About CompaRe
Common challenge: unique circumstances
All regional organisations face common challenges, but do so in their own unique historical, cultural, economic and geopolitical circumstances. Getting regional integration right therefore requires both a deep understanding of the process of integration and the region which is integrating. For this reason, CompaRe unites leading Leiden experts on regional integration across Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America and connects them with a global network on regional integration.

A multidisciplinary Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on comparative regional integration
CompaRe has been awarded the status of a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence by the European Union. Anchored in the Europa Institute of Leiden Law School, Compare brings together leading experts on the EU and regional integration within multiple faculties and institutes:
- The faculty of Governance and Global Affairs;
- The faculty of Humanities;
- The faculty of Law;
- The faculty of Social and Behavioural Science;
- Leiden University College;
- The African Studies Centre;
- The International Institute for Asian Studies
The Leiden Latin American and Caribbean Centre.
A global network
CompaRe aims to become a hub in a global network on comparative regional integration, uniting academic expertise in the field of regional integration across the world and connecting this expertise with key stakeholders including regional organisations, civil servants, practitioners and companies confronted with the challenges and opportunities of regional integration. CompaRe particularly aims to bring together PhD students working on comparative regional integration across the globe, building a network for the future.
CompaRe is headed by Dr Armin Cuyvers and is built around a team of key staff from different faculties and institutes. In addition, CompaRe has affiliate members from academic institutions and organisations around the world.
The advisory board of CompaRe consists of eminent experts in regional integration from different regions. The advisory board monitors the activities of CompaRe and provides it with advice on its direction and activities.
If you would like to learn more about possiblilites of affiliation with CompaRe, please contact us at
CompaRe aims to understand, support and improve regional integration across the globe. To this end, it contributes to comparative and multidisciplinary research and teaching on regional integration and disseminates its findings to key stakeholders and the broader public.
Starting from a level-headed, evidence-based understanding of the costs and benefits of regional integration, CompaRe strives to support smart, lean and legitimate integration. Taking the EU both as a model and a cautionary tale, CompaRe focusses on three core questions:
- What can the EU learn from other forms of regional integration, and what can they learn from the EU?
- How to reduce the sovereignty, democracy and administrative costs of effective integration (Smart, Lean and Legitimate Integration)?
- How to manage the increasing proliferation and overlap of regional organisations?
Collaborate with us!
CompaRe is always open to explore possible forms of collaboration. For any questions of suggestions please contact us as