Universiteit Leiden

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Governance of Migration and Diversity (Legal) (LL.M.)

Programme structure

The curriculum in the first semester students will follow mainly the GMD Common Courses together with their fellows from the other tracks of the GMD master's programme. The second semester focuses on the legal courses and writing the LL.M. thesis.

Programme structure

The Governance of Migration and Diversity (Legal) forms one of the five tracks of the multidisciplinary programme Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD) organised within the framework of the cooperation between Leiden, Delft and Erasmus (LDE).

The programme consists of two parts: 

  1. Joint courses for Governance of Migration and Diversity students together from all academic disciplines (25 EC) offered by our partners in the GMD programme; and 
  2. Legal track-specific courses for the students enrolled in the GMD (Legal) (25 EC plus 10 EC thesis).  

The joint courses are Governance of Migration and Diversity (5 ECTS), History of Migration and Diversity (5 ECTS), Sociology of Migration and Diversity (5 ECTS), Politics of Migration and Diversity (5 ECTS), Migration and Development (5 ECTS). You will follow these joint courses together with the students of the other GMD tracks in either Leiden, Rotterdam or The Hague.

The law courses are: Multilevel Protection of Human Rights (5 ECTS), International and European non-discrimination law (5 ECTS), International and European non-discrimination law: Privatissimum (5 ECTS), International and European Migration and Asylum Law  (5 ECTS), International and European Migration and Asylum Law: Practicum (5 ECTS), LL.M. Thesis GMD Legal (10 ECTS). These courses are all offered by Leiden Law School in Leiden itself.

Upon completion of the programme, you will receive an LL.M. degree (Specialisation GMD Legal Track) from Leiden University. You will also receive a separate certificate stating that you have successfully completed the multidisciplinary Governance of Migration and Diversity programme.