Tom Roth
- Naam
- Dr. T.S. Roth
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0002-2985-120X
Tom Roth behaalde zijn BSc in Biologie (cum laude) en zijn MSc in Environmental Biology (specialisatie Animal Ecology, cum laude) aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Hij is promovendus bij de Cognitieve Psychologie onder supervisie van Mariska Kret.
Tom Roth
Over Tom
Tom Roth behaalde zijn BSc in Biologie (cum laude) en zijn MSc in Environmental Biology (specialisatie Animal Ecology, cum laude) aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Hij is promovendus bij de Cognitieve Psychologie onder supervisie van Mariska Kret.
Roths huidige onderzoeksinteresses zijn met name vergelijkende psychologie en evolutionaire psychologie. Tijdens zijn PhD project zal hij onderzoek doen naar methodes die in dierentuinen gebruikt kunnen worden om de partnervoorkeuren van orang-oetans te meten.
- Werkgroepdocent in de cursus 'Consciousness', thema 'Animal Consciousness'
- Begeleider Bachelorproject Psychologie
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Roth T.S. (13 maart 2024), Tinder for orang-utans: comparing sexually selective cognition among Bornean orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus) and humans (Homo sapiens) (Dissertatie. Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Kret M.E., Perea-García J.O.
- Roth T.S., Samara I., Perea-García J.O. & Kret M.E. (2024), No immediate attentional bias towards or choice bias for male secondary sexual characteristics in Bornean orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus) , Scientific Reports 14(1): 12095.
- Folz J., Roth T.S., Nikolić M. & Kret M.E. (2023), Who gets caught by the emotion?: Attentional biases toward emotional facial expressions and their link to social anxiety and autistic traits, Current Psychology : .
- Roth T.S, SamaraI., Perea-Garcia J.O. & Kret M.E. (2023), Individual attractiveness preferences differentially modulate immediate and voluntary attention, Scientific Reports 13: 2147.
- Samara I., Roth T.S., Nikolic M., Prochazkova E. & Kret M.E. (2022), Can third-party observers detect attraction in others based on subtle nonverbal cues? , Current Psychology : .
- Laméris D.W., Berlo E. van, Roth T.S. & Kret M.E. (2022), No evidence for biased attention towards emotional scenes in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), Affective Science 3(4): 772-782.
- Sterck E.H.M. & Roth T.S. (2022), Socioecology of Asian colobines. In: Matsuda I., Grueter C.C. & Teichroeb J.A. (red.), The Colobines: Cambridge University Press. 250-270.
- Roth T.S., Samara I., Tan J., Prochazkova E. & Kret M. E (2021), A comparative framework of inter-individual coördination and pair-bonding, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 39: 98-105.
- Roth T. S., Samara I. & Kret M. E. (2021), Multimodal mate choice: exploring the effects of sight, sound, and scent on partner choice in a speed-date paradigm, Evolution and Human Behavior 42(5): 461-468.
- Samara I., Roth T.S. & Kret M.E. (2021). (2021), The role of emotion projection, sexual desire, and self-rated attractiveness in the sexual overperception bias , Archives of Sexual Behavior 50: 2507-2516.
- Nikolić M. & Roth T.S. (2021), A comparative glance on self-conscious emotions: a commentary on Kret et al. (2020), Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 129: 154-156.
- Roth T.S., Du X., Samara I. & Kret M.E. (2021), Attractiveness modulates attention, but does not enhance gaze cueing, Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences : .
- Kret M.E. & Roth T.S. (2020), Anecdotes in animal behaviour, Behaviour 157(5): 385-386.
- Roth T.S., Rianti P., Frederiksson G.M., Wich S.A. & Nowak M.G. (2020), Grouping behavior of Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii) and Tapanuli orangutans (Pongo tapanuliensis) living in forest with low fruit abundance, American Journal of Primatology 82(5): e23123.
- Roth T.S. & Sterck E.H.M. (2020), Social Vigilance of Friends and Foes in Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), Animal Behavior and Cognition 7(4): 537-555.
- Roth T.S., Samara I. & Kret M.E. (2020), Ultimate and proximate factors underlying sexual overperception bias: a reply to Lee et al, Evolution and Human Behavior 42(1): 73-75.
- Roth T.S., Bionda T.R. & Sterck E.H.M. (2019), Duckling-catching by a zoo-housed western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 7(3): 144–148.