Universiteit Leiden

nl en

Leiden Institute of Chemistry


Research and education at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry is overseen by the Management Team, the WERA and the I-Raad/LIC Council.


The MSc and BSc programmes at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry are headed by the Educational Directors: Lies Bouwman for the MSc Chemistry and MSc Life Science & Technology programmes, and Marco van Eijk for the BSc Life Science & Technology programme.

Management Team

The Management Team (MT) at the LIC consists of the Scientific Director (Marcellus Ubbink), the MSc & BSc Programme Director(s) (Lies Bouwman), the Institute Manager (Lian Olsthoorn-Tieleman), and, representing the research themes Chemical Biology and Energy & Sustainability: Mario van der Stelt (also vice-Scientific Director) and Marc Koper respectively.

WERA (Scientific Council)

All group leaders and principal investigators participate in the WERA (scientific council). The WERA advises the Scientific Director on all matters related to the research within the institute.

I-Raad (Institute Council)

Next to the WERA, the I-raad/Institute Council is an advisory council that advises on for example budget planning, possible reorganisation plans, structural co-operations with external partners, and the appointment of a new Scientific Director (WD). In addition, the Institute Council is an important means of communication between the WD and the LIC employees that are not a principal investigator. The council meets at least three times a year, but it can also be convoked more frequently by the members of the council or the WD, to discuss about particular topics. For more details see the Faculty of W&N Regulations (paragraph 5, articles 47 and 48).

Composition of the Institute Council

  • Agur Sevink (research staff)
  • Jeroen Codee (research staff)
  • Anthe Janssen (research staff)
  • Sander Wezenberg (research staff)
  • Jessica van Krimpen-Kraaijenoord (administrative support)
  • Nico Meeuwenoord (research support)
  • Floor Stevens (research support)
  • Annemarieke Postmus (educational support)
  • Nol Duindam (PhD student)
  • Onno van der Heijden (PhD student)
  • Mark Tadema (student/CDL)
  • Max Foissard (student/Life)

Contact the I-raad

Send your comments, questions or suggestions to: instituutsraad@chem.leidenuniv.nl. Requests for meeting notes can also be sent to this address.

Institute Council regulations (in Dutch)


LIC73 represents the collective voice of all PhDs and Postdocs at the LIC, constituting a substantial 73% of our workforce, hence the name. Recognising the need for a unified platform, the LIC73 project was initiated to bridge the gap in representation and strengthen our sense of community.

Composition of the board, representing the research groups

Contact LIC73 at lic73@lic.leidenuniv.nl.

To support the board's functions, dedicated commissions have been established, comprising both board and non-board members to address various needs. Currently, there are six commissions in operation:

  • LIC73 Support
  • Professional Events
  • Onboarding
  • Social Events
  • Food Petition
  • Social Media

If you are interested in contributing to any of these commissions and collaborating with fellow PhDs and Postdocs toward common goals, please feel free to reach out to your group representative and you will be included in the desired commission. Additionally, all PhDs and Postdocs are invited to join the LIC73 WhatsApp community and Teams group to stay updated on all activities and information.

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