A talk and a recognition: NEXUS 1492 outreach activities
As part of NEXUS 1492 objectives of popularizing the results of the archaeological research the different members of the team are producing, on Saturday June 16th Dr. Eduardo Herrera Malatesta gave a lecture on his PhD thesis results for the community of San Fernando de Montecristi.
San Fernande de Montecristi is the city where Eduardo and his family lived back in 2015 and his center of operations during his fieldwork research in the Montecristi Province (2013-2017). Among the participants that attended the event, many members of Montecristi’s culture and historical groups were present and they received very well Eduardo’s talk. In addition, a local TV channel was present on the Museum and filmed the talk and interviewed Eduardo on his research during the past years. To see the interview, click this link. For Eduardo it was a great pleasure and honor to present the results of his research to the people that for many years collaborated and supported his research, as well as to the general public from Montecristi.
Additionally, the Instituto Montecristeño de Antropología e Historia took the opportunity to recognize the considerable contribution that Prof. dr. Corinne Hofman and Prof. dr. Menno Hoogland have made to Dominican Republic archaeology and history since they began their research in the southeastern part of the country back in 2004 with the extensive excavations at El Cabo archaeological site, until their current research on the northwestern region.
NEXUS 1492 congratulate Corinne, Menno and Eduardo for this fantastic day of recognitions and accomplishments!