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Public graduation presentation, Ties Lind

  • Saliency of Melody and Timbre in Sound Logos
Friday 30 September 2022
LMUY building
Einsteinweg 55
2333CC Leiden

Note: room 4.28 of the LMUY building can be challenging to find. Here are some directions.

Ties Lind presents his Media Technology MSc graduation thesis work, in 20-25 minutes and followed by 10-15 minutes public discussion. Everyone is invited to attend!


Public for everyone
45 minutes per graduate

Sound Logos: Investigating the Saliency of
Melody and Timbre
— Ties Lind
There is limited research on sonic logos: short sounds used to accentuate a brand in a similar way that a visual logo works. In an attempt to contribute knowledge to this field, an experiment was designed to test the difference in saliency of melody and timbre. After researching the complexity of these terms, the experiment’s focus shifted to melodic contour and instrumentation. 30 participants completed a match-to-sample task involving a model sound logo and variations in melodic contour or instrument. The results show that there is a strong preference (average = 95.75%) for the options with the same melody (different instrument) as opposed to the options with the same instrument (different melodic contour).
Thesis advisors: Edwin van der Heide and Maarten Lamers

Media Technology MSc graduation presentations follow a classic conference format. Each student presents their work in 20 minutes. With the primary advisor acting as a conference session chair, the presentation is followed by a moderated public discussion.
Although everyone can ask questions in the discussion, the right to ask the first questions is for the two invited critics. These were personally invited by the graduate to read their thesis before the presentation, and to formulate one or two questions for the discussion. Ambitious students have been known to invite high-profile academic critics.

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