Public Administration students ‘brutally honest’ about the reorganization of the Tax Authorities
Recently three Public Administration students of Leiden University gave a sturdy advice to the Tax Authorities about the effects of the reorganization, at the invitation of the Ministry of Finance.
The students did so as a result of their prizewinning papers. In their presentations, on 17 November, the students advised the general director of the Tax Authorities on the effects of the reorganization on three aspects: the performances of the organization, the structure of the organization and the work motivation of the Tax Authorities’ staff. The Tax Authorities called the analyses of the three students ‘brutally honest’. By the way, the students also had to defend their analysis against the sharp questions of the Tax Authorities.
The three students are the winners of the Best Paper competition of the Management and Performance. This competition is organized every year by the Tax Authorities and assistant professor dr. Joris van der Voet. Of all participating bachelor students – 120 analyses were sent in – the three best students had the opportunity to present their analyses at the Tax Authorities, and they received a reward.
The Best Paper competition is one of the ways in which the unique link between theory and practice is shown in the bachelors’ programmes of Public Administration.