Exhibition 'The Drake Equation' - online
In Green Bank, Virginia are some giant radio telescopes which astronomers use to study objects deep in space. Because these telescopes are built to capture very faint redio signals, the area around the observatory is officially a 'radio-quiet' zone, without WiFi, radio or Cell signal. Photographers Andrew Phelps en Paul Kranzler visited the Green Bank region and it's inhabitants and composed a very special exhibition. A few times a week items will be posted on this web page that are related to this exhibition in the Old Observatory. The exhibition itself is closed for the time being because of the corona virus.
Online tour - visit by Lieke (Thuismuseum.nl)
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You can leave our website to view this video.March 23 2020 - Exhibition highlights online
While you're at home these days, you can still enjoy our exhibition. From now on it's possible to see some highlights of the exhibition online, here, and read more about this extraordinary community, while the actual exhibition is closed.
March 21 2020 - Life without WiFi
The recent article of The New York Times about the Green Bank region provides a nice introduction to the subject 'life in a radio quiet zone'. This article sparked a conversation among American students that led to a new atricle, in which students describe among other things how it would affect their lives if they were to live in the Green Bank area.
"How Would Your Life Be Different if You Didn’t Have Wi-Fi and Cellular Service?"
Read the article of The New York Times here