For alumni
So you graduated from the Media Technology program? Congratulations, Master of Science! Here you find information that is relevant after your graduation.
We strive to build a strong Media Technology community. For this, we find it important to stay in touch with our alumni. Also, current students are interested to learn from your experiences. Read below what we can do for our alumni.
Also, check out Leiden University's website for alumni. It tells you how to become a University Ambassador, a mentor, or how to join the Young Alumni Network.
Of the many tradions at Leiden University, perhaps the most important one is this centuries-old one: graduates signing their name on the walls of Het Zweetkamertje ("sweat room"). Many graduates have gone before you, such as the Dutch Royal Family, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, and Maarten Lamers.
Make sure to sign your name there too! It is located inside the Academy Building. Bring your diploma, friends/family, and a camera. Either directly following the diploma ceremony, or at later convenience. Just ask at the reception to guide you there.
There is a website for a digital Zweetkamertje experience.
Hopefully you did this already while being a student. Our Media Technology LinkedIn group is accessible only to students, alumni and staff. You can keep track of your class-mates, or share announcements and experiences.
The Media Technology program uses this group to invite alumni for special events, exhibitions, and parties.
All our borrels (social drinks), exhibitions, special events, etc are intended for alumni also. In fact, please join us!
If you want to re-visit the Ars Electronica Festival together with staff and new students, you can make use of our group discount. Make sure to inform us in-time, and perhaps we can help you plan the visit.
Our students and alumni organize scheduled events, called "Media Technology: What's Next?" in which alumni tell students about their work and experiences. These are co-organized by current students and alumni.
Perhaps you are interested in presenting your story (in exchange for free drinks and pizza), or in helping to organize these events. Contact the education coordinator for info.
Many of our graduates have moved on to pursue a PhD degree. Others may want so too, but are unsure where to start. Maarten and Peter regularly give a one-afternoon workshop about the question "How to get a PhD position?".
How to get a research position is clouded in mystery. Is it all about searching for jobs online, filling in application forms and obtaining recommendations letters? Or does the research tribe actually hunt for their candidates and make their decisions in much more informal ways, behind the scenes?
In this workshop we ignore all the formalities and talk about how the game is really played, assisted by Media Technology program alumni that landed cool research positions.
Both students and alumni are invited to attend! These events will be announced to alumni via the Media Technology LinkedIn group. If you already have a PhD position, perhaps you want to join us in giving the workshop!
You can keep your university email (uMail), ULCN access, LU-card and even library access. See Leiden University's Alumni website for possibilities and instructions.