Public graduation presentation, Imara Bollinger
- Vocabulary diversity in Dutch hip-hop lyrics
- Date
- Thursday 15 September 2022
- Time
- Address
- LMUY building
Einsteinweg 55
2333CC Leiden - Room
- 4.28
Note: room 4.28 of the LMUY building can be challenging to find. Here are some directions.
Imara Bollinger presents her Media Technology MSc graduation thesis work, in 20-25 minutes and followed by 10-15 minutes public discussion. Everyone is invited to attend!
- Language
- English
- Access
- Public for everyone
- Duration
- 45 minutes per graduate
Vocabulary Diversity in Dutch Hip-hop Lyrics, in Relation to Artist Gender, Age and Popularity — Imara Bollinger
This research aims to contribute to the understanding of why it is harder for Dutch female hiphop artists to be part of the hip-hop scene in the Netherlands. The hip-hop industry can be seen as quite a misogynistic industry due to its lyrics and visuals. Therefore, often gives the impression that the Dutch hip-hop scene is a world dominated by men and that this music scene is more difficult or simply less attractive for a woman to enter. While it is outside of the scope of this research to investigate every aspect of how Dutch male and female hip-hop artists differ, this research investigates the lexical diversity in Dutch hip-hop lyrics, in relation to artist gender, age and popularity. Findings from this research suggest that there is a significant difference in the lexical diversity of male artists and female artists. But artists’ lexical diversity is not affected by the age of the artist. Additionally, it was observed that artists’ popularity is not influenced by their lexical diversity.
Thesis advisors: Bram van Dijk and Maarten H. Lamers

Media Technology MSc graduation presentations follow a classic conference format. Each student presents their work in 20 minutes. With the primary advisor acting as a conference session chair, the presentation is followed by a moderated public discussion.
Although everyone can ask questions in the discussion, the right to ask the first questions is for the two invited critics. These were personally invited by the graduate to read their thesis before the presentation, and to formulate one or two questions for the discussion. Ambitious students have been known to invite high-profile academic critics.