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Writing Academic English

Target group
Academic staff
Start level
Start courses
September, February
Language of instruction

Course description

The foundation course Writing Academic English aims to develop and expand the skills required to write reports, articles, books and dissertations in English. Not only are such issues as correct language use addressed, the course also teaches students to write in language that is both effective and appropriate for academic texts. As well as paying attention to grammar and vocabulary use, the course also focuses on writing strategies that are characteristic of English texts on academic subjects. It will be assumed that the participants have some experience and competence in writing academic texts in Dutch (or in another language), but feel the need to learn how to produce readable texts in English with the same degree of ease.  

You will learn

  • how to structure information effectively;
  • how to link ideas and arguments smoothly to create a flowing text;
  • to take a critical view of your own work;
  • how to write clear and concise texts;
  • the conventions for stressing key constituents in English texts.

On completion of this course it is possible to attend one of the short follow-up courses in which specific attention will be paid to the distinct requirements imposed on texts in a particular field of study. These courses will consist of two plenary sessions and one individual session.

Course material

  • Swales, J.M., en C.B. Feak, Academic writing for graduate students: Essential Tasks and Skills (third edition), University of Michigan Press.

Target group and admission requirements

The course is open to participants from all fields of study who are currently working on an article for publication or any other academic writing project in English. The language of instruction is English. Participants are expected to have English language skills at level B2+ or higher in terms of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

You are strongly advised  to take a placement test to make sure you currently have the knowledge required. You can simply complete the online placement test at home. When you are in doubt, contact us: talencentrum@hum.leidenuniv.nl

PhD students can register for another courses Academic Writing.

Other information

  • The maximum number of participants for this course is 12.
  • The course load is 56 hours. 
  • If classes are cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, they will be added on to the end of the course. Please take into account courses may end later than scheduled.
  • The course level is indicated with the help of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
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