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Dutch Annual Linguistics Day

The AVT, Anéla, and LOT annually organise the Dutch Annual Linguistics Day, where all linguists in the Netherlands meet up.

Dutch Annual Linguistics Day 2025

The Dutch Annual Linguistics Day is a joint initiative of the Association for General Linguistics (AVT), the Association for Applied Linguistics (Anéla) and the National Linguistics Research School (LOT). Traditionally, the DALD is a day on which we can see and speak to all our colleagues in the Netherlands and Flanders and on which we inform each other about current research in (applied) linguistics.

Call for Papers Nota Bene
All presenters at the GTD 2025 are invited to submit an article for publication in Nota Bene: Journal for Linguistics in Belgium and The Netherlands. The deadline for submission is Friday April 4, 2025. Please refer to the full call for papers and instructions in the stylesheet.

Registration for GTD 2025
We hope that you are planning to visit the GTD 2025. For catering purposes, we kindly ask you to register before 24 January using this registration form. Presenters must also register. At the end of the GTD, the Language Gala will take place, where the winners of the AVT/Anéla dissertation prize and the LOT popularisation prize will be announced.


The conference program (in PDF) can be found through this link.

Het conferentieprogramma (in PDF) vindt u via . The book of abstracts (in PDF) can be found through this link.

AVT/Anéla dissertation prize

The three nominated dissertations are, in alphabetical order:

  • Marie Barking: A Usage-Based Account of Language Transfer – a case study of German speakers in the Netherlands
  • Kristel Doreleijers: Styling the Local: Hyperdialectisms and the Enregisterment of the Gender Suffix in the 'New' Dialect of North Brabant
  • Gosse Minnema: Perspectives Matter: Event Framing in Language and Society


In 2025, the Dutch Annual Linguistics Day will take place at a different location than usual, namely the Marinus Ruppert building at the Utrecht Science Park. The bus stops almost in front of the door (Heidelberglaan stop) and P+R Utrecht Science Park is a 12-minute walk from the location. The main entrance is on the Leuvenlaan.

Announcement Dutch Annual Linguistics Day 2025

The next Dutch Annual Linguistics Day will be held on Friday 31 January 2025. This edition will be at Utrecht University (Please note: Due to the renovation of the buildings at Drift, this year’s edition will be at Science Park!). We will organize a very varied program with lectures, coffee moments, the Language Gala, and keynote by Malvina Nissim. As usual, the AVT/Anéla dissertation prize and the LOT popularization prize will be awarded at the end of the day, during the Language Gala.

Call for abstracts

If you are an AVT or Anéla member and if you wish to give a presentation at the Dutch Annual Linguistics Day, you can submit an up to 170 words abstract via this form until Sunday 1 December 2024 [closed]. The presentation can last up to 20 minutes (with 5 minutes question time).

  • If you want to present in English, you can indicate this with an English title and summary instead of a Dutch one.
  • You are allowed to submit a maximum of 2 abstracts (1 as first author, 1 as co-author).

If you do not receive an online confirmation of your abstract submission, please contact Alex Reuneker (a.reuneker@hum.leidenuniv.nl). If there are more speakers than slots in the program, the most recently received abstracts will be included as 'alternates'.

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