Leiden Observatory
Rychard Bouwens Associate professor
Jordy Bouwman Assistant Professor / Guest
Bernhard Brandl Professor of Infrared astronomy
Jarle Brinchmann Associate Professor/Guest
Anthony Brown Associate professor
Leonard Burtscher Guest researcher
Ko-Ju Chuang Assistant professor
Marcel van Daalen Assistant professor
Dirk van Delft
Erik Deul Scientific system programmer
Ewine van Dishoeck Professor Molecular Astrophysics
Niek Doelman Senior researcher / guest
Pascale Ehrenfreund Professor Astrobiology
Marijn Franx Professor of Extragalactic astronomy
Malcolm Fridlund Guest professor
Michael Garrett Professor of Radio techniques in astronomy
Harm Habing Professor emeritus of Astrophysics
Sebastiaan Haffert Assistant professor
Joe Hennawi Professor Cosmology
Jacqueline Hodge Associate Professor
Henk Hoekstra Professor Observational cosmology
Michiel Hogerheijde Associate professor/Education Director
Vincent Icke Professor emeritus of Theoretical Astronomy
Frank Israel Professor emeritus of Nearby star systems
Walter Jaffe Guest Professor
Jelle Kaastra Professor emeritus of High energy astrophysics
Christoph Keller Guest Professor
Matthew Kenworthy Associate professor
Mariska Kriek Professor Extragalactic Astronomy / Associate Director PhD and Postdoc Affairs
Koen Kuijken Professor Galactic astronomy
Thanja Lamberts Assistant Professor
Huib van Langevelde Professor Galactic Radio Astronomy
Jan Lub Associate professor / guest
Frans van Lunteren Professor of History of the natural sciences
Nienke van der Marel Assistant Professor
Melissa McClure Assistant professor
Yamila Miguel Associate professor
George Miley Professor emeritus of Astronomy
Ana Monreal Ibero Assistant professor
Simon Portegies Zwart Professor of Numerical star dynamics
Pedro Rodrigues dos Santos Russo Associate professor
Elena Rossi Professor Theoretical astrophysics
Huub Rottgering Professor of Observational cosmology
Matthieu Schaller University lecturer
Joop Schaye Professor of The formation of galaxies
Elena Sellentin Associate professor
Ignas Snellen Scientific director / Professor of Observational astrophysics
Frans Snik Assistant Professor
Tomas Stolker Assistant professor
Remko Stuik Researcher Astronomical Instrumentation
Sjoert van Velzen Assistant professor
Aline Vidotto Professor Astronomy, in paritcular Stellar and Planetary Atrophysics
Serena Viti Professor Astronomy
Reinout van Weeren Associate professor/Master Program Director
Paul van der Werf Professor of Extragalactic astrophysics
Joshua Albert Postdoc
Maria Arias de Saavedra Benitez Guest researcher
Eduardo Balbinot Postdoc
Stefano Bellotti Postdoc
Leindert Boogaard Postdoc
Andrea Botteon Guest researcher
Mathilde Bouvier Postdoctoral researcher
Olivier Burggraaff Postdoc / Guest
Evgenii Chaikin Postdoc
Nicolas Crouzet Guest researcher
David Doelman Guest researcher
Kasia Dutkowska Postdoc
Filip Elekes Postdoc
Dag Evensberget Postdoctoral researcher
Victor Forouhar Moreno Postdoc
Logan Francis Postdoctoral researcher
Yuming Fu Postdoc
Violeta Gamez Rosas Guest researcher
Helgi Hrodmarsson Guest researcher
Filip Husko Postdoc
Jurjen de Jong Postdoc
Pascal Keller Postdoc
Franciele Kruczkiewicz Postdoc / Marie Curie fellow
Boy Lankhaar Guest Postdoc
Tram Le Postdoc
Megan Lewis Postdoc
Qing Liu Postdoc
Pavel Mancera Piña Postdoctoral VENI fellow
Matthijs Mars Postdoc
Konstantinos Migkas Postdoctoral X-ray Oort fellow
Will Robson Monteiro Rocha Guest researcher
Alexander Mushtukov Researcher / Guest
David Navarro Gironés Postdoc
Thanh Nguyen Postdoc
Danilo Nogueira Albergaria Pereira Project scientist
Martijn Oei guest researcher
Raymond Oonk Postdoc / guest
Cornelia Pabst Postdoc
Zephyr Penoyre Postdoctoral researcher
James Petley Postdoc
Divya Rana Postdoc
Mojtaba Raouf Hajar Zarrin Guest researcher
Samira Rezaei Badafshani Postdoc
Matus Rybak Postdoc
Mariana Belen Sanchez Postdoctoral researcher
Emily Sandford Postdoc
Andrew Sellek Postdoc
Piyush Sharda Postdoctoral Oort Fellow
Timothy Shimwell Guest lecturer / researcher
Zak Smith Postdoc
Pavithraa Sundararajan Guest researcher
Lukasz Tychoniec Postdoc
Solène Chloé Ulmer-Moll Postdoctoral Oort Fellow
Marie Van de Sande Postdoctoral Oort Fellowship
Mijin Yoon Postdoc
Turgay Çaglar Guest researcher
Petra Awad Education and research technician
Felix Bettonvil Project manager
Erik Deul Scientific system programmer
Kateryna Frantseva IAU E-ROAD Project Scientist
Jan van der Geest Financial manager NOVA METIS project
Anton Heemskerk Education coordinator
Robin Hölscher Managing Coordinator
Violette Impellizzeri Program Manager Allegro
Huib Intema IT Research and Education Developer
David Jansen Scientific programmer
Dennis Janssen Director of Operations
Jantine Liesting-de Kok Office Manager NOVA
Genevieve Marshall Knowledge valorization staff member
Somayeh Morabbi Management/office assistent
Kim Nguyen Student Affairs Staff member Leiden Observatory
Hafize Olgun Administrative staff member
Willemijn van Rijn Student Affairs Officer bachelor
Michiel Rodenhuis Executive director NOVA
Chad Salo Technical Project Manager and Systems Engineer METIS
Wouter Schrier Study Advisor
Rowan Sprinkhuizen Communication staff member
Kira Strelow Co-ordinator Old Observatory
Nuray Turan-Koc Staff Member Project Administration
Liesbeth van der Veld Management/office-assistent
Bram Venemans Deputy Head ICT group
Alina Vink Management/office assistant Leiden Observatory
Châtelaine Voets Management Assistant
Thomas Wijnen Coordinator Instrumentation NOVA
Nancy Zhou Management/office assistant: Leiden Observatory
Lars Abbo PhD candidate
Joshua Albert Postdoc
Andrew Allan PhD candidate
Maria Arias de Saavedra Benitez Guest researcher
Zeynab Ashurikisomi PhD candidate
Petra Awad Education and research technician
Anna Balaudo PhD candidate
Eduardo Balbinot Postdoc
Stefano Bellotti Postdoc
Felix Bettonvil Project manager
Leindert Boogaard Postdoc
Andrea Botteon Guest researcher
Ilham Bouisaghouane PhD candidate
Mathilde Bouvier Postdoctoral researcher
Rychard Bouwens Associate professor
Jordy Bouwman Assistant Professor / Guest
Paul Boven PhD candidate / guest
Bernhard Brandl Professor of Infrared astronomy
Jarle Brinchmann Associate Professor/Guest
Anthony Brown Associate professor
Jeger Broxterman PhD candidate
Nashanty Brunken PhD candidate
Christiaan van Buchem PhD candidate
Victorine Buiten PhD candidate
Olivier Burggraaff Postdoc / Guest
Leonard Burtscher Guest researcher
Josh Butterworth PhD candidate
Richelle van Capelleveen PhD candidate
Julia de Carvalho Santos PhD Candidate
Manuel Cavieres Carrera PhD candidate
Karin Cescon PhD candidate
Evgenii Chaikin Postdoc
Yuan Chen PhD candidate
Chloe Cheng PhD candidate
Ko-Ju Chuang Assistant professor
Nicolas Crouzet Guest researcher
Marcel van Daalen Assistant professor
Dirk van Dam Guest PhD candidate
Michiel Darcis Exernal PhD candidate
Dirk van Delft
Erik Deul Scientific system programmer
Esther van Dijk PhD candidate
Tobias Dijkhuis PhD candidate
Ewine van Dishoeck Professor Molecular Astrophysics
David Doelman Guest researcher
Niek Doelman Senior researcher / guest
Patrick Dorval Guest PhD candidate
Kasia Dutkowska Postdoc
Pascale Ehrenfreund Professor Astrobiology
Filip Elekes Postdoc
Dag Evensberget Postdoctoral researcher
Fedde Fagginger Auer PhD candidate
Anselmo Falorca PhD candidate
Victor Forouhar Moreno Postdoc
Logan Francis Postdoctoral researcher
Kateryna Frantseva IAU E-ROAD Project Scientist
Marijn Franx Professor of Extragalactic astronomy
Malcolm Fridlund Guest professor
Yuming Fu Postdoc
Violeta Gamez Rosas Guest researcher
Michael Garrett Professor of Radio techniques in astronomy
Jan van der Geest Financial manager NOVA METIS project
Claudia Giese PhD candidate / guest
Darío González Picos PhD candidate
Natalie Grasser PhD candidate
Christian Groeneveld PhD candidate
Liyi Gu Guest researcher
Osmar Manuel Guerra Alvarado PhD candidate
Luna van Haastere PhD candidate
Harm Habing Professor emeritus of Astrophysics
Sebastiaan Haffert Assistant professor
Anton Heemskerk Education coordinator
Stephanie Heikamp PhD candidate / guest
Joe Hennawi Professor Cosmology
Thomas Herard PhD candidate
Aniruddh Herle PhD candidate
Emily van Hese PhD candidate
Erwan Hochart PhD candidate
Jacqueline Hodge Associate Professor
Henk Hoekstra Professor Observational cosmology
Michiel Hogerheijde Associate professor/Education Director
Hylke Hoogland External PhD candidate/guest
Helgi Hrodmarsson Guest researcher
Shuo Huang PhD candidate / contract
Filip Husko Postdoc
Robin Hölscher Managing Coordinator
Vincent Icke Professor emeritus of Theoretical Astronomy
Violette Impellizzeri Program Manager Allegro
Huib Intema IT Research and Education Developer
Frank Israel Professor emeritus of Nearby star systems
Walter Jaffe Guest Professor
David Jansen Scientific programmer
Dennis Janssen Director of Operations
Leoni Janssen PhD candidate
Bin Jia PhD candidate
Jurjen de Jong Postdoc
Jelle Kaastra Professor emeritus of High energy astrophysics
Jerry Kamer PhD candidate
Orestis Karapiperis PhD
Christoph Keller Guest Professor
Pascal Keller Postdoc
Matthew Kenworthy Associate professor
Konstantinos Kilmetis PhD candidate
Timo Kist PhD candidate
Evangelia Kleisioti PhD candidate
Mariska Kriek Professor Extragalactic Astronomy / Associate Director PhD and Postdoc Affairs
Franciele Kruczkiewicz Postdoc / Marie Curie fellow
Roi Kugel PhD candidate
Koen Kuijken Professor Galactic astronomy
Thanja Lamberts Assistant Professor
Rico Landman Education and research technician
Huib van Langevelde Professor Galactic Radio Astronomy
Boy Lankhaar Guest Postdoc
Tram Le Postdoc
Margot Leemker Guest researcher
Ivana van Leeuwen PhD candidate
Megan Lewis Postdoc
Chen Li
Shun-Sheng Li Guest researcher
Cheng-Lin Liao PhD candidate
Jantine Liesting-de Kok Office Manager NOVA
Jinyi Liu PhD candidate contract
Pengyu Liu PhD candidate/guest
Qing Liu Postdoc
Amy Louca Guest researcher
Jan Lub Associate professor / guest
Frans van Lunteren Professor of History of the natural sciences
Pavel Mancera Piña Postdoctoral VENI fellow
Nienke van der Marel Assistant Professor
Mariia Marinichenko PhD candidate
Matthijs Mars Postdoc
Genevieve Marshall Knowledge valorization staff member
Jessica Martin PhD candidate
Paola Martire PhD candidate
Gimena Martín Girardi PhD candidate
Morgan McCabe Guest PhD candidate
Melissa McClure Assistant professor
Will McDonald PhD candidate
Jelle Mes PhD candidate - Prieneke van Hoeve Fellow
Konstantinos Migkas Postdoctoral X-ray Oort fellow
Yamila Miguel Associate professor
George Miley Professor emeritus of Astronomy
Ana Monreal Ibero Assistant professor
Will Robson Monteiro Rocha Guest researcher
Somayeh Morabbi Management/office assistent
Willeke Mulder PhD candidate
Alexander Mushtukov Researcher / Guest
David Navarro Gironés Postdoc
Kutay Nazli PhD candidate
Dennis Neumann PhD candidate
Kim Nguyen Student Affairs Staff member Leiden Observatory
Thanh Nguyen Postdoc
Folkert Nobels Guest PhD candidate
Danilo Nogueira Albergaria Pereira Project scientist
Martijn Oei guest researcher
Hafize Olgun Administrative staff member
Silvia Onorato PhD candidate
Raymond Oonk Postdoc / guest
Cornelia Pabst Postdoc
Tong Pan PhD candidate / contract
Zephyr Penoyre Postdoctoral researcher
James Petley Postdoc
Elia Pizzati PhD candidate
Simon Portegies Zwart Professor of Numerical star dynamics
Andrés Presa Villa PhD candidate
Brigitte Pruijt PhD candidate
Vysakh Puthusseril Anilkumar PhD candidate
Vikram Radhakrishnan PhD candidate
Vanesa Ramirez Gomez PhD candidate
Divya Rana Postdoc
Mojtaba Raouf Hajar Zarrin Guest researcher
Sam de Regt PhD candidate
Samira Rezaei Badafshani Postdoc
Willemijn van Rijn Student Affairs Officer bachelor
Michiel Rodenhuis Executive director NOVA
Pedro Rodrigues dos Santos Russo Associate professor
Ciaran Rogers PhD candidate
Elena Rossi Professor Theoretical astrophysics
Alessia Rota PhD candidate
Huub Rottgering Professor of Observational cosmology
Lucie Rowland PhD candidate
Matus Rybak Postdoc
Chad Salo Technical Project Manager and Systems Engineer METIS
Pranjal Samarth PhD candidate
Mariana Belen Sanchez Postdoctoral researcher
Emily Sandford Postdoc
Veronica Saz Ulibarrena PhD candidate
Matthieu Schaller University lecturer
Joop Schaye Professor of The formation of galaxies
Sander Schouws PhD candidate / guest
Wouter Schrier Study Advisor
Andrew Sellek Postdoc
Elena Sellentin Associate professor
Bianca Sersante PhD candidate
Piyush Sharda Postdoctoral Oort Fellow
Nikyta Shchutskyi PhD candidate / PhD fellow
Timothy Shimwell Guest lecturer / researcher
Louis Siebenaler PhD candidate
Aurora Simionescu Research scientist / guest
Katie Slavicinska PhD candidate
Martje Slob PhD candidate
Zak Smith Postdoc
Ignas Snellen Scientific director / Professor of Observational astrophysics
Frans Snik Assistant Professor
Rowan Sprinkhuizen Communication staff member
Thijs Stockmans PhD candidate
Tomas Stolker Assistant professor
Kira Strelow Co-ordinator Old Observatory
Remko Stuik Researcher Astronomical Instrumentation
Ardjan Sturm PhD candidate-guest
Pavithraa Sundararajan Guest researcher
Frits Sweijen Guest PhD candidate
Milou Temmink PhD candidate
Roland Timmerman Guest researcher
Dima Titov Guest scientist
Elena Tonucci PhD candidate
Nuray Turan-Koc Staff Member Project Administration
Lukasz Tychoniec Postdoc
Solène Chloé Ulmer-Moll Postdoctoral Oort Fellow
Marie Van de Sande Postdoctoral Oort Fellowship
Casper Vedder PhD candidate
Liesbeth van der Veld Management/office-assistent
Sjoert van Velzen Assistant professor
Bram Venemans Deputy Head ICT group
Sill Verberne PhD candidate
Gijs Vermariën PhD candidate
Aline Vidotto Professor Astronomy, in paritcular Stellar and Planetary Atrophysics
Alina Vink Management/office assistant Leiden Observatory
Scott Visser PhD candidate
Serena Viti Professor Astronomy
Marissa Vlasblom PhD candidate
Châtelaine Voets Management Assistant
Ben Wang PhD candidate / contract
Shuyu Wang PhD candidate
Reinout van Weeren Associate professor/Master Program Director
Lukas Welzel PhD candidate
Paul van der Werf Professor of Extragalactic astrophysics
Beth Westoby PhD candidate
Thomas Wijnen Coordinator Instrumentation NOVA
Maite Wilhelm PhD candidate
Daming Yang PhD candidate
Mijin Yoon Postdoc
Sai Zhai PhD candidate / contract
Yunhao Zhang PhD / guest
Yuze Zhang PhD candidate
Keqin Zhao Guest PhD
Xinyu Zheng PhD candidate / contract
Nancy Zhou Management/office assistant: Leiden Observatory
Mantas Zilinskas Guest researcher
Bas Zoutendijk Guest PhD
Turgay Çaglar Guest researcher
Lars Abbo PhD candidate
Andrew Allan PhD candidate
Zeynab Ashurikisomi PhD candidate
Anna Balaudo PhD candidate
Ilham Bouisaghouane PhD candidate
Paul Boven PhD candidate / guest
Jeger Broxterman PhD candidate
Nashanty Brunken PhD candidate
Christiaan van Buchem PhD candidate
Victorine Buiten PhD candidate
Josh Butterworth PhD candidate
Richelle van Capelleveen PhD candidate
Julia de Carvalho Santos PhD Candidate
Manuel Cavieres Carrera PhD candidate
Karin Cescon PhD candidate
Yuan Chen PhD candidate
Chloe Cheng PhD candidate
Dirk van Dam Guest PhD candidate
Michiel Darcis Exernal PhD candidate
Esther van Dijk PhD candidate
Tobias Dijkhuis PhD candidate
Patrick Dorval Guest PhD candidate
Fedde Fagginger Auer PhD candidate
Anselmo Falorca PhD candidate
Claudia Giese PhD candidate / guest
Darío González Picos PhD candidate
Natalie Grasser PhD candidate
Christian Groeneveld PhD candidate
Osmar Manuel Guerra Alvarado PhD candidate
Luna van Haastere PhD candidate
Stephanie Heikamp PhD candidate / guest
Thomas Herard PhD candidate
Aniruddh Herle PhD candidate
Emily van Hese PhD candidate
Erwan Hochart PhD candidate
Hylke Hoogland External PhD candidate/guest
Shuo Huang PhD candidate / contract
Leoni Janssen PhD candidate
Bin Jia PhD candidate
Jerry Kamer PhD candidate
Orestis Karapiperis PhD
Konstantinos Kilmetis PhD candidate
Timo Kist PhD candidate
Evangelia Kleisioti PhD candidate
Roi Kugel PhD candidate
Rico Landman Education and research technician
Margot Leemker Guest researcher
Ivana van Leeuwen PhD candidate
Shun-Sheng Li Guest researcher
Cheng-Lin Liao PhD candidate
Jinyi Liu PhD candidate contract
Pengyu Liu PhD candidate/guest
Amy Louca Guest researcher
Mariia Marinichenko PhD candidate
Jessica Martin PhD candidate
Paola Martire PhD candidate
Gimena Martín Girardi PhD candidate
Morgan McCabe Guest PhD candidate
Will McDonald PhD candidate
Jelle Mes PhD candidate - Prieneke van Hoeve Fellow
Willeke Mulder PhD candidate
Kutay Nazli PhD candidate
Dennis Neumann PhD candidate
Silvia Onorato PhD candidate
Tong Pan PhD candidate / contract
Elia Pizzati PhD candidate
Andrés Presa Villa PhD candidate
Brigitte Pruijt PhD candidate
Vysakh Puthusseril Anilkumar PhD candidate
Vikram Radhakrishnan PhD candidate
Vanesa Ramirez Gomez PhD candidate
Sam de Regt PhD candidate
Ciaran Rogers PhD candidate
Alessia Rota PhD candidate
Lucie Rowland PhD candidate
Pranjal Samarth PhD candidate
Veronica Saz Ulibarrena PhD candidate
Sander Schouws PhD candidate / guest
Bianca Sersante PhD candidate
Nikyta Shchutskyi PhD candidate / PhD fellow
Louis Siebenaler PhD candidate
Katie Slavicinska PhD candidate
Martje Slob PhD candidate
Thijs Stockmans PhD candidate
Ardjan Sturm PhD candidate-guest
Frits Sweijen Guest PhD candidate
Milou Temmink PhD candidate
Roland Timmerman Guest researcher
Elena Tonucci PhD candidate
Casper Vedder PhD candidate
Sill Verberne PhD candidate
Gijs Vermariën PhD candidate
Scott Visser PhD candidate
Marissa Vlasblom PhD candidate
Ben Wang PhD candidate / contract
Shuyu Wang PhD candidate
Lukas Welzel PhD candidate
Beth Westoby PhD candidate
Maite Wilhelm PhD candidate
Daming Yang PhD candidate
Sai Zhai PhD candidate / contract
Yunhao Zhang PhD / guest
Yuze Zhang PhD candidate
Keqin Zhao Guest PhD
Xinyu Zheng PhD candidate / contract
Mantas Zilinskas Guest researcher
Bas Zoutendijk Guest PhD