Board of Advisors
This is the Board of Advisors of CompaRe.

Tom Ottervanger, Chair
Professor of European Law, Leiden University
Former Partner Allen & Overy
Tom Ottervanger is part-time professor of European Law and Competition Law at the University of Leiden. He is also director/founder of the Leiden Centre for East African Community Law (LEAC) and visiting Professor of Competition Law at the LUISS University in Rome. Tom is the co-founder of the law journals “Markt & Mededinging” (Market regulation) and “Tijdschrift for Staatssteun” (State aid law journal) and regularly publishes articles and is the co-author/editor of various books, including the handbook on State aid law (EU State Aids, 5th edition, Sweet & Maxwell, November 2016) and on East African Community Law (Brill/Nijhoff, March 2017).

Vicki Birchfield, Ph.D.
Professor of International Affairs, Georgia Tech Atlanta/Metz
Co-Director Study Abroad Program
Vicki L. Birchfield is a Professor in The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech, Co-Director of the Center for European and Transatlantic Studies and Director of the study abroad program on the European Union and Transatlantic Relations. Her research and teaching specializations are European politics, the European Union, comparative politics, and international political economy.

Leigh Hancher
Professor of European Law, Tilburg University
Counsel Baker Botts, Brussels
Leigh Hancher is Professor of European Law at the University of Tilburg, part-time Professor at the Florence School of Regulation and Director of the FSR Energy Union Law Area. Her research includes energy market regulation, EU state aids and energy market governance.

Alexander Italianer, Chair
Advisor Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer, Brussels
Former Secretary General EU Commission
Dr. Italianer spent more than 30 years at the European Commission, rising to Secretary-General under President Juncker. He provided policy advice on a wide range of issues to the President and his Vice-Presidents, organized the coordination of economic policies among EU Member States, promoted improved regulation, devised the structure for Brexit preparedness, and supervised preparations for the multiannual financial framework proposals through 2027.

Emmanuel Ugirashebuja
Judge-President East African Community Court of Justice Court
Former Dean Law School Rwanda
Justice Dr Emmanuel Ugirashebuja is the current and 4th President of the East African Court of Justice (EACJ). He was appointed Judge of Appeal by the Summit of the EAC Heads of State in November 2013 and subsequently, appointed the Judge President of the EACJ in June 2014. His Lordship was appointed for seven years tenure.
Ernst van de Weert
Executive Director Global Legal Affairs, Heineken NV
Former Attorney at de Brauw
Ernst van de Weert joined Dutch brewing company Heineken in October 2008, in the capacity of regional counsel for Asia Pacific. In April 2013 he assumed the role of company secretary in Amsterdam and then in June 2017 he took on his current role as executive director global legal affairs. Prior to his in-house career de Weert worked as a lawyer for law firm De Brauw for nine years.