Survey in the Montecristi province
In February 2015 a 7 month fieldwork period started at the coast of the Montecristi province.
Field Activities and Finds
The main objectives of this field activity are: 1) to register, through non-systematic surface survey, archaeological sites along the coast of the Montecristi province; 2) to execute small scale archaeological excavations on specific locations on selected sites in order to obtain materials suitable for various dating techniques and to approach temporality; and 3) to process and catalogue the archaeological materials collected during these surveys and excavations. Until now, 36 archaeological sites have been recorded in the area. Of this total number of sites, 16 are situated on hilltops, 5 are situated on inter-mountainous plains, 8 sites are situated on plans, and 7 sites are shell middens.
The ceramic style series that was encountered the most on these new found sites is the Meillacoid ceramic style series. In some cases Chicoid style ceramics or Chicoid style decorations executed with Meillacoid style techniques can be found (Ulloa Hung 2013).
This fieldwork has been greatly assisted by participants from various communities who have shared their knowledge on the surroundings and the archaeological sites in the area. As a result of this collaboration an exposition with lectures is being organized in order to present the current state of affairs of the Nexus1492 ERC-Synergy research carried out in the Montecristi Province. The aim of this event is to make the inhabitants of this area aware of their rich cultural history and the importance part they play themselves in the study and preservation of this history. Hopefully this event will raise awareness among the inhabitants, but also among researchers and agencies so that these sites can be protected.
By Eduardo Herrera Malatesta