Vlad Niculescu-Dinca
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr.ir. V. Niculescu-Dinca
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9573
- v.niculescu-dinca@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-8454-6021

Vlad Niculescu-Dincă is universitair docent aan de Universiteit Leiden en docent en onderzoeker bij het Institute of Security and Global Affairs in Den Haag. Zijn onderwijs omvat onderwerpen zoals veiligheidsnetwerken, politie en technologie, surveillancestudies of stadsplanning.
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Universitair docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Intelligence
- Paululat M.A., Böing B., Niculescu-Dinca V. & Vries P. W. de (2025), Advancing the potential of VR in policing: exploring the role of deepfake technologies in research and training - a discussion in the context of over and under policing minorities. In: Stol W., Wacher Lenz, Naarttijarvi M., Sunde I.M., Jackson A., Strikwerda L & Jansen J. (red.), Legal and ethical issues in digital policing: policing in the digital society network yearbook: Eleven International Publishing. 83-92.
- Niculescu-Dincă V. (2024), Cum îi mai supraveghem pe cei care ne supraveghează: O cercetare etnografică a supravegherii mediate tehnologic. Bucharest: Tritonic Books.
- Groes N.L. de, Niculescu-Dinca V. & Tops P. (2024), Disentangling the interaction between professional intuition and technologies in policing. In: Stol W., Wacher Lenz L., Naarttijarvi M., Sund I.M., Jackson A., Strikwerda L. & Jansen J. (red.), Legal and Ethical Issues in Digital Policing: Policing in the Digital Society Network Yearbook: Eleven International Publishing.
- Matthys J. & Niculescu-Dincă V. (2022), Het concept Ondermijning: handvaten voor een verdere analyse (. Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University), . The Hague: Detonate Project.
- Niculescu-Dinca V. (2021), Theorizing technologically mediated policing in smart cities: an ethnographic approach to sensing infrastructures in security practices. In: Nagenborg M., Stone T., González Woge M. & Vermaas P.E. (red.), Technology and the city: towards a philosophy of urban technologies. Phylosophy of Engineering and Technology nr. 36. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 75-100.
- Matthys J. & Niculescu-Dinca V. (2020), The unavoidable paradox of providing oversight mechanisms for future-oriented predictions, Cahiers Politiestudies 55(2): 49-64.
- Dalmeijer N. & Niculescu-Dinca V., What’s up with WhatsApp Neighbourhood Watch?. What’s up with WhatsApp Neighbourhood Watch?. The Hague: Leiden Safety and Security Blog. [blog].
- Niculescu-Dinca V. (2018), Towards a Sedimentology of Information Infrastructures: a Geological Approach for Understanding the City, Philosophy & Technology 31(3): 455-472.
- Niculescu-Dinca V. (18 oktober 2018), Să facem, rapid, dreptate roboților. Hotnews.ro.
- Niculescu-Dinca V. (28 september 2016), Policing Matter(s). Towards a sedimentology of suspicion in technologically-mediated surveillance (Dissertatie. Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University). Maastricht: Datawyse / Universitaire Pers Maastricht. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Swierstra T.E., Ploeg I. van der.
- Niculescu-Dinca V., Ploeg I. van de & Swierstra T. (2016), Sorting (out) youth. Transformations in police practices of classification and social media monitoring. In: Ploeg I. van de & Pridmore J. (red.), Digitizing identities. Doing identity in a networked world. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
- Niculescu-Dinca V. (2012), Managing suspicion and privacy in police information systems. In: Gutwirth S., Leenes R., Hert P. de & Poullet Y. (red.), Computers, Privacy and Data Protection: European Data Protection in Good Health?. Dordrecht: Springer.