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On-Campus Master's Experience Day

  • Attend a Media Technology MSc lecture on-campus
Friday 17 March 2023
Announced after registering for the event

Come to the campus and experience an interactive lecture about “Artificial Creativity” and get a feeling for the programme and the teaching style of your future Media Technology lecturers. Meet current and former students, and ask them the questions you may have.

Lecture "Artificial Creativity"

Can we model creativity in a computer? Would we want creative computers, and why? How do AI and artificial creativity differ? Through examples, Media Technology lecturer Maarten Lamers uncovers what "creative computers" can do, but more importantly what they cannot yet. We use the concepts of exploratory and transformational creativity, as defined by Margaret Boden, to make sense of computer-generated artworks. Finally, we ask whether computer creativity can be transformational, and whether computers can dream.

Learn how the master programme educates critical and skilled researchers, but with a makers-attitude.

Read more about the event and how to register via the blue button below.

On-Campus Master's Experience Day, Media Technology

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