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The RAI68 will take place from Monday 17 July up to Thursday 20 July 2023, in the centre of Leiden.

Last minute changes

In the last days before the Rencontre, the following changes had to be made to the program:

  • Mon 10:30-11:00 Lipsius 019: Keynote lecture by Laith Hussein: CANCELLED
  • Mon 14:30-16:00, Lipsius 028 Chair: Heeßel -> Boivin
  • Mon 16:30–18:00, Lipsius 123: Chair: Wisnom -> Koubková
  • Tue 9:00-9:30, Lipsius 028: Lecture by Heeßel: CANCELLED
  • Tue 14:30-16:00, Lipsius 123: Chair: Heeßel -> Simons
  • Thu 09:00-11:00, Lipsius 123: Chair: De Zorzi -> Zomer
  • Thu 10:00-10:30, Lipsius 019: Lecture by Deubelbeiss: CANCELLED
  • Thu 10:30-11:00, Lipsius 019: Lecture by Eertink -> 10:00-10:30
  • Thu 11:30-13:00, Lipsius 123: Chair: Zomer -> De Zorzi
  • Thu 12:00-12:30, Lipsius 011: Lecture by Khwshnaw: ​​​​​CANCELLED
  • Thu 17:00-17:10, Lipsius 019: Brief project presentation by Cammarosano: CANCELLED

Program of the RAI68

The final version of the conference program is now published.

Abstract booklet

The abstracts for all keynote lectues, workshops, papers, brief project presentations and posters to be delivered at the 68th Rencontre can be found here. Download the booklet below, and check the date, time and place of your favorite lectures!


We are grateful to all colleagues who have submitted workshop proposals. Here follows a list of accepted workshops and their organisers:

  • Intertextuality in cuneiform literature: latest research and the issues of methodology (N. Artemov, J. Bach, S. Wisnom);
  • Who is it (good) for? Ritual texts and ritual performances (B. Baragli et al);
  • Beyond slavery and freedom in the Ancient Near East (V. Bartash);
  • Akkadian linguistics (Ø. Bjøru, J.J. de Ridder, N. Pat-El);
  • The construction of meaning in Ancient Mesopotamian literature and scholarship (N. De Zorzi);
  • Trees and shrubs in the Ancient Near East: investigating the plurality of practices and meanings in the human-arboreal relationship (S. Di Paolo, G. Zisa);
  • Assyrian Royal Inscriptions in Honor of A.K. Grayson (G. Frame);
  • New research on the city of Babylon (O. Boivin, K. Kleber);
  • Tracking and managing texts, things, and people in cuneiform cultures (M. Kozuh);
  • Third millennium studies (N. Kraus);
  • Religion, Ritual and Inequality in the Ancient Near East (T. Nation);
  • Accounting systems in cuneiform cultures (T. Nicolas);
  • The impact of Victorian evolutionism on Ancient Near Eastern studies (E. Pfoh, L. Verderame);
  • Hygiene in the Ancient Near East: power, privilege, inequality (L. Portuese);
  • Connecting Babylon and Ešnunna: textual and archaeological evidence of the first half of the second millennium BCE (A. Rositani, N. Laneri);
  • Equality of access to Mesopotamia: public outreach and pedagogy (P. Rosenstein and C. Michel).

General structure of the RAI68


Sunday 16 July 2023

registration at RMO

Monday 17 July 2023

registration; keynote lectures; lectures; workshops; welcome reception at RMO

Tuesday 18 July 2023

lectures; panels; workshops

Wednesday 19 July 2023

lectures; workshops; IAA general meeting

Thursday 20 July 2023

lectures; workshops; poster session; brief project presentations; dinner and goodbye party
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