Wolfgang Steinel
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. W. Steinel
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3634
- wsteinel@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-3995-8665

Kort cv
Wolfgang Steinel (gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam) is docent en onderzoeker op het gebied van conflict en onderhandelen.
Meer informatie in het Engels
Zijn onderzoek richt zich op sociale, motivationele en strategische aspecten van ethische besluitvorming en onderhandelen en conflicthantering binnen en tussen individuen en teams.
Wolfgang Steinel coƶrdineert de vakken 'Negotiation and Social Decision Making' in het Master Programma Social en Organisatiepsychologie en 'Cooperation, Conflict and Negotiation' aan het Leiden University College The Hague en begeleid Master- en Bachelorscripties.
Relevante links
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.
- Steinel W., Valtcheva K., Gross J., Celse J., Max S. & Shalvi S. (2022), (Dis)honesty in the face of uncertain gains or losses, Journal of Economic Psychology 90: 102487.
- Rispens S., Jehn K.A. & Steinel W. (2020), Conflict management style asymmetry in short-term project groups, Small Group Research : .
- Rispen S., Jehn K.A. & Steinel W. (2020), Conflict management style asymmetry in short-term project groups, Small Group Research : 1-23.
- Aaldering H. Zerres A. Steinel W. (2020), Constituency norms facilitate unethical negotiation behavior through moral disengagement, Group Decision and Negotiation 29: 969-991.
- Steinel W. & Harinck F. (2020), Negotiation and bargaining, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology : e253.
- Wal A.J. van der, Doesum N.J. van, Boomsma G.T., Weiden A. van der , Boezeman E.J., Steinel W. & Staats H.J.A.M. (2020), The city as laboratory. Academics, students, and policy makers address urban environmental challenges together, IAPS Bulletin 48: 22-26.
- Fousiani K., Steinel W. & Minnigh P.A. (2020), Effects of power on negotiations: a comparison of collaborative versus competitive approach, International Journal of Conflict Management 32(2): .
- Celse J., Max S., Steinel W., Soraperra I. & Shalvi S. (2019), Uncertain lies: How payoff uncertainty affects dishonesty, Journal of Economic Psychology 71: 117-125.
- Cuadrado E., Tabernero C. & Steinel W. (2016), Determinants of prosocial behaviour in included versus excluded contexts, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e2001.
- Steinel W., Koning L., Van Dijk E. & Beest I. (2016), Deception as a means to an end: An instrumental approach. In: Prooijen J.W. van & Lange P.A.M. van (red.), Cheating, corruption, and dishonesty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 55-72.
- Steinel W. (2015), Social value orientation and deception: Are proselfs liars?, Current Opinion in Psychology 6: 211-215.
- Cuadrado E., Tabernero C. & Steinel W. (2015), Motivational determinants of prosocial behavior: What do included, hopeful excluded, and hopeless excluded individuals need to behave prosocially?, Motivation and Emotion 39(3): 344-358.
- Steinel W., Van Beest I. & Van Dijk E. (2014), Too good to be true: Suspicion-based rejections of high offers, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17(5): 682-698.
- Van Kleef G.A., Steinel W. & Homan A.C. (2013), On being peripheral and paying attention: Prototypicality and information processing in intergroup conflict, Journal of Applied Psychology 98(1): 63-79.
- Steinel W., Van Kleef G.A. & Homan A.C. (2012), "En wie niet springt..."... is waarschijnlijk geen perifeer groepslid met een hoge need to belong. In: Ven N. van de, Baas M., Dillen L. van, Lakens D., Lokhorst A.M. & Strick M. (red.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2011. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 215-218.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Van Dijk E., Van Beest I., Steinel W. & Van Kleef G.A. (2011), Disappointed in you, angry about your offer: Distinct negative emotions induce concessions via different mechanisms, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47(3): 635-641.
- Van Beest I., Steinel W. & Murnighan J.K. (2011), Honesty pays: On the benefits of having and disclosing information in coalition bargaining, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47(4): 738-747.
- Koning L.F., Steinel W., Van Beest I. & Van Dijk E. (2011), Power and deception in ultimatum bargaining, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 115(1): 35-42.
- Steinel W., Kleef G.A. van, Knippenberg D.L. van, Hogg M.A., Homan A.C. & Moffitt G. (2010), How intragroup dynamics affect behavior in intergroup conflict: The role of group norms, prototypicality, and need to belong, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 13(6): 779-794.
- Koning L.F., Van Dijk E., Van Beest I. & Steinel W. (2010), An instrumental account of deception and reactions to deceit in bargaining, Business Ethics Quarterly 20(1): 57-73.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Van Dijk E., Van Beest I., Steinel W. & Van Kleef G.A. (2010), Wanneer teleurstelling beter werkt in onderhandelingen. In: Prooijen J.W. van, Renes R.J., Derks B., Stel M. & Vliek M. (red.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2009. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 13-22.
- Koning L.F., Van Dijk E., Van Beest I. & Steinel W. (2010), Sociale waarde orientatie en doelgericht liegen. In: Prooijen J.W. van, Renes R.J., Derks B., Stel M. & Vliek M. (red.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2009. Groningen: Aspo Pers. 171-180.
- Steinel W., Utz S. & Koning L.F. (2010), The good, the bad and the ugly thing to do when sharing information: Revealing, concealing and lying depend on social motivation, distribution and importance of information, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 113: 85-96.
- Koning L.F., Steinel W., Beest I. van & Dijk E. van (2009), Macht en misleiding: Leidt absolute macht tot absolute eerlijkheid?. Custers R., Beersma B., Berg H. van den, Harinck F. & Zomeren M. van (red.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2008. ASPO 2008. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 195-202.
- Steinel W., Dreu C.K.W. de, Ouwehand E. & Ramírez-Marín J.Y. (2009), When constituencies speak in multiple tongues: The relative pursuasiveness of hawkish minorities in representative negotiaton, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 109: 67-78.
- Kleef G.A. van, Dijk E. van, Steinel W., Harinck S. & Beest I. van (2008), Anger in social conflict: Cross-situational comparisons and suggestions for the future, Group Decision and Negotiation 17: 13-30.
- Dijk E. van, Kleef G.A. van, Steinel W. & Beest I. van (2008), A social functional approach to emotions in bargaining: When communicating anger pays and when it backfires, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94(4): 600-614.
- Pietroni D., Kleef G.A. van, Steinel W. & Rumiati R. (2008), Chiudo la porta e m'arrabio! Gli interpersonali delle emozioni nelle trattative pubbliche e private. [Shut the door and then get angry: The interpersonal effects of emotions in public and privat negotiations], Psicologia Sociale 3: 409-424.
- Steinel W., Kleef G.A. van & Harinck S. (2008), Are you talking to ME?! Separating the people from the problem when expressing emotions in negotiation, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44: 362-369.
- Pietroni D., Kleef G.A. van, Steinel W. & Alparone F.R. (2008), Gli effetti della rabbia nei giochi di coordinamento (The effects of anger in coordination games), Sistemi Intelligenti 20: 57-77.
- Dreu C.K.W. de, Beersma B., Steinel W. & Kleef G.A. van (2007), The psychology of negotiation; Principles and basic processes. In: Kruglanski A.W. & Higgins E.T. (red.), Social psychology; Handbook of basic principles.. New York/London: The Guilford Press. 608-629.
- Koning L.F., Dijk E. van, Beest I. van & Steinel W. (2007), Afhankelijkheid en misleiding in ultimatumonderhandelingen. In: Laar C. van, Ruiter R., Karremans J., Rijswijk W. van & Harreveld F. van (red.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2006. Groningen: Aspo Pers. 225-232.
- Steinel M.P., Hulstijn J.H. & Steinel W. (2007), Second language idiom learning in a paired-associate paradigm. Effects of direction of learning, direction of testing, idiom imageability, and idiom tranparency, Studies in Second Language Acquisition 29: 449-484.
- Kleef G.A. van, Steinel W., Knippenberg D.L. van, Hogg M.A. & Svensson A. (2007), Group member prototypicality and intergroup negotiation: How one's standing in the group affects negotiation behaviour, British Journal of Social Psychology 46: 129-152.
- Steinel W., Abele A.E. & Dreu C.K.W. de (2007), Effects of experience and advice on process and performance in negotiations, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 10(4): 533-550.
- Dreu C.K.W. de & Steinel W. (2006), Social decision making in fuzzy situations: Motivated information processing and strategic choice. In: De Cremer D., Zeelenberg M. & Murnighan J.K. (red.), Social psychology and economics. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 55-77.
- Steinel W. & Dreu C.K.W. de (2004), Social motives and strategic misrepresentation in social decision making, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 86(3): 419-434.
- Providing workshops in negotiation skills and on-site corporate training programs