Honours Academy
For educators
Do you want to experiment with new teaching methods, connect education to society, or design a course with a colleague of another discipline? Then the Honours Academy is the right place for you.
Testing ground
The Honours Academy serves as a testing ground for new teaching methods. In honours education, small classrooms are the standard. Motivated students from various disciplines learn from and with each other. This learning environment is very suitable to explore and test new teaching methods.
You can bring the lessons learned during honours education to regular education. This way, you will both enhance your own capabilities and improve your educational programme.
Curious what possibilities honours education has to offer? Below you find various examples.
The Honours Academy gives you the freedom to experiment with new assessment and teaching methods. You get the possibility to engage in creative workshops, create a podcast with your students, or come up with something entirely new.
Additionally, honours education offers you the opportunity to explore new target groups. Through the PRE-College and PRE-Classes you can inspire prospective students for university-level education and research, while letting them experience what it is like to study at a university.
Do you want to connect different fields of study? Interdisciplinarity is a key pillar of honours education. There are multiple ways you could contribute to this:
- Participate in the Honours College track of your faculty. In the Honours College, bachelor's students of various disciplines work together in interdisciplinary honours education. The coordinator of the track of your faculty would be happy to discuss how you can collaborate.
- Design an interdisciplinary Bachelor Honours Class or Master Honours Class. These are challenging courses of (usually) 5 EC in which students from different faculties dive into a topic that transcends disciplines. For inspiration, take a look in the prospectus, create a (very) brief outline of your idea and further brainstorm with baclasses@ha.leidenuniv.nl or maclasses@ha.leidenuniv.nl.
- Contribute to LDE-honours education in which bachelor students from Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam follow interdisciplinary education. Our educational director would love to brainstorm with you over new large or small-scale collaboration opportunities. For inspiration, check out the existing programmes around Sustainability and Space & Society.
The motto of the Honours Academy is outside the box. That also entails: learning outside of university and contributing to society. This is exemplified in our Master Honours Classes & Challenges. In these classes, students receive theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to then tackle a concrete challenge posed by a societal partner or organization, for example on issues related to inequality or sustainability.
The Honours Academy also collaborates closely with Leren met de stad, which organises similar projects.
Would you like to connect your teaching with society? Our educational director is eager to brainstorm with you.
When applying for a grant, it is helpful to have already tested your idea in a pilot. Honours education offers this: an ideal place to experiment. At the same time, honours education can be a place to implement innovating education with the help of a scholarship, when it does not fit within regular education. A good example of this is Designing Your Life education.
Contact our education developer to discover the possibilities.
Contact us
Don’t feel like your idea fits the examples above? We are always open to new suggestions, so do not hesitate to contact us!
Explore the possibilities with our educational director, Eline Bergijk: e.c.bergijk@ha.leidenuniv.nl.
More support
Do you want to work on educational innovation? Check out these initiatives, too:
- Leiden Learning & Innovation Centre: training, coaching and advice regarding educational innovation
- Comeniusprogramma: scholarships for educational innovators