Seminar: Arqueología, Antropología E Historia Del Primer Encuentro Colonial En Las Américas
On 3 and 4 August, 2016, the Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) hosted an archaeology seminar, titled: Arqueología, Antropología E Historia Del Primer Encuentro Colonial En Las Américas, at the INTEC library in the Dominican Republic.
The Seminar
The seminar was launched by Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman, the Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University and principal investigator of the NEXUS 1492 research project. On the first day, Dr. Jorge Ulloa and Dr. Roberto Valcárcel Rojas of NEXUS1492 presented the book Indígenas e Indios en el Caribe.
On 4 August the premier of the NEXUS1492 documentary “Bajo la tierra del encuentro: las raíces de América”, by Pablo Lozano in cooperation with INTEC and the Museo del Hombre Dominicano. The documentary will be released publicly soon
Aims of the Seminar
This was the second archaeology seminar at INTEC and aimed to:
Promote an updated, complex and critical view of early pre-colonial and colonial history of the Spanish from the new data and approaches generated from the archeology, history and anthropology in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean.
Demonstrate the importance of researchon material culture in the recognition of certain social groups (indigenous and African) within Dominican and Caribbean socio-historical processes.
Expand the understanding of manifestations of cultural heritage, whose role in shaping the expressions of identity in today’s Caribbean societies have not been fully investigated.
Illustrate, through concrete examples, the possibilities offered by the synergy of approaches through the NEXUS1492 program.
Promote iconographic expressions of indigenous and colonial Caribbean world, considering its links with popular culture and contemporary artistry.
Film: "Bajo la tierra del encuentro: las raíces de América"
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