DansBlok in the observatory - Step into the universe of movement
- Date
- Saturday 30 June 2018 - Sunday 1 July 2018
- Explanation
- Entreeprijs: €15
- Address
Oude Sterrewacht
Sterrenwachtlaan 11
2311 GW Leiden

On June 30th and July 1st the event 'DansBlok in the Observatory' will take place. In the iconic building on the Witte Singel, art and science are combined in a special experience facilitated by professional dance performances. The performance with the overarching theme 'The Universe' will be opened by a live performance by band The Stream, after which the audience will be shown four short dance performances and two dance films by young dance makers. Afterwards it is possible to have a chat with dancers and makers.
Leiden is the city of art and knowledge and during DansBlok in the Observatory these two elements are combined. During the performance, the theme 'The Universe' is central. The dancers approach the scientific theme with artistic, creative and poetic questions in order to arrive at unique performances. Together with students and Pedro Russo (Astronomy & Society Group) of Leiden University, this special event came to fruition.
DansBlok in the Observatory starts in the basement of the beautiful building, with a live performance by the Leiden band The Stream, supplemented by an intimate performance by dancers of the dance studio Tribes, after which the route through the rest of the building begins. Chronos dances 'MoreLess', Rosa Allessie and Wies Berkhout 'ECHO', Dance Company The Kitchen dance their new piece 'NOISE' and Dieuwertje Spek and Éryn Nieuwint dance their duet 'Ignition'. There are also two short dance films by Emma Evelein. Emma made one of her films especially for DansBlok, among others in the domes and the old library of the Observatory.
The event is on Saturday June 30 and Sunday July 1. On both days the matinee starts at 14:00 and an evening performance at 20:00. The program takes about two hours.