Social and Behavioural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FSW) offers an inspiring and competitive, international working and learning environment to around 1,025 staff and around 7,000 students from home and abroad on 13 bachelor's, master's and research master's programmes.
Faculty Board
The faculty is headed by the Faculty Board, assisted by the Faculty Office.
The Faculty Board is responsible for the management and infrastructure of the faculty to facilitate research and education.
The board consists of:
- The Dean, Sarah de Rijcke (General Management, Human Resources Management (chair positions), Library Policy and Research Policy).
- Kristiaan van der Heiden is Director of Education (Education Policy)
- Egon Houben is executive Director (Human Resources Management, Organisation Policy, ICT Policy, Finances)
- Bart Barendregt is Director of Research (Research Policy), and Dean of the Graduate School
- Robin Buijs is the Student Member (Student Matters)

Faculty Council
The Faculty Council advises the Faculty Board solicited and unsolicited advice on all matters on Faculty level relating to teaching, research, and organisation.