Arts, Media and Society (BA)
A day in the life
Are you interested in studying Arts, Media and Society at Leiden University? To have an impression of the student life, see the overview of a typical day out of the life of Zofia, first-year student.
Perihaan Khan
First year student

08.00 | I wake up, get ready for the day and have breakfast with my flat mates. |
08:30 | I catch up on some non-class related reading; right now I’m reading A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza. |
10:00 | I revise the reading for today’s classes so it’s fresh in my mind during the lectures. |
11:15 | Cinema and Photography: Theory. In this class we are introduced to Susan Sontag’s essay on the male gaze and discuss a few relevant case studies. |
13:10 | I make myself lunch. |
14:00 | I do some readings for next week’s lectures. |
15:15 | Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. Today’s lecture is about popular culture and discusses Foucauldian theory as a way of explaining how Soap Operas can construct an ideal spectator. |
17:00 | I go for a walk around the neighbourhood with a friend, and stop for groceries I need for tonight. |
19:00 | I cook dinner with my flatmates. |
20:00 | I hang out in the common room and put on a movie with the others. |
22:00 | I'm off to bed |