Yiya Chen
Hoogleraar Fonetiek
- Naam
- Prof.dr. Y. Chen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1688
- yiya.chen@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0009-5882

Yiya Chen is Hoogleraar fonetiek aan het Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.
Meer informatie over Yiya Chen
Hoogleraar Fonetiek
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Zheng T., Levelt C.C. & Chen Y. (2025), The affective iconicity of lexical tone: Evidence from standard Chinese, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 157(1): 396-408.
- Sung H.W.M, Prokic J. & Chen Y. (2024), A New Dataset for Tonal and Segmental Dialectometry from the Yue- and Pinghua-Speaking Area. Hahn M., Sorokin A., Kumar R., Shcherbakov A., Otmakhova Y., Yang J., Serikov O., Rani P., Ponti E. M., Muradouglu S., Gao R., Cotterell R. & Vylomova E. (red.), Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic Typology and Multilingual NLP. . St. Julian's, Malta: Association for Computational Linguistics. 25–36.
- Zheng T., Levelt C.C. & Chen Y. (2024), The Adaptive Value of Mandarin Tones for Affective Iconicity. Speech Prosody 2024 2 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024 562-566.
- Yang Q. & Chen Y. (2023), Do Chinese-English bilinguals speak English words with lexical tone in mind?. Skarnitzl R. & Volín J. (red.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague 2023. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Science 7 augustus 2023 - 11 augustus 2023. Prague: ICPhS. 2866-2869.
- Lam M.Y.P., Xu W. & Chen Y. (2023), Perceptual learning of novel intonation patterns by Cantonese and Wu speakers. Skarnitzl R. & Volín J. (red.), Proceedings of the 20th international congress of phonetic sciences. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Science 7 augustus 2023 - 11 augustus 2023. Prague: Guarant International. 1668-1672.
- Yang Q. & Chen Y. (2022), Phonological competition in Mandarin spoken word recognition, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37(7): 820-843.
- Chen Y. & Guo L. (2022), Zhushan Mandarin, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 52(2): 309-327.
- Chen Y. & Shi M. (2022), Lili Wu Chinese, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 52(1): 157-179.
- Zou T., Caspers J. & Chen Y. (2022), Perception of different tone contrasts at sub-lexical and lexical levels by Dutch learners of Mandarin Chinese, Frontiers in Psychology 13: 1-15 (891756).
- Wang M., Chen Y., Jiang M. & Schiller N.O. (2021), The time course of speech production revisited: no early orthographic effect, even in Mandarin Chinese, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 36(1): 13-24.
- Klamer Marian, Shi M., Swenne J. & Chen Y. (2020), Breathy vowels are not phonemic in Kedang (Eastern Indonesia), Oceanic Linguistics 59(1/2): 37-58.
- Liu M., Chen Y. & Schiller N.O. (2020), Tonal mapping of Xi’an Mandarin and Standard Chinese, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147(4): 2803-2816.
- Li X., Ren G., Zheng Y. & Chen Y. (2020), How does dialectal experience modulate anticipatory speech processing?, Journal of Memory and Language 115: 104169.
- Shi M., Chen Y. & Mous M.P.G.M. (2020), Tonal split and laryngeal contrast of onset consonant in Lili Wu Chinese, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147(4): 2901-2916.
- Liu M. & Chen Y. (2020), The Roles of Segment and Tone in Bi-dialectal Auditory Word recognition . Speech Prosody 2020 25 mei 2020 - 28 mei 2020.
- Zahner K., Xu M., Chen Y., Dehé N. & Braun B. (2020), The prosodic marking of rhetorical questions in Standard Chinese. Speech Prosody 2020 25 mei 2020 - 28 mei 2020.
- Wu J., Chen Y., Heuven V.J. van & Schiller N.O. (2019), Dynamic effect of tonal similarity in bilingual auditory lexical processing, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 34(5): 580-598.
- Wang M., Chen Y. & Schiller N.O. (2019), Lexico-syntactic features are activated but not selected in bare noun production: Electrophysiological evidence from overt picture naming, Cortex 116: 294-307.
- Li Q., Chen Y. & Xiong X. (2019), Tianjin Mandarin, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 49(1): 109-128.
- Wang M., Shao Z., Chen Y. & Schiller N.O. (2018), Neural correlates of spoken word production in semantic and phonological blocked cyclic naming, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33(5): 575-586.
- Wu J., Chen Y., Heuven V.J.J.P. van & Schiller N.O. (2018), Applying functional partition in the investigation of lexical tonal-pattern categories in an under-resourced Chinese dialect. In: Tao J., Fang Z., Bao C., Wang D. & Li Y. (red.), Man-machine speech communication. Singapore: Springer. 24-35.
- Witteman J., Chen Y., Pablos-Robles L., Parafita Couto M.C., Wong P.C.M. & Schiller N.O. (red.) (2018), (Pushing) the Limits of Neuroplasticity Induced by Adult Language Acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology: Frontiers Media.
- Wu J., Chen Y, Heuven V.J. van & Schiller N.O. (2017), Interlingual two-to-one mapping of tonal categories, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 20(4): 813-833.
- Timmer K. & Chen Y. (2017), Dutch-Cantonese Bilinguals Show Segmental Processing during Sinitic Language Production, Frontiers in Psychology 8: 1133.
- Chen Y. (red.) (2017), . Journal of Phonetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Chen Y. (red.) (2017), . Journal of the International Phonetic Association. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ganushchak L. & Chen Y. (2016), Incrementality in Planning of Speech During Speaking and Reading Aloud: Evidence from Eye-Tracking, Frontiers in Psychology 7(January): 33.
- Liu M., Chen Y. & Schiller N.O. (2016), Online processing of tone and intonation in Mandarin: Evidence from ERPs, Neuropsychologia 91: 307-317.
- Wu J., Chen Y., Heuven V.J.J.P. van & Schiller N.O. (2016), Predicting tonal realizations in one Chinese dialect from another, Speech Communication 76: 1-27.
- Liu M., Chen Y. & Schiller N.O. (2016), Context effects on tone and intonation processing in Mandarin, Proc. Speech Prosody 2016. Speech Prosody 2016 31 mei 2016 - 3 juni 2016 1056-1060.
- Bi Y., Ganushchak L.Y., Konopka A.E., Guiqin Ren, Xue Sui & Chen Y. (2016), Prosodic encoding of information structure in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence from picture description task. Speech Prosody 2016 31 mei 2016 - 3 juni 2016.
- Zou T., Chen Y. & Caspers J. (2016), The developmental trajectories of attention distribution and segment-tone integration in Dutch learners of Mandarin tones, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition : 1-13.
- Chen Y. (2016), Speech variants are processed as abstract categories and context-specific instantiations: evidence from Mandarin lexical tone production [Representation and Processing of Pitch Variation] (vertaling Nixon J., Rij J. van, Mok P., Baayen H. & Chen Y.), 90: 103-125.
- Chen Y. (red.) (2016), . Journal of Phonetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Chen Y. (red.) (2016), . Journal of the International Phonetic Association. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Chirkova K., Wang D., Antolík T.K. & Chen Y. (2015), Ersu, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 45: 187-211.
- Chen Y. & Gussenhoven C. (2015), Shanghai Chinese, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 45: 321-337.
- Nixon J.S., Chen Y. & Schiller N.O. (2015), Multi-level processing of phonetic variants in speech production and visual word processing: evidence from Mandarin lexical tones, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 30: 491-505.
- Li Q. & Chen Y. (2015), Effect of contextual tonal variation on speech recognition: Evidence from eye movements. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 10 augustus 2015 - 14 augustus 2015.
- Zou T., Chen Y. & Caspers J. (2015), Attention redistribution and segment-tone integration in Mandarin tone acquisition by L2 learners. The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (red.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. . Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
- Bi Y., Chen Y. & Schiller N.O. (2015), The effect of word frequency and neighbourhood density on tone merge. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 10 augustus 2015 - 14 augustus 2015.
- Li X. & Chen Y. (2015), Representation and Processing of Lexical Tone and Tonal Variants: Evidence from the Mismatch Negativity, PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143097.
- Li Q. & Chen Y. (2015), An acoustic study of contextual tonal variation in Tianjin Mandarin, Journal of Phonetics 54: 123-150.
- Nixon J.S., Chen Y. & Schiller N.O. (2015), Multi-level processing of phonetic variants in speech production and visual word processing: evidence from Mandarin lexical tones, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 30(5): 491-505.
- Chen Y. (red.) (2015), . Journal of Phonetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Chen Y. (red.) (2015), . Journal of the International Phonetic Association. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wu J., Chen Y., Heuven V.J. van & Schiller N.O. (2014), Tonal Variability in Lexical Access, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience : .
- Yuan J.H. & Chen Y. (2014), 3rd tone sandhi in Standard Chinese: A corpus approach, Journal of Chinese Linguistics 42(1): 218-237.
- Nixon J., Chen Y. & Schiller N.O. (2014), Speech variants are processed as abstract categories and context-specific instantiations: evidence from Mandarin lexical tone production, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience : .
- Chen Y., Lee P. & Pan H. (2014), Focus and topic marking in Chinese. In: Féry C. & Ishihara S. (red.), Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Scholz F. & Chen Y. (2014), The independent effects of prosodic structure and information status on tonal coarticulation: Evidence from Wenzhou Chinese. In: Caspers J., Chen Y., Heeren W., Pacilly J., Schiller N.O. & Zanten E. van (red.), Above and beyond the segments: Experimental linguistics and phonetics.
- Ganushchak L., Konopka A. & Chen Y. (2014), Focus planning during sentence production: An eye-tracking study. 12th International Seminar on Speech Production 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020.
- Wu J. & Chen Y. (2014), Tonal Variability in Bilingual Mental Lexicon. The 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages 13 mei 2014 - 16 mei 2014.
- Caspers J., Chen Y., Heeren W.F.L., Pacilly J.J.A., Schiller N.O. & Zanten E.A. van (red.) (2014), Above and beyond the segments. Experimental linguistics and phonetics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Ganushchak L.Y., Konopka A.E. & Chen Y. (2014), What the eyes say about planning of focused referents during sentence formulation: A cross-linguistic investigation, Frontiers in Psychology 5: e1124.
- Chen Y. (red.) (2014), . Journal of Phonetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Chirkova K. & Chen Y. (2013), Lizu, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 43(1): 75-87.
- Gussenhoven C., Chen Y., Frota S. & Prieto P. (2013), Intonation. In: Aronoff M. (red.), Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Chirkova K. & Chen Y. (2013), Beijing Mandarin. In: Sybesma R., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z. & Huang J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.
- Chen Y. (2013), Neutral tone. In: Sybesma R., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z. & Huang J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.
- Chirkova K. & Chen Y. (2013), Lower Xumi, the variety of the lower and middle reaches of the Shuiluo river, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 43: 363-379.
- Chirkova K. & Chen Y. (2013), Upper Xumi, the variety of the upper reaches of the Shuiluo river, Journal of the International Phonetic Association 43: 381-396.
- Chen Y. (red.) (2013), . Journal of Phonetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Chen Y. (2012), Message-related variation. In: Cohn A., Fourgeron C. & Huffman M. (red.), Oxford Handbook of Laboratory Phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Li Q. & Chen Y. (2012), Trisyllabic tone sandhi in Tianjin Mandarin. Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages.
- Chen Y. (red.) (2012), . Journal of Phonetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Holger M., Chen Y. & Zhou X. (2011), Phonological abstraction in processing lexical tone variation: Evidence from a learning paradigm, Cognitive Science 35: 184-197.
- Chen Y. (2011), What does phonology tell us about the phonetics of segment-f0 interaction?, Journal of Phonetics 39: 612-625.
- Li X., Chen Y. & Yang Y. (2011), Immediate integration of different types of prosodic information during on-line spoken language comprehension: An ERP Study, Brain Research 1386: 139-152.
- Chen Y. & Downing L. (2011), All depressors are not alike: Evidence from Shanghai Chinese and Bantu Zulu. In: Frota S., Gorka E. & Prieto P. (red.), Prosodic Categories: Production, Perception and Comprehension. Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Li X. & Chen Y. (2011), The cortical processing of tone and accentuation in Chinese sentence under non-attentional condition. Psycholinguistics Representation of Tone conference.
- Chen Y., Shen R. & Schiller N.O. (2011), Representation of allophonic tone sandhi variants. Psycholinguistics Representation of Tone conference.
- Li Q. & Chen Y. (2011), Neutral tone in Tianjin Mandarin. International Congress on Phonetic Sciences.
- Chen Y. (2010), Post-focus suppression: Now you see it, now you don’t, Journal of Phonetics 38: 517-525.
- Chen Y. (2009), Prosody and information structure mapping: Evidence from Shanghai Chinese, Chinese Journal of Phonetics 2: 123-133.
- Jia Y., Li A. & Chen Y. (2009), Phonetic properties of shi- and lian- marked constituents in Chinese, Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) = Qinghua daxue xuebao (Ziran kexue ban) 49(1): 1294-1302.
- Jia Y., Li A. & Chen Y. (2008), Pitch and durational patterns of five-syllable constituents in Standard Chinese, Applied Linguistics (4): 53-61.
- Chen Y. (2008), Prosodic Realization of Topic and Focus in Shanghai Chinese. PCC Beijing.
- Chen Y. (2008), Revisiting the phonetics and phonology of Shanghai tone sandhi. The Fourth Conference on Speech Prosody 6 mei 2008 - 8 mei 2008 253-256.
- Chen Y. (2008), The acoustic realization of Shanghai vowels, Journal of Phonetics 36(4): 629-748.
- Chen Y. & Gussenhoven C. (2008), Emphasis and tonal implementation in Standard Chinese, Journal of Phonetics 36(4): 724-746.
- Bard E., Anderson A., Chen Y., Nicholson H., Havard C. & Dalziel-Job S. (2007), Let’s you do that: Sharing the cognitive burdens of dialogue, Journal of Memory and Language 57(4): 616-641.
- Chen Y. & Yuan J. (2007), A corpus study of the 3rd tone sandhi in Standard Chinese. InterSpeech 2007.
- Jia Y., Li A., Xiong Z. & Chen Y. (2007), Effects of focus upon durational patterns of five-syllable words in Standard Chinese. International Congress of Phonetic Science 2007.
- Chen Y. & Xu Y. (2006), Production of weak elements in speech: Evidence from neutral tone in Standard Chinese, Phonetica 63: 47-75.
- Chen Y. (2006), Pre-glottal vowels in Shanghai Chinese. ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics.
- Chen Y. (2006), Emphasis, duration, and tonal implementation in Standard Chinese. Speech Prosody 2006.
- Chen Y. & Braun B. (2006), Prosodic realization of information structure categories in Standard Chinese. Speech Prosody 2006.
- Chen Y. (2006), Durational adjustment under corrective focus in Standard Chinese, Journal of Phonetics 34: 176-201.
- Hannele N., Bard E., Lickley R., Anderson A., Havard C. & Chen Y. (2005), Disfluency and behaviour in dialogue: evidence from eye-gaze. Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech 2005 133-138.
- Chen Y. (2004), Focus and intonational phrase boundary in Standard Chinese. International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing.
- Chen Y. (2003), Accentual lengthening in Standard Chinese: Evidence from four-syllable monomorphemic words. Eurospeech 2003.
- Chen Y., Nicholson H. & Bard E.G. (2003), Disfluency under Feedback and Time-pressure. Eurospeech 2003.
- Chen Y. (2002), Accentual lengthening of monosyllabic constituents in Mandarin Chinese. Speech Prosody 2002.
- Chen Y. & He A. (2001), Dui bu dui as a pragmatic marker: Evidence from Chinese classroom discourse, Journal of Pragmatics 33: 1441-1465.
- Basri H. & Chen Y. (2000), When harmony meets reduplication in Selayarese. VI Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association 37-49.