Katharina Natter
Senior assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. K. Natter
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6864
- k.natter@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-9683-0567

Katharina Natter is Senior Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science.
More information about Katharina Natter
Selected publications
PhD Candidates
Katharina Natter is Senior Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science.
She researches migration politics from a comparative perspective, with a particular focus on the role of political regimes in immigration policymaking. Katharina’s work seeks to advance migration policy theory and to connect it with broader social science research on modern statehood and political change. Hereby, she also hopes to contribute to the wider academic effort of bridging theorizations of socio-political processes in the ‘Global South’ and the ‘Global North’.
Katharina has conducted extensive field research on the politics of migration in Morocco and Tunisia, but has also worked on European migration policies and on the link between migration and development. She has published in International Migration Review, Population and Development Review, Political Research Exchange, Comparative Migration Studies and the Journal of North African Studies. Her recent book, The Politics of Immigration Beyond Liberal States: Morocco and Tunisia in Comparative Perspective, has just been published by Cambridge University Press.
Katharina received her PhD in Political Sociology from the University of Amsterdam in 2019. Prior to that, she worked at the International Migration Institute (University of Oxford) and studied Comparative Politics at SciencesPo Paris. Since 2011, she is also involved in Asylos, an NGO providing Country of Origin research for lawyers representing asylum seekers.
Personal website: katharinanatter.com.
PhD supervision
Katharina Natter is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD candidates to send research proposals in the areas of:
- international migration and migration politics;
- comparative public policy across the Global North/Global South divide;
- political regime dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa.
See more information on PhD positions:
Senior assistant professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- I am on the board of the Foundation.
- I am on the board of trustees of the NGO Asylos (https://www.asylos.eu/)