The Executive Board and the Board of Education of the Institute of Psychology are responsible for the organisation. A number of committees offer specialised knowlegde, such as the Research Ethics Committee. Students have a say in programme committees.

Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for the strategy of the Institute of Psychology, for managing the personnel and finances of the institute, and for distributing tasks among staff members.
Executive Board
Board of Education
The Board of Education is responsible for the organisation and integration of education within the Institute of Psychology.
Board of Education
Board of Admissions
The Board of Admissions is responsible for the requirements for the Master's Programmes in Psychology (MSc).
Board of admissions
Board of Examiners
The main tasks of the Board of Examiners are described in detail in the rules and regulations concerning teaching and examinations.
Psychology Board of Examiners
Research Ethics Committee
The Psychology Research Ethics Committee considers applications for ethical approval for research conducted within the Institute of Psychology.
Psychology Research Ethics Committee
Research Committee
The Research Committee acts as an advisory body with respect to the activities of the Executive Board.
Research Committee
International Student Platform
International students who want to have a say in our programme are welcome to the International Student Platform (ISP).
International Student Platform
International Student Platform IBP
Students of the International Bachelor in Psychology (IBP) who want to have a say in our programme are welcome to the International Student Platform (IBP-ISP).
International Student Platform IBP
Bachelor's Programme Committee (BOC)
The Bachelor's Programme Committee acts as advisor to the Board of Education. In other to ensure a broad basis for advice, the Committee includes 6 students, in addition to one lecturer for each section.
Bachelor's Programme Committee
Master's Programme Committee (MOC)
The Master's Programme Committee acts as advisor to the Programme Board. In other to ensure a broad basis for advice, the Committee includes 9 students, in addition to one lecturer for each specialisation.
Master's Programme Committee (MOC)
Research Master’s Programme Committee (R-MOC)
The Research Master’s Programme Committee acts as advisor to the Programme Board. In other to ensure a broad basis for advice, the Committee includes 5 students, in addition to one lecturer for each research master track.
Research Master’s Programme Committee (R-MOC)