Graduation of the first class of BSc Security Studies
A fully corona proof graduation at Campus The Hague and the first class of graduates for the Bachelor Security Studies. It was a day to be remembered for 36 students and their families.

Not only are they the first group to end these studies succesfully, they also had to cope with the effects of Covid-19 during their last year and have to celebrate in a socially distanced ceremony. The students were allowed to bring two guests, for those who stayed at home the ceremony could be followed via a livestream.
New reality
No kisses, no hugs, no packjammed group picture, no hall filled with family and friends. 'Welcome in a new reality', says Daan Weggemans, programme director Security Studies. He is proud of the students that jumped into the deep end three years ago, when they started this new programme. 'Being the first comes with unique challenges and opportunities. Your constructive involvement in the programme has provided us with invaluable input for which we are grateful.'

Important lessons
Weggemans also dwelled on the extraordinary last semester the students were faced with: two dimensional academic lives largely played out in front of a computer screen. 'As we all have learned, live in times of pandemic sometimes is frustrating. To put it bluntly. But it frustrates, for security and safety scholars also in an interesting way. Every crisis comes offers chances and important lessons. Suddenly, just at once, we have become part of a crisis. Our topic of study. The thing we aim to understand and deal with. We all now experience a crisis and see what it does. We are offered unique insights that could not have been taught in the classroom.'
Following Weggemans, Bibi van den Berg, professor Cybersecurity Governance, addressed her students. She is one of the founders of the programme and therefore admitted to be 'proud and a tiny bit emotional' to see the first class of graduates in front of her. She was dressed for the occasion in a traditional professor's gown. 'Even though we are in a brand new building, this is part of the traditions of the oldest university in The Netherlands.'

Nana Salim then speaks on behalf of the students. She is one of the graduates and was closely involved in the programme as student ambassador. With a good sense of humor she rechecks all the boxes with study goals that she and her fellow students have checked the last three years. She also adds some new study goals such as knowledge of music history via the Spotify playlist 'War and Peacebuilding' by Dr. Ernst Dijkxhoorn.
Also Nana relives the extraordinary last months of their studies. 'I would like to thank all teachers that digitally guided us through these Covid-19 times. That is the reason why I can stand here proudly in front of the first class of graduates in Security Studies.'

With the speeches finished, the students are called to the front in groups of five to receive their diploma's. They have their pictures taken one at a time and that is the end of the corona proof graduation. Juriaan Spierenburg, wearing a cum laude graduation stole, is waiting for his family outside the building. 'It was fine like this. Very well organised. We have gotten used to being pragmatic and flexible these last few months and this graduation fits right in.' He will be celebrating over dinner with his family. 'It won't be anything big, but we are definitely going to celebrate – corona proof.'
BSc Security Studies
On Monday 4 September 2017 the new bachelor programme Security Studies had its official start.
Security challenges such as terrorism and cybercrime rank among the most pressing issues of our time. In the Bachelor’s in Security Studies you study 21st century security challenges and learn to devise strategic solutions to a complex world.
You will find more information on the website.