Recap: Leiden Leadership Summer Café
What is the most popular leadership theme among students writing their thesis? In which organisation will the LLC leadership scan first be put into practice? Is it true that leaders who score high on “friendliness” are seen as less effective by their employees? And do leaders with a clear vision reduce task ambiguity of professionals?
Last Friday, June 3rd, students, professionals and academics put their knowledge to the test during the Leiden Leadership Summer Café. The pubquiz, hosted by Eduard Schmidt, touched upon public leadership in the news, posed statements about remarkable leadership research, and referred to recent LLC-research projects.
While the pubquiz offered a great deal of insight into the activities of the LLC in a fun and accessible manner, it also provided a good way to get to know the various members of the LLC-network. By connecting students, academics, and professionals – each with their own background and unique knowledge – we can help each other to go further and together successfully shape public leadership.
View the photo coverage below.
The winning team of the Leiden Leadership Pubquiz 2022
About the Leiden Leadership Centre
The Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC) at Leiden University is a platform for research and education in the field of public leadership, based in The Hague. Our aim is to advance knowledge and contribute to the development of public leadership – both in science and in practice.