Information for members
The membership fee of AVT is 25 euros per year for students and linguists without employment, and 35 euros for all others. Members are invited to present at the Dutch Annual Linguistic Day and they receive the annual issue of Nota Bene.
If you'd like to join the AVT or want to inform us of a change of address, please use the digital form or email the secretary, Alex Reuneker. You can also email the secretary if you want to cancel your membership.
New members are asked to provide the following information
- Name
- Postal address (for the delivery of Nota Bene)
- Email address (and optionally homepage)
- Telephone number
- Bank account number (IBAN)
- Proof of status for the reduced fee
Algemene Vereniging voor Taalwetenschap
p/a Alex Reuneker
Postbus 9515
2300 RA Leiden
The bank account number (IBAN) of AVT is NL84 TRIO 0338 5736 31.