The Foundations of European Integration
Research on this theme concerns the legitimacy and effectiveness of Europe’s institutional order in the face of public alienation and normative contestation. It is anchored in the consideration of long-term processes, including the history of European integration.
While European institutions are likely to require new legal competences to address the various challenges facing Europe, the integration process itself is increasingly controversial and at risk of deadlock due to enlargement, concerns about democratic accountability, non-compliance with EU rules by the member states, and enduring commitments to distinctive cultures and identities. As a result, the integration project and its policy-making process have been threatened by Euroscepticism and rule-of-law backsliding.
Participating researchers
Bernard Steunenberg
Professor Public administration, including the institutional economy of the public sector
Sarah Wolff
Professor International Studies and Global Politics
Recent Research Publications of our Affiliated Researchers
Blackington C., Dimitrova A.L., Ionita I. & Vachudova M. (2024), Mobilizing against democratic backsliding: what motivates protestors in central and eastern Europe?, East European Politics and Societies : 1-40.
Ceran O.M. (2024), Cross-border child relocation in the EU: the dynamics of Europeanisation. European Family Law. Cambridge: Intersentia.
Grosfeld E., Scheepers D.T. & Cuyvers A. (2024), Mapping the moral foundations of the European Union: why a lack of moral diversity may undermine perceived EU legitimacy, PNAS Nexus 3(8): 1-11 (pgae282).
Haughton T., Pomorska K.M., Malová D. & Deegan‐ Krause K. (2024), Going in Different Directions?: The 2023 Elections in Poland and Slovakia and Their Aftermath, Journal of Common Market Studies 62: 1-249.
Heidbreder E.G. & Schade D. (2024), Interinstitutional Conflict in the Context of Leadership Appointment of the Commission. In: Ceron M. Christiansen T. Dimitrakopoulos D.G. (Ed.), The Politicisation of the European Commission’s Presidency. Cham: Palgrave Macillan. 197-213.
Hofmann A. (2024), The Role of National Courts in Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU. In: Fink M (Ed.), Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU : The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press . 155–176.
Hosli M.O., Zamparini C. & Santos L.M. (2024), European Union voting and the Dutch ‘double no’: the 2005 and 2016 referendums, European Integration: Realities and Perspectives Proceedings 19(1): 45-62.
Lawson R.A. (2024), Atlas shrugged: an analysis of the ECtHR case law involving issues of EU law since opinion 2/13, European Papers 9(2): 647-671.
Mos M. & Macedo Piovezan I. (2024), Leadership in international populism : how Viktor Orbán’s Hungary shows the way, New Perspectives : .
Schade D. (2024), A Non-European Germany. In: , More diverse than united? A comparative analysis of the EU elections 2024: Das Progressive Zentrum & European Policy Centre. 23-32.
Toshkov D.D., Mazepus H., Yordanova N. & Piqani D. (2025), Enforcement and public opinion: the perceived legitimacy of rule of law sanctions, Journal of European Public Policy 32(2): 550-577.
Toshkov D.D. (2024), The political effects of intra-EU migration: Evidence from national and European elections in seven countries, European Union Politics : .
Wolff S.C.A. (2024), Migrations in the Mediterranean: IMISCOE regional reader. IMISCOE Research Series. London: Routledge.
Wolff S.C.A. & Zardo F. (2024), The role of sub-national actors in coordinative Europeanisation: insights from the digitalisation of asylum services, Comparative European Politics : .
Wolff S.C.A. (2024), The new pact on migration: embedded illiberalism?, Journal of Common Market Studies : .
Yordanova N., Khokhlova A., Ershova A., Schmidt F. D. & Glavaš G. (2024), Curb EU enthusiasm: how politicisation shapes bureaucratic responsiveness, West European Politics : 1-26.
Zon K. van, Broad M., Komornicka A., Reef P., Schimmel A. & Steehouder J. (2024), The Unfinished History of European Integration. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.