman & Littlefield. 1-15.
- Broeders D. & Berg B. van den (2020), Governing Cyberspace: Behavior, power and diplomacy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Berg B. van den, Klievink B., Steen T. van, Keymolen E.L.O., Sloot B. van der & Erkin E. (2020), Remote Access to Microdata at CBS: Context & current situation.
- Berg B. van den, Klievink B. & Steen T. van (2020), Remote Access to Microdata: Interviews with stakeholders.
- Berg B. van den, Kievink A.J., Steen T. van, Keymolen E.L.O., Sloot B. van der & Erkin Z. (2020), Remote Access to Microdata: An analysis of risks.
- Peters K., Boogaard G., Van den Berg B. & Van Kalken L. (2020), Evaluatiecommissie tijdelijke wet digitale beraadslaging en besluitvorming: Eerste tussenrapportage. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnelandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
- Peters K., Boogaard G., Van den Berg B. & Van Kalken L. (2020), Evaluatiecommissie tijdelijke wet digitale beraadslaging en besluitvorming: Tweede tussenrapportage. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnelandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
- Berg B. van den, Hutten P.E. & Prins R.S. (2020), Security and safety: An integrative perspective. In: Jacobs G., Suojanen I., Horton K.E. & Bayerl P.S. (Eds.), International security management. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 13-29.
- Peters K., Boogaard G., Berg B. van den & Kalken L. van (2020), Evaluatiecommissie tijdelijke wet digitale beraadslaging en besluitvorming: derde rapportage, eindrapport. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
- Berg B. van den & Keymolen E.L.O. (2017), Regulating security on the Internet: control versus trust, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 31(2): 188-205.
- Berg B. van den (2016), Coping with information underload: Hemming in freedom of information through decision support. In: Hildebrandt M. & Berg B. van den (Eds.), Information, Freedom and Property: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology. Abingdon (UK); New York (NY): Routledge. 173-198.
- Berg B. van den (2016), Introduction. In: Berg B. van den, Hof S. van der & Kosta E. (Eds.), 3D Printing: Legal, Philosophical and Economic Dimensions. Information technology & law series no. 26. The Hague: TMC Asser Press. 1-7.
- Hildebrandt M. & Berg B. van den (2016), Information, Freedom and Property: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology. Abingdon (UK); New York (NY): Routledge.
- Berg B. van den, Hof S. van der & Kosta E. (2016), 3D Printing - Legal, Philosophical and Economic Dimensions. Information technology & law series no. 26. The Hague: Asser Press, Springer.
- Berg B. van den (2016), Mind the air gap: Preventing privacy issues in robotics. In: Gutwirth S., Leenes R. & Hert P. de (Eds.), Data Protection on the Move: Current Developments in ICT and Privacy/Data Protection. Law, governance and technology series no. 24. Dordrecht: Springer. 1-24.
- Berg B. van den (2015), Mirror, mirror on the wall... On identity and online profiling. In: Hansen O. & Staszynska B. (Eds.), Dynamic Identity.
- Berg B. van den, Hof S. van der & Kosta E. (Eds.) (2015), 3D printing: Legal, philosophical and economic dimensions. Information technology & law series no. 26. Den Haag: TCM Asser Press.
- Berg B. van den (2014), Regulating online child safety: Introduction. In: Hof S. van der, Berg B. van den & Schermer S. (Eds.), Minding minors wandering the web: Regulating online child safety. Information technology & law series no. 24. The Hague: TCM Asser Press. 1-16.
- Koops B.-J & Berg B. van den (2014), Who cares for identity information in government 2.0? An empirical study. In: Bishop J. (Ed.), Transforming Politics and Policy in the Digital Age. Hershey: IGI Global. 238-260.
- Berg B. van den (2014), Colouring inside the lines: Using technology to regulate children’s behaviour online. In: Hof S. van der, Berg B. van den & Schermer B. (Eds.), Minding minors wandering the web: Regulating online child safety. Information technology & law series no. 24. The Hague: TCM Asser Press.
- Hof S. van der, Berg B. van den & Schermer B. (Eds.) (2014), Minding minors wandering the web: Regulating online child safety. Information technology & law series no. 24. The Hague: TMC Asser Press.
- Berg J. van den, Zoggel J. van, Snels M., Leeuwen M. van, Boeke S., Koppen L. van, Lubbe J. van der, Berg B. van den & Bos T. de (2014), On (the emergence of) cyber security science and its challenges for cyber security education. Tallin: NATO. 1-10.
- Berg B. van den, Hof S. van der & Mair C.S. (Eds.) (2013), 3D printing: Destiny, doom or dream?. The Hague: TMC Asser Press.
- Berg B. van den & Leenes R.E. (2013), Abort, retry, fail: Scoping techno-regulation and other techno-effects. In: Hildebrandt M. & Gakeer J. (Eds.), Human Law and Computer Law: Comparative Perspectives. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer. 67-89.
- Berg B. van den & Keymolen E.L.O. (2013), Techniekfilosofie: Het medium is de maat, Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap 53(1): 8-18.
- Roosendaal A., Fennell S. & Berg B. van den (2012), Dit profiel ben jij: Hyves en Facebook als advertentieplatform en identiteitsmachine. In: Hof C. van 't, Timmer J. & Est R. van (Eds.), Voorgeprogrammeerd: Hoe internet ons leven leidt. Den Haag: Boom Lemma Uitgevers. 61-83.
- Berg B. van den (2012), Pieces of me: On identity and ICT implants. In: Gasson M.N., Kosta E. & Bowman D.M. (Eds.), An analysis of human ICT implants: Technical, legal and ethical considerations. Den Haag: TMC Asser Press. 159-173.
- Wass C., Kurz T., Rücker C., Heistracher T., Leenes R.E. & Berg B. van den (2012), What Big Ears You Have - The European ‘Right of Access’ and Technological Implementations. In: , Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2012. Washington DC, USA.
- Kurz T., Rücker C., Lampoltshammer T. & Berg B. van den (2012), Towards visualization and end-user verification in data protection law. In: , Proceedings of the 15th International Legal Informatics Symposium (IRIS 2012) 507-514.
- Berg B. van den & Hof S. van der (2012), What happens to my data? A novel approach to informing users of data processing practices, First Monday 17(7): .
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