Tinde van Andel
Bijzonder hoogleraar Geschiedenis van botanie en tuinen
- Naam
- Prof.dr. T.R. van Andel
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- t.r.van.andel@biology.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-4951-1894

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Bijzonder hoogleraar Geschiedenis van botanie en tuinen
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL onderwijs
- Pinas N.M., Tjoe Awie J.R., Dongstra R.E., Maat H., Schranz M.E., Loosdrecht M.S. van de & Andel T.R. van (2025), Yield and growth duration of Maroon rice landraces measured in traditional settings, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 72: 2211-2226.
- Andel T.R. van (2025), Phylogenetic conservatism in the relationship between functional and demographic characteristics in Amazon tree taxa, Functional Ecology 39(1): 181-198.
- Fang Q., Matthews P.J., Grimaldi I.M., Jong H. de, Belt J. van de, Schranz M.E. & Andel T.R. van (2025), The invisible tropical tuber crop: edible aroids (Araceae) sold as “tajer” in the Netherlands, Economic Botany : .
- Jia Y., Wang M., Lambers P.H. & Andel T.R. van (2024), The catalogue of the Westhoff collection of Chinese materia medica (c. 1870): evidence of interaction between a Chinese medicine practitioner and the Dutch in Indonesia, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 318(part B): 116987.
- Pombo Geertsma I., Linden C.F.H. van der, Vickery R. & Andel T.R. van (2024), Why are plants named after witches and devils in north-western Europe?, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 325: 117804.
- Steege H. ter, Banki O.S., Maas P. & Andel T.R. van et al. (2024), Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities, Nature 625(7996): 728-734.
- Householder J.E., Wittmann F., Schöngart J., Piedade M.T.F., Junk W.J., Latrubesse E.M., Quaresma A.C., Demarchi L.O., Lobo de S G., Aguiar D.P.P., Assis R.L., Lopes A., Parolin P., Leao do Amaral I., Coelho L.S., Almeida Matos F.D. de, Lima Filho D.A., Salomao R.P., Castilho C.V., Guevara-Andino J.E., Carim M.J.V., Philips O.L., Cárdenas López D., Magnusson W.E., Sabatier D., Revilla J.D.C., Molino J.F., Irume M.V., Martins M.P., Guimaras J.R.D.S., Ramos J.F., Rodrigues D.J., Bánki O.S., Peres C.A., Pitman N.C.A., Hawes J.E., Almeida E.J., Babosa L.F., Cavalheiro L., Dos Santos M.C.V., Luize B.G., Novo E.M.M.L., Núnez Vargas P., Silva T.S.F., Venticinque E.M., Manzatto A.G., Reis N.F.C., Terborgh J., Casula K.R., Costa F.R.C., Honorio Coronado E.N., Monteagudo Mendoza A., Montero J.C., Feldpausch T.R., Aymard C G.A., Baraloto C., Castano Arboleda N., Engel J., Petronielli P., Zartman C.E., Killeen T.J., Rincón L.M., Marimon B.S., Marimon-Junior B.H., Schietti J., Sousa T.R., Vasquez R., Mostacedo B., Dantas do Amaral D., Catellano H., Medeiros M.B., Simon M.F., Andrade A., Carmargo J.L., Laurance W.F., Laurance S.G.W., Farias E.S., Lopes M.A., Magalhaes J.L.L., Mendonca Nascimento H.E., Queiroz H.L., Brienen R., Stevenson P.R., Araujo-Mrakami A., Baker T.R., Cintra B.B.L., Feitosa Y.O., Mogollón H.F., Noronha J.C., Barbosa F.R., de Sá Carpanedo R., Duivenvoorden J.F., Silman M.R., Ferreira L.V., Levis C., Lozada J.R., Comiskey J.A., Draper F.C., Toledo J.J., Damasco G., Dávilla N., Garcia-Villacorta R., Vicentini A., Cornejo Valverde F., Alonso A., Arroyo L., Dallmeier F., Gomes V.H.F. Jimenez E.M., Neill D., Penuela Mora M.C., Carvalho F.A., Coelho de Souza F., Feeley K.J., Gribel R., Pansonato M.P., Rios Paredes M., Barlow J., Berenguer E., Dexter K.G., Ferreira J., Fine P.V.A., Guedes M.S., Huamantupa-Chuquimaco I., Licona J.C., Pennington T., Villa Zegarra B.E., Vos V.A., Cerón C., Fonty E., Henkel T.W., Maas P., Pos E., Silveira M., Stropp J., Thomas R., Daly D., Miliken W., Pardo Molina G., Vieira I.C.G., Albuaquerque B.W., Campelo W., Emilio T., Fuentes A., Klitgaard B., Marcelo Pena J.L., Souza P.F., Tello J.S., Vriesendorp C., Chave J., Di Fiore A., Hilário R.R., Pereira L.O., Phillips J.F., Rivas-Torres G., Andel T.R. van, Hildebrand P. von, Balee W., Babosa E.M., Bonates L.C.M., Doza H.P.D., Gómez R.Z., Gonzales T., Gonzales G.P.G., Hoffman B., Junqueira A.B., Malhi Y., Miranda I.P.A., Mozombite-Pinto L.F., Prieto A., Ruda A., Ruschel A.R., Silva N., Vela C.I.A., Zent S., Zent E.L., Cano A., Carrero Márquez Y.A., Correa D.F., Costa J.B.P., Flores B.M., Galbraith D., Holmgren M., Kalamandeen M., Nascimento M.T., Oliveira A.A., Ramirez-Anguo H., Rocha M., Scudeller V.V., Sierra R., Tirado M., Umana M.N., Heijden G. van der, Vilanova Torre E., Ahuite Reategui M.A., Baider C., Balslev H., Cárdenas S., Cases L.F., Farfan-Rios W., Ferreira C., Linares-Palomina R., Mendoza C., Mesones I., Parada G.A., Torres-Lezama A., Urrgeo Giraldo L.E., Villarroel D., Zagt R., Alexiades M.N., Oliveira E.A. de, Garcia-Cabrera K., Hernandez L., Palacios Cuenca W., Pansini S., Pauletto D., Ramirez Arevalo F., Sampaio A.F., Valderrama Sandoval E.H., Valenzuela Gamarra L. & Steege H. ter (2024), One sixth of Amazonian tree diversity is dependent on river floodplains, Nature Ecology and Evolution 8(5): 901-911.
- Pironon S., Ondo I., Diazgranados M., Allkin R., Baquero A.C., Cámara-Leret R., Canteiro C., Dennehy-Carr Z., Govaerts R., Hargreaves S., Hudson A.J., Lemmens R., Milliken W., Nesbitt M., Patmore K., Schmelzer G., Turner R.M., Andel T.R. van, Ulian T., Antonelli A. & Willis K.J. (2024), The global distribution of plants used by humans, Science 383(6680): 293-297.
- Alcantara-Rodriguez M., Andel T.R. van & Françozo M. (2024), Nature portrayed in images in Dutch Brazil: tracing the sources of the plant woodcuts in the Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648), PLoS ONE 19(7): e0276242.
- Elfrink T.L., Hoef M.J.J. van de, Montfort J. van, Bruins A.L. & Andel T.R. van (2024), Rice cultivation and the struggle for subsistence in early colonial Suriname (1668–1702), New West Indian Guide 98: 306-329.
- Pinas N.M., Jackson J., Mosis N.A. & Andel T.R. van (2024), The mystery of black rice: food, medicinal, and spiritual uses of oryza glaberrima by Maroon communities in Suriname and French Guiana, Human Ecology 52(4): 823-836.
- Andel T.R. van & et al. (2024), Wind dispersed tree species have greater maximum height, Global Ecology and Biogeography 33(9): e13878.
- Fernandes Caromano C., Kaki W.D., Andel T.R. van & Kockelkorn M. (2024), Object analysis and species identification of an Asháninka hood from the Rio Ene valley, Peru, Ethnobiology and Conservation 13(14): 14.
- Fajardo Bernal S.D., Zeekaf J., Andel T.R. van, Maombe C., Nyambe T., Mudenda G., Aleo A., Kayuni M.N. & Langejans G.H.J. (2024), Traditional adhesive production systems in Zambia and their archaeological implications, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 74: 101586.
- Steege H. ter, Banki O.S., Andel T.R. van & et al. (2024), Geography and ecology shape the phylogenetic composition of Amazonian tree communities, Journal of Biogeography 51(7): 1163-1184.
- Jarvis A., Gallo-Franco J., Portilla J., German B., Debouck D., Rajasekharan M., Khoury C., Herforth A., Ahmed S., Tohme J., Arnaud E., Golden C.D., Dawid C., Haan S. de, DeClerck F., Feskens E.J.M., Fogliano V., Fritz G., Hald C., Hall R., Hart R., Henry A., Huang S., Hunter D., Imanbaeva B., Lowe A., Turner M.J., Jia G., Johnson E., Kalaiah G., Karboune S., Klade S., La Cerva G.R., Lal V., Levy A.A., Longvah T., Maeda-Yamamoto M., Nuti M., Octavio M., Osoria C., Pawera L., Peter S., Prasad R., Quave C., Shapiro H.Y., Sreeman S., Srichamnon W., Steiner R., Turdieva M., Ulian T., Andel T.R. van, Wang R., Weissgold L., Yan J. & Parra J. de la (2024), Periodic table of food initiative for generating biomolecular knowledge of edible biodiversity, Nature Food 5: 189-193.
- Maat H., Pinas N.M. & Andel T.R. van (2024), The role of crop diversity in escape agriculture; rice cultivation among Maroon communities in Suriname, Plants, People, Planet 6(5): 1142-1149.
- Gallois S., Andel T.R. van, Ambassa A. & Bemmel S. van (2024), The future is in the younger generations: Baka children in southeast Cameroon have extensive knowledge on medicinal plants, Economic Botany 78: 15-31.
- Bredero Lage R. zur, Gomes A., Gomes M.J.K., Holt A.M., Louis E., Louis N., Suttie I., Louis V., Serke A.K., Andel T.R. van & Rybka K.A. (2024), Tracing the history of the Taruma people through plants, their names and uses, Journal of Language Contact 17(3): 498-532.
- Loosdrecht M.S. van de, Pinas N.M., Tjoe Awie J., Becker F., Maat H., Andel T.R. van & Schranz M.E. (2024), Maroon rice genomic diversity reflects 350 years of colonial history, Molecular Biology and Evolution 41(10): msae204.
- Pombo Geertsma I., Zandstra B.E., Stefanaki A. & Andel T.R. van (2024), Commercialized “Smudge Sticks” used as incense in the Netherlands: an inventory of plants and trends behind a new age fashion, Plants 13(21): 3003.
- Holt A.M., Bredero R., Gomes A., Serke A., Louis E., Louis N., Gomes K., Suttie I., Louis V., Rybka K. & Andel T. van (2023), Ethnobotanical research under the COVID-19 pandemic: assessing a remote method for documenting Indigenous plant-related knowledge, Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25: 1-25.
- Offerhaus A., Andel T.R. van & Stefanaki A. (2023), Not just a garden of simples: arranging the growing floristic diversity in the Leiden Botanical Garden (1594–1740). In: Baldassarri F. (red.), Plants in 16th and 17th century: botany between medicine and science. Medical Traditions nr. 8. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH. 99-120.
- Offerhaus A., Andel T.R. van & Stefanaki A. (2023), What does the „true” Boerhaave herbarium tell us about the practice of collecting plant specimens in the botanical garden Leiden?, Bauhinia - Zeitschrift der Basler Bothanischen Gesellschaft 29: 129-130.
- Andel T.R. van & Stefanaki A. (2023), What did 16th-century tomatoes look like?, Bauhinia - Zeitschrift der Basler Bothanischen Gesellschaft 29: 139-140.
- Steege H. ter, Banki O.S., Andel T.R. van & et al. (2023), Mapping density, diversity and species-richness of the Amazon tree flora, Communications Biology 6: 1130.
- Steege H. ter, Banki O.S., Andel T.R. van & et al. (2023), More than 10,000 pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia, Science 382(6666): 103-109.
- Offerhaus A., Stefanaki A. & Andel T.R. van (2023), The "true Boerhaave herbarium": an analysis of the specimens of Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738) contained in the Van Royen collection at naturalis, Botany Letters 170(1): 99-109.
- Andel T.R. van, Francozo M & Alcantara-Rodriguez M. (2023), Searching for Copaiba: tracing the quest for a wound-healing oil by early explorers in Brazil. In: Françozo M. (red.), Toward an Intercultural Natural History of Brazil. New York: Routledge. 77-104.
- Offerhaus A., Stefanaki A. & Andel T.R. van (2022), The “true Boerhaave herbarium”: an analysis of the specimens of Herman Boerhaave (1668–1738) contained in the Van Royen collection at naturalis: an analysis of the specimens of Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738) contained in the Van Royen collection at Naturalis, Botany Letters 170(1): 99-109.
- Grimaldi I.M., Andel T.R. van & Denham T.P. (2022), Looking beyond history: tracing the dispersal of the Malaysian complex of crops to Africa, American Journal of Botany 109(2): 193-208.
- Jong M. de, Stefanaki A. & Andel T.R. van (2022), Mediterranean specimens of the Prussian Botanist Jacob Breyne (1637–1697) in the Van Royen Herbarium, Leiden, The Netherlands, Botany Letters 169(2): 294-301.
- Masters S., Anthoons B., Madesis P., Saroja S.G., Schermer M., Gerritsen W., Karahan A., Verdoes R., Schwallier R., Andel T.R. van, Boer H. de & Gravendeel B. (2022), Quantifying an online wildlife trade using a web crawler, Biodiversity and Conservation 31(3): 855-869.
- Jia Y., Wang M. & Andel T.R. van (2022), Revisiting traditional Chinese materia medica from European historical collections and perspective for current use, Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 12(2): 206-216.
- Andel T.R. van, Vos R.A., Michels E. & Stefanaki A. (2022), Sixteenth-century tomatoes in Europe: who saw them, what they looked like, and where they came from, PeerJ 10: e12790.
- Klooster C.I.E.A. van 't, Haabo V., Berg M. van den, Stoffelen P. & Andel T.R. van (2022), African elements in Saramaccan Maroon plant names in Suriname, Botany 100(2): 141-157.
- Groot W. de, Andel T.R. van, Kool A., Hazenberg M., Kjesrud K. & Teixidor-Toneu I. (2022), The 16th-19th century Soundtoll Registers Online: uncovering traded plant diversity between the North and the Baltic Seas, Economic Botany 76: 285-299.
- Stefanaki A., Tilmann W. & Andel T.R. van (2022), Tracing the introduction history of the tulip that went wild (Tulipa sylvestris) in sixteenth-century Europe, Scientific Reports 12: 9786.
- Jong M. de, Duistermaat H., Stefanaki A. & Andel T.R. van (2022), The book herbaria of Jacob Breyne (1637-1697) in the collection of Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Leiden, the Netherlands), Blumea 67(2): 77-96.
- Pombo Geertsma I., Hoeven D. van der & Andel T. van (2022), Traditional Aucan knowledge on fish and plants eaten by fish along the Tapanahoni River, Suriname, Ethnobiology and Conservation 11: 23.
- Andel T.R. van & et al. (2022), Geographic patterns of tree dispersal modes in Amazonia and their ecological correlates, Global Ecology and Biogeography 32(1): 49-69.
- Geertsma I.P., Françozo M., Andel T. van & Alcantara-Rodriguez M. (2021), What’s in a name? Revisiting medicinal and religious plants at an Amazonian market, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17: 9.
- Gallois S.L., Heger T., Henry A.G. & Andel T.R. van (2021), The importance of choosing appropriate methods for assessing wild food plant knowledge and use: a case study among the Baka in Cameroon, PLoS ONE 16(2): e0247108.
- Alcàntara-Rodríguez M., Francozo M. & Andel T.R. van (2021), Looking into the flora of Dutch Brazil: botanical identifications of seventeenth century plant illustrations in the Libri Picturati, Scientific Reports 11: 19736.
- Odonne G., Tareau M.A. & Andel T.R. van (2021), Geopolitics of bitterness: deciphering the history and cultural biogeography of Quassia amara L, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 267: 113546.
- Jia Y., Lei L., Luo X., Zhao Z., Wang M. & Andel T.R. van (2021), Analysis of historical changes in traditional Chinese medicine based on an Indonesian collection of Chinese materia medica from c.1870, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 269: 113714.
- Stefanaki A. & Andel T.R. van (2021), Mediterranean aromatic herbs and their culinary use. In: Galanakis C.M. (red.), Aromatic herbs in food: bioactive compounds, processing, and applications: Academic Press. 93-121.
- Offerhaus A., Haas E. de, Porck H., Kardinaal A., Ek R., Pokorni O. & Andel T.R. van (2021), The Zierikzee Herbarium: contents and origins of an enigmatic 18th century herbarium, Blumea 66(1): 1-52.
- Knippers R.H.M., Gallois S.L. & Andel T.R. van (2021), Commercialization of Aframomum spp. in Africa: a systematic review of literature and supporting botanical vouchers, Economic Botany 75: 76-91.
- Gallois S., Andel T.R. van & Pranskaityté G. (2021), Alcohol, drugs and sexual abuse in Cameroon's rainforest, Social Science & Medicine 277: 113929.
- Stefanaki A.,Tilmann W., Porck H., Bertin A. & Andel T.R. van (2021), The early book herbaria of Leonhard Rauwolf (S. France and N. Italy, 1560–1563): new light on a plant collection from the ‘golden age of botany’, Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 32: 449-461.
- Ramdayal M.M., Maat H. & Andel T.R. van (2021), The legacy of traditional rice cultivation by descendants of Indian contract laborers in Suriname, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17: 60.
- Walter T., Ghorbani A. & Andel T.R. van (2021), The emperor’s herbarium: the German physician Leonhard Rauwolf (1535?–96) and his botanical field studies in the Middle East, History of Science 60(1): 130-151.
- Veldman S., Ju Y., Otieno J.N., Abihudi S., Posthouwer C., Gravendeel B., Andel T.R. van & Boer H.J. de (2020), DNA barcoding augments conventional methods for identification of medicinal plant species traded at Tanzanian markets, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 250: 112495.
- Gallois S.L., Heger T., Andel T.R. van, Sonké B. & Henry A.G. (2020), From Bush Mangoes to Bouillon Cubes: Wild Plants and Diet among the Baka, Forager-Horticulturalists from Southeast Cameroon, Economic Botany 74: 46-58.
- Alcantara Rodriguez M., Pombo Geerstma I., Françozo M. & Andel T.R. van (2020), Marcgrave and Piso's plants for sale: The presence of plant species andnames from the Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648) in contemporaryBrazilian markets, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 259: 112911.
- Gallois S., Andel T. van, Heger T., Sonké B. & Henry A.G. (2020), Comparing Apples and Pears: the Hidden Diversity of Central African Bush Mangoes (Irvingiaceae), Economic Botany 74: 178-194.
- Masters S., Andel T.R. van, Boer H.J. de, Heijungs R. & Gravendeel B. (2020), Patent analysis as a novel method for exploring commercial interest in wild harvested species, Biological Conservation 243: 108454.
- Jia Y., Sun M., Shi Y., Zhu Z., Wijk E. van, Wijk R. van, Andel T.R. van & Wang M. (2020), A comparative study of aged and contemporary Chinese herbal materials by using delayed luminescence technique , Chinese Medicine 15: 6.
- Jia Y., Lei L., Luo X., Zhao Z., Wang M. & Andel T.R. van (2020), Analysis of historical changes in traditional Chinese medicine based on an Indonesian collection of Chinese materia medica from c. 1870, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 269: 113714.
- Vandebroek I., Pieroni A., Stepp J.R., Hanazaki N., Ladio A., Nóbrega Alves R.R., Picking D., Delgoda R., Maroyi A., Andel T.R. van, Quave C.L., Paniagua-Zambrana N.Y., Bussmann R.W., Odonne G., Abbassi A.M., Albuquerque U.P., Baker J., Kutz S., Timsina S., Shigeta M., Pereira Ribeiro Oliveira T., Hurrell J.A., Arenas P.M., Puentes J.P., Hugé J., Yesil Y., Jean Pierre L., Olango T.M. & Dahdouh-Guebas F. (2020), Reshaping the future of ethnobiology research after the COVID-19 pandemic, Nature Plants 6: 723-730.
- Steege H. ter, Banki O.S., Andel T.R. van & (2020), Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree flora, Scientific Reports 10: 10130.
- Giallombardo F. & Andel T.R. van (2019), Paolo Boccone and the visual communication of pre-Linnean botany. A comparison between his Leiden herbarium, Paris autoprint and published Icones (1674), Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 74: 15-26.
- Alcantara-Rodriguez M., Francozo M. & Andel T.R. van (2019), Plant Knowledge in the Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648): Retentions of Seventeenth-Century Plant Use in Brazil, Economic Botany 73(3): 390-404.
- Applequist W.L., Brinckmann J.A., Cunningham A.B., Hart R.E., Heinrich M., Katerere D.R. & Andel T.R. van (2019), Scientists’ Warning on Climate Change and Medicinal Plants, Planta Medica 86(1): 10-18.
- Gernaat H.B.P.E., Heuvel J. van den, Stokvis F., Barten F. & Andel T.R. van (2019), Life history in Suriname and taxonomic status of Heraclides garleppi lecerfi (Papilionidae: Papilioninae), Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 73(3): 162-172.
- Stefanaki A., Porck H., Grimaldi I.M., Thurn N., Pugliano V., Kardinaal A., Salemink J., Thijsse G., Chavannes-Mazel C., Kwakkel E. & Andel T.R. van (2019), Breaking the silence of the 500-year-old smiling garden of everlasting flowers: the En Tibi book herbarium, PLoS ONE 14(6): e0217779.
- Chatterjee S.A. & Andel T.R. van (2019), Lost grains and forgotten vegetables from Japan: the Seikei Zusetsu agricultural catalogue (1793-1804), Economic Botany 73(3): 375–389.
- Veltman M.A., Flowers J.M., Andel T.R. van & Schranz M.E. (2019), Origins and geographic diversification of African rice (Oryza glaberrima), PLoS ONE 14(3): e0203508.
- Swart I., Beumer M., Klein W. & Andel T.R. van (2019), Bodies of the plant and Animal Kingdom: an illustrated manuscript on materia medica in the Netherlands (ca. 1800), Journal of Ethnopharmacology 237: 236-244.
- Heger W.T. & Andel T.R. van (2019), A social-ecological perspective on ecosystem vulnerability for the invasive creeper coralita (Antigonon leptopus) in the Caribbean: a review, Global Ecology and Conservation 18: e00605.
- Klooster C. van 't, Haabo V. & Andel T.R. van (2019), Our children do not have time anymore to learn about medicinal plants: how an ethnobotanical school assignment can contribute to the conservation of Saramaccan Maroon traditional knowledge, Ethnobotany Research and Applications 18(11): 1-47.
- Steege H. ter, Banki O.S. & Andel T.R. van (2019), Rarity of monodominance in hyperdiverse Amazonian forests, Scientific Reports 9: 13822.
- Stefanaki A., Thijsse G., Uffelen G. van, Eurlings M.C.M. & Andel T.R. van (2018), The En Tibi herbarium, a 16th century Italian treasure, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 187(3): 397–427.
- Ghorbani A., Wieringa J.J., Boer H.J. de, Porck H., Kardinaal A. & Andel T.R. van (2018), Botanical and floristic composition of the Historical Herbarium of Leonhard Rauwolf collected in the Near East (15731575), Taxon 67(3): 565-580.
- Costa R.M.S., Andel T.R. van, Pavone P. & Pulvirenti S. (2018), The pre-Linnaean herbarium of Paolo Boccone (1633-1704) kept in Leiden (the Netherlands) and its connections with the imprinted one in Paris, Plant Biosystems: An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 152(3): 489-500.
- Andel T.R. van & Bart E.N.T. (2018), Paul Hermann's Ceylon Herbarium (1672-1679) at Leiden, the Netherlands, Taxon 67(5): 977-988.
- Andel T.R. van, Scholman A. & Beumer W.G.M. (2018), Icones Plantarum Malabaricarum: early 18th century botanical drawings of medicinal plants from colonial Ceylon, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 222: 11-20.
- Andel T.R. van, Mazumdar J., Barth E.N.T. & Veldkamp J.F. (2018), Possible Rumphius specimens detected in Paul Hermann's Ceylon herbarium (1672–1679) in Leiden, The Netherlands, Blumea 63(1): 11-19.
- Quiroz D. & Andel T.R. van (2018), The cultural importance of plants in western African religions, Economic Botany 72: 251-262.
- Stech M., Andel T.R. van, Aptroot A., Bertin A. & Stefanaki A. (2018), Bryophytes and lichens in 16th-century herbaria, Journal of Bryology 40(2): 99-106.
- Posthouwer C., Veldman S., Abihudi S., Otieno J.N., Andel T.R. van & Boer H.J. de (2018), Quantitative market survey of non-woody plants sold at Kariakoo Market in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 222: 280-287.
- Rodriguez M.A., Angeuyra A., Cleef A.M. & Andel T.R. van (2018), Ethnobotany of the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy-Güicán: climate change and conservation strategies in the Colombian Andes, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 14: 34.
- Grimaldi I.M. & Andel T.R. van (2018), Food and medicine by what name?: Ethnobotanical and linguistic diversity of taro in Africa, Economic Botany 72: 217-228.
- Grimaldi I.M., Leke W.N., Borokini I., Wanjama D. & Andel T.R. van (2018), From landraces to modern cultivars: field observations on taro Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott in sub-Saharan Africa, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 65: 1809-1828.
- Grimaldi I.M., Muthukumaran S., Tozzi G., Nastasi A., Boivin N., Matthews P.J. & Andel T.R. van (2018), Literary evidence for taro in the ancient Mediterranean: a chronology of names and uses in a multilingual world, PLoS ONE 13: e0198333.
- Maat H. & Andel T.R. van (2018), The history of the rice gene pool in Suriname: circulations of rice and people from the eighteenth century until late twentieth century, Historia Agraria: revista de agricultura e historia rural 75: 69-91.
- Boog T. van den, Bulkan J., Tansey J. & Andel T.R. van (2018), Sustainability issues of commercial non-timber forest product extraction in West Suriname, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 14: 44.
- Andel T.R. van (2018), Pan‐tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees, Global Ecology and Biogeography 27(11): 1366-1383.
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