Out Now: Power, Political Economy, and Historical Landscapes of the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
The chapters in this volume reveal how the expanding world-system entangled the non-Western world in global economies, yet did so in ways that were locally articulated, varied, and, often, non-European in their expression. This volume is edited by Christopher DeCorse (Syracuse University).
This interdisciplinary volume brings together a richly substantive collection of case studies that examine European-indigene interactions, economic relations, and their materialities in the formation of the modern world. Research has demonstrated the extent and complexity of the varied local economic and political systems, and diverse social formations that predated European contact. These preexisting systems articulated with the expanding European economy and, in doing so, shaped its emergence. Moving beyond the confines of national or Atlantic histories to examine regional systems and their historical trajectories on a global scale, the studies within this volume draw examples from the Caribbean, Mesoamerica, North America, South America, Africa, and South Asia. While the contributions are rooted in substantive studies from different world areas, their overarching aim is to negotiate between global and local frames, revealing how the expanding world-system entangled the non-Western world in global economies, yet did so in ways that were locally articulated, varied and, often, non-European in their expression.
Contributions by NEXUS1492 colleagues include:
Indigenous Caribbean Networks in a Globalizing World - by Corinne L. Hofman, and
Life beyond the City: Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on Colonial Andean Mobility - by Noa Corcoran-Tadd
You can order a copy of the book on the SUNY Press website.