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Master's Open Day

  • Learn about the Creative Intelligence & Technology MSc program on-campus
Friday 14 February 2025
Science Campus, Gorleaus building, Einsteinweg 55, Leiden
BM 1.23

Master's Open Day

Visit the Master's Open Day to discover what Master's program fits you best. All Master's programs present themselves on that day.

The Creative Intelligence & Technology MSc program is part of the "information market", where you can speak with staff and students personally. A presentation about the program is held 16:15-17:00h in room BM 1.23.

"Creative Intelligence & Technology" or "Media Technology"?

"Creative Intelligence & Technology" is the new name of the Media Technology MSc programme. It better captures the focus of the program: creativity and intelligence in a world who's fast changes are fueled by technology. The programme's curriculum changes slightly per September 1 2025, but retains the characteristics of self-driven and playful research that shaped the Media Technology MSc program since 2001.

Master's Open Day website & registration

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