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Conference proceedings

The proceedings will be published by NINO and Peeters (in the series PIHANS) under the editorship of Jan Gerrit Dercksen and Willemijn Waal.


Only papers presented at the Rencontre in Leiden and dealing with the theme of Inequality in the Ancient Near East can be accepted in the volume. Should you be uncertain whether your paper is suitable for the proceedings, please contact us before submitting your manuscript. For logistical reasons, we kindly ask to send us a brief confirmation if you plan to submit your paper.

The deadline for submission is 31 December 2023. Manuscripts can be sent in word and pdf to this e-mail address. All submissions will be peer-reviewed before acceptance.

The documents on the right give an overview of guidelines for manuscripts to be submitted for the proceedings of the 68th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. The word-file of this document may be used as a template.

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