Adriaan Bedner
Professor Law and Society in Indonesia
- Name
- A.W. Bedner
- Telephone
- 071 5277252
- 0000-0002-7282-1620

Adriaan Bedner is Professor of Law and Society in Indonesia at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society. He is also Head of Department of the Van Vollenhoven Institute and honorary fellow of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV).
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Adriaan Bedner is professor of Law and Society in Indonesia, Head of Department of the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, and honorary fellow of the KITLV.
Adriaan’s research has a focus on access to justice, legal reasoning, family law and land law – in particular in Indonesia. This has led to publications on a wide variety of subjects, ranging from administrative courts and environmental litigation to human rights promotion in marriage law regimes and Indonesian legal education. He has supervised numerous PhD students and taught many courses at Leiden Law School and Leiden University College, including 'Law and Governance in Asia', 'Political and Economic Foundations of Law' and 'Making Human Rights Work'.
Adriaan has been involved in many research and legal education projects in Indonesia, sponsored among others by the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, the Dutch Research Council, the Dutch Department of Foreign Affairs and NUFFIC. He is Chair of the Board of the International Institute of Asian Studies, editor of Routledge’s Book Series Law, Development and Globalization, and a member of the Working Group on Legal Co-operation Indonesia-Netherlands.
Professor Law and Society in Indonesia
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Boone M.M., Ansems L.F.M., Bedner A.W., Filius E. & Hartendorp R.C. (Eds.) (2025), De conflictoplossende rol van de rechter in kleine en grote zaken: Van kattenvoer tot klimaat. Den Haag: Boom juridisch.
- Boone M.M., Ansems L.F.M., Bedner A.W., Filius E. & Hartendorp R.C. (2025), Opvattingen van rechters over hun conflictoplossende rol. In: Boone M.M., Ansems L.F.M., Bedner A.W., Filius E. & Hartendorp R.C. (Eds.), De conflictoplossende rol van de rechter in kleine en grote zaken: Van kattenvoer tot klimaat. Den Haag: Boom juridisch. 147-168.
- Bedner A.W., Ansems L.F.M., Boone M.M., Filius E. & Hartendorp R.C. (2025), Inleiding: de conflictoplossende rol van de rechter in kleine en grote zaken. In: Boone M.M., Ansems L.F.M., Bedner A.W., Filius E. & Hartendorp R.C. (Eds.), De conflictoplossende rol van de rechter in kleine en grote zaken: Van kattenvoer tot klimaat. Den Haag: Boom juridisch. 9-15.
- Bedner A.W. (2024), Epilogue. In: Tømte A. & Riyadi E. (Eds.), International Human Rights and Local Courts : Human Rights Interpretation in Indonesia. Routledge Research in Human Rights Law. London: Routledge. 156-171.
- Arfiansyah & Bedner A.W. (2024), Forum-shopping in criminal law: power and pragmatism in gayo, Aceh, Indonesia, Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis 56(3): 479-496.
- Utama T.S.J., Simarmata R., Vel J.A.C. & Bedner A.W. (2024), New ways of teaching Adat (customary) law at Indonesian law schools, The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies 4(1): 1-26 (2).
- Bedner A.W. (2024), ‘In verscheidenheid verenigd’: religieuze symbolen in Indonesië. In: Loof J.P. & Lawson R.A. (Eds.), Diverse mensen en gelijke rechten anno 2024: Essays ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. Titia Loenen als hoogleraar Mensenrechten en diversiteit. Meijers-reeks no. 427. Leiden: Stichting NJCM-Boekerij. 11-14.
- Dwi Putro W. & Bedner A.W. (2023), Ecological sustainability from a legal philosophy perspective, Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies 8(2): 595-632.
- Bedner A.W. & Berenschot W. (2023), Legal mobilization and civil society: on the use and usefulness of strategic litigation in Southeast Asia. In: Hansson E. & Weiss M.L. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia. London: Routledge. 81-97.
- Vel J.A.C., Bedner A.W., Utama T.S.J. & Ichlas H. (2022), Law and Heritage for Protecting Water Resources and Access to Water in Indonesia, Blue Papers 1(2): 12-23.
- Afandi F. & Bedner A.W. (2022), Between upholding the rule of law and maintaining security: criminal justice actors in Indonesia's constitution. In: Crouch M. (Ed.), Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 67-88.
- Vel J.A.C., Simarmata R., Veldhuizen L.R. van & Bedner A.W. (Eds.) (2022), Inovasi Pendidikan Hukum di Indonesia: Teori, Petunjuk dan Praktik [Innovating legal education in Indonesia: theory, guidelines and practice]. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada.
- Bedner A.W. & Vel J.A.C. (2021), Legal Education in Indonesia, The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies 1(1): 1-30 (6).
- Bedner A.W. (2021), Legal pluralism in pursuit of social justice: Cornelis van Vollenhoven and the continued relevance of his legacy in contemporary Indonesia. In: , Il pluralismo giuridico: paradigmi ed esperienze: Tomo I. Quaderni Fiorentini per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno no. 50. Milano: Giuffrè. 365-398.
- Kouwagam S. & Bedner A. (2020), Indonesia: Professionals, Brokers and Fixers. In: Abel R.L., Hammerslev O., Sommerlad H. & Schultz U. (Eds.), Lawyers in 21st Century Societies. Vol. 1: National Reports. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 735-752.
- Bedner A.W. & Wiratraman H.P. (2019), The Administrative Courts: The Quest for Consistency. In: Crouch M. (Ed.), The Politics of Court Reform: Judicial Change and Legal Culture in Indonesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 133-148.
- Bedner A.W. & Arizona Y. (2019), Adat in Indonesian Land Law: A Promise for the Future or a Dead End?, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 20(5): 416-434.
- Bedner A.W. & Oomen B. (Eds.) (2018), Real Legal Certainty and its Relevance. Essays in honour of Jan Michiel Otto. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Oomen B. & Bedner A.W. (2018), The Relevance of Legal Certainty – An Introduction. In: Bedner A.W. & Oomen B. (Eds.), Real Legal Certainty and its Relevance. Essays in Honour of Jan Michiel Otto. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 9-21.
- Bedner A.W. (2018), The promise of a thick view. In: May C. & Winchester A. (Eds.), Handbook on the Rule of Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 34-47.
- Bedner A.W. (2018), Ombudspersons in developing countries: the case of Indonesia. In: Hertogh M. & Kirkham R. (Eds.), Research Handbook on the Ombudsman. Research Handbooks in Law and Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 167-187.
- Vel J.A.C., Zakaria Y. & Bedner A.W. (2017), Law-Making as a Strategy for Change: Indonesia’s New Village Law, Asian Journal of Law and Society 4(2): 447-471.
- Vel J.A.C., Zakaria Y. & Bedner A.W. (2017), Creating Indonesia’s Village Law, Inside Indonesia 128: .
- Bedner A.W. (2017), The Need for Realism: Ideals and Practice in Indonesia’s Constitutional History. In: Adams M., Meuwese A. & Hirsch Ballin E. (Eds.), Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law. Bridging Idealism and Realism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 159-194.
- Bedner A.W. (2017), Recht und Legalität in Indonesien, Südostasien: Zeitschrift für Politik, Kultur, Dialog 33(1): 34-36.
- Vel J.A.C. & Bedner A.W. (2017), Desentralisasi dan Pemerintahan Desa di Indonesia: Baliak ka Nagari dan UU Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa [Decentralisation and Village Governance in Indonesia], Wacana: Jurnal Transformasi Sosial 37: 79-104.
- Muur W.E. van der & Bedner A.W. (2016), Traditional Rule as 'Modern Governance': Recognising the Ammatoa Kajang Adat Law Community, Mimbar Hukum 28(1): 149-163.
- Bedner A.W. (2016), Indonesian land law; integration at last? And for whom?. In: McCarthy J.F. & Robinson K. (Eds.), Land & Development in Indonesia. Searching for the People’s Sovereignty. Indonesia update series. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing. 63-90.
- Bedner A.W. (1 September 2016), Fights about Judicial Supremacy. KITLV Blog. Leiden: KITLV. [blog entry].
- Bedner A.W. (2016), Autonomy of law in Indonesia, Recht der Werkelijkheid 37(3): 10-36.
- Bedner A.W. & Tuijl P. van (21 November 2016), Nederland moet blijven investeren in goede relatie met Indonesië. De Volkskrant.
- Vel J.A.C. & Bedner A.W. (2015), Decentralisation and village governance in Indonesia: the return to the nagari and the 2014 Village Law, Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 47(3): 493-507.
- Bedner A.W. (2015), Citizenship restored, Inside Indonesia 122: .
- Bedner A.W., Cammack M. & Huis S.C. van (2015), Democracy, Human Rights, and Islamic Family Law in Post-Soeharto Indonesia, New Middle Eastern Studies 5: .
- Bedner A.W. (22 January 2015), Capital punishment in Indonesia. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Bedner A.W. (2014), How do multi-level governance processes link global energy and climate change discourses to grounded activities in production areas?. In: Vel J.A.C & Simandjuntak D. (Eds.), JARAK, the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia. Leiden: IIAS.
- Vel J.A.C. & Simandjuntak D. (Eds.) (2014), JARAK, The short history of jatropha projects in Indonesia. Leiden: IIAS.
- Vel J., Simandjuntak D., Van Rooijen L., Otto J.M., Bedner A., Widjaja H., Persoon G., Afiff S., Van Klinken G., Schulte Nordholt H., Tjeuw J., Slingerland M, Semedi P., Gunawan , McCarthy J., Suharsono S., Snelder D., Orij R. & Dieleman M. (2014), Jatropha: From an iconic biofuel crop to a green-policy parasite, IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) : .
- Hosen N., Butt S., Bedner A.W. & Horowitz D.L. (2014), Debate about Horowitz, D.L. Constitutional Change and Democracy in Indonesia, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 170(4): 557-572.
- Bedner A.W. (2013), Indonesian Legal Scholarship and Jurisprudence as an Obstacle for Transplanting Legal Institutions , Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 5(2): 253-273.
- Vel J.A.C. & Bedner A.W. (2013), Addressing a 'Globalized Social': Mobilization of Law in Global Networks with Reference to Biofuel Production in Indonesia. In: Feenan D. (Ed.), Exploring the 'Socio' of Socio-Legal Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 157-180.
- Bedner A.W. (2013), Some Notes on the Future of Indonesian Legal Education. In: , Proceeding International Conference Southeast Asia Legal Education: Preparing Lawyers for Tomorrow’s Society and Profession. Surabaya, Indonesia: Universitas Airlangga Fakultas Hukum. 3-14.
- Bedner A.W. (2013), Editorial: Developing the Rule of Law in East Asia, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 5(2): 141-145.
- Bedner A.W. (2012), Shopping forums: Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Indonesia [Shopping Forums: Administrative Courts in Indonesia]. In: Bedner A.W., Irianto S., Otto J.M. & Wirastri T.D. (Eds.), Kajian Sosio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. 209-240.
- Bedner A.W. & Vel J.A.C. (2012), Sebuah kerangka analisis untuk penelitian empiris dalam bidang akses terhadap keadilan [A Conceptual Framework for Empirical Research on Access to Justice]. In: Bedner A.W., Irianto S., Otto J.M. & Wirastri T.D. (Eds.), Kajian Sosio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. 81-114.
- Bedner A.W. (2012), Suatu pendekatan elementer terhadap negara hukum [An Elementary Approach to the Rule of Law]. In: Bedner A.W., Irianto S., Otto J.M. & Wirastri T.D. (Eds.), Kajian Sosio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasa; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. 45-80.
- Bedner A.W., Irianto S., Otto J.M. & Wirastri T.D. (Eds.) (2012), Kajian Socio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Seri unsur-unsur penyusun bangunan negara hukum. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen.
- Bedner A.W. (2011), Suatu Pendekatan Elementer Terhadap Negara Hukum [An elementary approach to the rule of law]. In: Safitri M., Marwan A. & Arizona Y. (Eds.), Satjipto Rahardjo Dan Hukum Progresif: Urgensi Dan Kritik [Satjipto Rahardjo and Progressive Law: Urgency and Critique]. Jakarta: Epistema Institute & HuMa. 139-186.
- Berenschot W.J. & Bedner A.W. (2011), Akses terhadap keadilan: Sebuah pengantar tentang perjuangan Indonesia menjadikan hukum bekerja bagi semua orang [Access to Justice: an introduction to Indonesia's struggle to make the law work for everyone]. In: Bedner A.W., Riyadi Laggut-Terre E., Berenschot W.J. & Novirianti D. (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to claim their Rights]. Jakarta: Huma Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. 3-25.
- Bedner A.W. (2011), Pengantar: Akses terhadap keadilan dan penanganan masalah lingkunan [Introduction: Access to Justice and Environmental Dispute Resolution]. In: Berenschot W.J., Bedner A.W., Riyadi Laggut-Terre E. & Novirianti D. (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights]. Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. 163-176.
- Bedner A.W. (2011), A Rule of Law Perspective on Spatial Management in Indonesia. In: Harijanti S. Dwi (Ed.), Negara Hukum yang Berkeadilan. Kumpulan Pemikiran dalam Rangka Purnabakti Prof. Dr. H. Bagir Manan, S.H., M.CL. [A Just State under the Rule of Law: A Compilation of Thoughts for the Commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Dr. H. Bagir Manan, S.H., M.CL]. Bandung: Rosda.
- Berenschot W.J., Bedner A.W., Riyadi Laggut-Terre E. & Novirianti D. (Eds.) (2011), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights]. Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute.
- Bedner A.W. (2011), 'Het belang van sociale afstand: ngo's en de Zuid-Afrikaanse staat' [Bespreking van: Handmaker, J. (2009) Advocating for accountability: Civic-state interactions to protect refugees in South Africa. Mortsel: Intersentia], Recht der Werkelijkheid 32: 85-87.
- Bedner A.W. (2011), 'Restating the Legal Anthropological Discipline' [Bespreking van: Benda-Beckmann, F. von & K. von Benda-Beckmann (2009) The Power of Law in a Transnational World: Anthropological Enquiries. Oxford: Berghahn Books], Recht der Werkelijkheid 32(3): 114-120.
- Bedner A.W. & Vel J.A.C. (2010), An analytical framework for empirical research on Access to Justice, Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal 15(1): .
- Bedner A.W. & Huis S.C. van (2010), Plurality of marriage law and marriage registration for Muslims in Indonesia: a plea for pragmatism, Utrecht Law Review 6(2): 175-191.
- Bedner A.W. (2010), Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara di Indonesia: Sebuah studi sosio-legal [Administrative Courts in Indonesia: A Socio-Legal Study]. Jakarta: HuMa, Van Vollenhoven Instite, KITLV-Jakarta.
- Setiawan K.M.P., D'Hondt L.Y. & Bedner A.W. (2010), In gesprek met Prof. Harjono, Judge of the Indonesian Constitutional Court, Novum 32(2): 16-18.
- Bedner A.W. (2010), Consequences of Decentralization: Environmental Impact Assessment and Water Pollution Control in Indonesia, Law and Policy 32(1): 38-60.
- Bedner A.W. (2010), An Elementary Approach to the Rule of Law, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 2(1): 48-74.
- Bedner A.W. (2009), 'Shopping Forums': Indonesia's Administrative Courts. In: Harding A. & Nicholson P. (Eds.), New Courts in Asia. London: Routledge. 163-180.
- Bedner A.W. (1 December 2009), Rechtsstelsel met koloniale wortels. Elsevier: 78-79.
- Bedner A.W. & Huis S.C. van (2008), The Return of the Native in Indonesian Law, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 164(2/3): 165-193.
- Bedner A.W. (2008), Court Reform. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Bedner A.W. (2008), Amalgamating environmental law in Indonesia. In: Arnscheidt J., Rooij B. van & Otto J.M. (Eds.), Lawmaking for Development. Explorations into the Theory and Practice of International Legislative Projects. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 171-198.
- Bedner A.W. (2008), Indonesië en de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens, Elsa Magazine 8(3): 17-19.
- Bedner A.W. (2008), Rebuilding the Judiciary in Indonesia: The Special Courts Strategy, Yuridika 23(3): 230-254.
- Bedner A.W. (2008), Decentralising Environmental Management in Indonesia: Impacts on EIA and Industrial Water Pollution, Jurnal Hukum Jentera 4(18): 7-29.
- Bedner A.W. (2007), Recht en Ontwikkeling. Naar een nieuwe 'Rule of Law' agenda in ontwikkelingslanden, Recht der Werkelijkheid : 57-64.
- Bedner A.W. (2007), Access to Environmental Justice in Indonesia. In: Harding A. (Ed.), Access to Environmental Justice: A comparative Study. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 89-123.
- Bedner A.W. (2007), Over de grens tussen religie en wet: het Indonesische huwelijksrecht, 56(104): 653-662.
- Bedner A.W. (2005), 'Great dangers to public order and tranquility': hekserij en rechtdoen in Afrika en Indonesië, Elsa Magazine 5e jrg.(3): 9-14.
- Bedner A.W. (2004), Realising Rights? The National Human Rights Institutions in Indonesia and Malaysia. onbekend: Van Vollenhoven Instituut.
- Bedner A.W. (2004), Access to Environmental Justice in Indonesia. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Instituut.
- Bedner A.W. (2004), Towards Meaningful Rule of Law Research: An Elementary Approach. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Instituut.
- Bedner A.W. (2003), From the Old to the New EMA: Integration or Disintegration of the Legal Potential for Enforcement?. In: Niessen N. & Bedner A.W. (Eds.), Towards Integrated Environmental Law in Indonesia?. Leiden: CNWS. 80-93.
- Bedner A.W. (2003), Introduction: Environment and Law in Indonesia. In: Niessen N. & Bedner A.W. (Eds.), Towards Integrated Environmental Law in Indonesia?. Leiden: CNWS. 1-10.
- Niessen N.J.A.P.B. & Bedner A.W. (Eds.) (2003), Towards Integrated Environmental Law in Indonesia. Leiden: CNWS.
- Bedner A.W. (2002), Legal Opinion concerning the Claim to Independency of S. Mallukus on the Basis of the Round Table Treaty of 1949. S.I.: S.N.
- Bedner A.W. (2002), The Use of Implementing Regulations in Indonesia. S.I.: S.N.
- Bedner A.W. (2002), Legal Opinion Concerning Civil Liability in Maritime Trade Under Indonesian Law. S.I.: S.N.
- Bedner A.W. (31 October 2002), Land Law in the Indonesian Administrative Courts. Gastcollege. Rechtenfaculteit, Universiteit Nijmegen. [lecture].
- Bedner A.W. (2002), Judicial Recruitment and Career in Indonesia: Opportunities and Risks. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (2002), Interview voor NPS Radio over constitutionele ontwikkelingen in Indonesië. Hilversum: NPS Radio. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (2002), Introduction Sociologie de Droit. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (2002), Functie bij : Ver. v. d. Soc.-Wetenschap Bestudering v.h. Recht. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (19 August 2002), Indonesië gebaat bij nieuwe constitutie. NRC Handelsblad.
- Bedner A.W. (2001), Administrative Courts in Indonesia: a socio-legal study. The Hague: Kluwer Law International.
- Bedner A.W. (2001), In de vuurlinie tussen staat en burgers: de Indonesische adminsitratieve rechter en het huwelijk. Cliteur P.B. & Eeckhout V. van den (Eds.), Multiculturalisme, cultuurrelativisme en sociale cohesie, In: Meijers-reeks, nr. 33. . Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 491-503.
- Bedner A.W. (2001), Member Oppositon Committee PhD-defense Mrs Herlien Budiono. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (2001), Administrative Courts in Indonesia: State Reform or Image Building. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (2001), Administrative courts in Indonesia: legal institutions in disorder?. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (2001), De Indonesische Bestuursrechtspraak: een windmolen tussen de sawah's?, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht (6): 149-156.
- Bedner A.W. (2001), Administrative Courts in Indonesia: a Socio-Legal study. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (2000), Decentralization and Enforcement of Environmental Law. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (2000), Functie bij : ver. sociaal wetenschappelijke bestudering Recht. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (12 April 2000), Administrative Courts in Indonesia: A Socio-Legal Study (Dissertatie, Leiden University). s.l.: s.n.. Supervisor(s): Drupsteen T.G., Otto J.M. & Huls N.J.H.
- Bedner A.W. (2000), The Insela Research Project on Environmental Law and Administration in Indonesia, Reflexie, Forum Nederland-Indonesia 3(3): 7-11.
- Bedner A.W. (2000), Fred W. Riggs, nestor van de ontwikkelingsbestuurskunde, Facta 8(5): 18-20.
- Bedner A.W. & Niessen N.J.A.P.B. (2000), De Staat Indonesië: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika - Eenheid in Verscheidenheid?, Facta 8(2): 2-6.
- Bedner A.W. (2000), "The incredible shrinking state": Indonesie en zijn natuurlijke hulpbronnen, JASON 25(3): 16-21.
- Bedner A.W. (1999), From the Old to the New EMA: Integration or Disintegration of the Legal Potential for Enforcement?. Leiden: INSELA.
- Bedner A.W. (1999), Penegakan hukum di Indonesia dan Belanda, satu perbandingan. Universiteit Twente: Vakgroep Ontwikkelingskunde. [other].
- Bedner A.W. (1999) Peasant women and access to land: Customary law, state law and gender-based ideology; The case of the Toba-Batak (North Sumatra). Review of: Simbolon Indira J. (1999), Book review no. 1. Wageningen: Agricultural University. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 155: 145-147.
- Arnscheidt J., Bedner A.W., Lotringen K. van & Niessen N.J.A.P.B. (2 November 1999), Federalisatie van Indonesië kan averechts gevolg hebben. De Volkskrant: 9-9.