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Societies at the Old Observatory

Four different astronomical societies are active in the Old Observatory. We are very proud of the commitment these associations show to organize activities.

On this page you will find a brief description of what the various associations on the Old Observatory are doing. For more information, select an association from the menu on the left.

The Jeugdwerkgroep (JWG) Leiden is the place for youngsters to learn more about astronomy! The association organises activities for everyone between 8 and 21 years old, from monthly activities to astronomy camps.

Leids Astronomisch Dispuut F. Kaiser (L.A.D. F. Kaiser) is a dispute of the study association De Leidsche Flesch; an association for people studying physics, astronomy, mathematics or computer science. Kaiser focuses on organizing activities related to astronomy for students and the public. In addition, they also help organize events of the other societies and provide students who give guided tours of the Old Observatory.

The Leidse Weer en Sterrenkunde Kring (LWSK) is an association of amateurs interested in astronomy, space travel and meteorology. Almost every month they organize a lecture on a fascinating subject, given by an expert in the field.

The Werkgroep Leidse Sterrewacht (WLS) is also an amateur association which, in addition to organising public activities (such as the Evening at the Observatory), is also heavily involved in the maintenance of the historical telescopes in the Old Observatory. Compared to the LWSK, the WLS focuses more on the construction of telescopes and the mechanics involved.

Websites of the Societies

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