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Europe in the World

The place of European states and institutions in world politics is the core focus of this pillar. Research on this theme concerns European actors’ ability to promote peace, security and justice in their neighbourhood and to shape the future of global governance by translating its economic size into the resources and decision-making capacity necessary to be an effective player in an increasingly multipolar world.

Europe in the World

This includes Europe’s effort to support Ukraine’s response to Russian aggression and to counter Russia’s intimidation and interference in other former Soviet states, as well as the implications of these conflicts for (fragile) states and societies elsewhere in the world. It also incorporates questions about membership in Europe’s key international organizations. This includes the future of EU enlargement, as well as European actors’ relations with neighbouring states which do not have membership prospects.

Participating researchers

Recent Research Publications of our Affiliated Researchers

David M & L. D. (2024), Russia’s war on Ukraine: unbottled emotions and the conditioning of the EU’s Russia policy, Journal of European Integration 46(5): 661-684.

Gürkan S. (2024), EU-Turkey relations in a "dangerous world": prospects and challenges after the 2023 elections in Turkey. In: Christofis N. (Ed.), Elections and earthquakes: quo vadis Turkey?. The Mediterranean Politics no. 8. London: Transnational Press London. 197-208.

Gürkan S. (2024), How does the Council legitimize the EU’s response to international crises? : emotion discourse analysis of the high representative’s communications on Russia’s war of aggression. In: Coman R. & Sierens V. (Eds.), EU council presidencies in times of crises: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gürkan S. & Terzi O. (2024), Emotions in EU foreign policy – when and how do they matter?, Journal of European Integration 46(5): 575-596.

Gürkan S. (2024), Constructing an ‘emotional community’ in times of crisis: the EU’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Journal of European Integration 46(5): 635–659.

Hosli M.O. & Kantorowicz J. (2024), The European Union in the annual United Nations General Assembly Debates, Contemporary Politics : .

Juncos A. & Pomorska K. (2024), Populists in the shadow of unanimity: contestation of EU foreign and security policy, Politics and Governance 12(1): 1-15.

Juncos E. A., Lovato M. & Pomorska K.M. (2024), Coordinative Europeanization and Russia’s war of aggression: how crises shape Europeanization dynamics in EU foreign policy, Comparative European Politics : .

Juncos A. & Pomorska K. (2024), The Role of EEAS Chairs in Council Negotiations on Foreign and Security Policy Post-Lisbon, Journal of Common Market Studies 62(1): 3-20.

Larik J.E. (2024), ‘Geopolitiek recht’ in de EU: inter arma germinant leges, SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 2024(12): 523-530 (SEW 2024/160).

Loevinsohn J. & Larik J.E. (2024), Protection without recognition: the role of the Council of Europe in strengthening human rights in Kosovo, European Papers 9(1): 287-309.

Trauner F. & Wolff S.C.A. (2024), The impact of the Russian war against Ukraine on the reform of the common European asylum system, European Politics and Society : .

Vériter S.L. (2024), Small-state influence in EU security governance: unveiling Latvian lobbying against disinformation, Journal of Common Market Studies : .

Wolff Sarah Carrapico Helena Piquet Agathe (2024), Out of Sight, Out of Mind? UK–EU Member States Bilateralism as an Enabler of Europeanisation, Journal of Common Market Studies : .

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