Research facilities
ParaNMR Facility
- Application
- The Paramagnetic NMR Facility Leiden has been established to provide support to researchers who want to apply paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy to biomolecules. Support is offered in the design and synthesis of paramagnetic probes, either for general application (such as lanthanide tags and spin labels) or a dedicated purpose (such as enzyme substrates modified with a paramagnetic group). Also help with the attachment of probes to proteins and the acquisition, processing and analysis of the data can be provided.
- Location
Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
- Contact
- Karthick Sai Sankar Gupta

Academic or for-profit use
For academic users the Facility works on the basis of collaboration. Facility co-workers who have given significant experimental or intellectual input are expected to co-author publications. For-profit organisations that want to use the facility should contact the head of the facility to discuss the possibilities.
Depending on the project it is possible for researchers to visit Leiden to be involved in the work directly, for example to learn protein tagging procedures, or ask for the products to be sent out. Unfortunately, the Facility has no funding for visits, so the costs for travel and accommodation need to be borne by the researchers. The Facility may request a contribution in the costs (bench fee) if the project requires so.
Acknowledgement and feedback
In publications, users are required to include an acknowledgement, for example “The Paramagnetic NMR Facility Leiden ( is acknowledged for support in the production of paramagnetic molecules and the data acquisition and analysis.”
After the project users will be asked for feedback on the performance of the Facility to help improve its service.
For applications please contact us.
The applications are evaluated by the Evaluation Committee. Criteria are the quality of the proposed research, the appropriateness of paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy to address the research question and the capacity within the Facility to execute the project. We try to provide an answer within two weeks.
Karthick Babu Sai Sankar Gupta
Phone: +31 71 527 4638
Fons Lefeber
Phone: +31 71 527 4638
The Facility has been made possible with funding from NWO and Universiteit Leiden.