Stephanus Huijbregts
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. S.C.J. Huijbregts
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1723
- 0000-0002-7209-1912

Stephan Huijbregts studeerde Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden (afstudeerrichting: Psychologische Functieleer/Cognitieve Psychologie). Zijn afstudeeronderzoek deed hij in het Verenigd Koninkrijk aan de University of Oxford. Hij verrichtte zijn promotieonderzoek aan de afdeling Klinische Neuropsychologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (1997-2002).
Na twee jaar postdoctoraal onderzoek bij de University of Montreal (Canada) en twee jaar als Lecturer bij de het Department of Psychology aan University of Southampton (Verenigd Koninkrijk) is hij sinds 2006 werkzaam bij de programmagroep Neuropedagogiek en Ontwikkelingsstoornissen van de Universiteit Leiden. Sinds 2010 is hij ook als senior-onderzoeker verbonden aan het Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition.
Curriculum Vitae (English)
Zie Engelstalig profiel Stephan Huijbregts
Stephan doet onderzoek naar cognitieve, sociale en neurobiologische processen bij zich typisch ontwikkelende kinderen; kinderen, adolescenten en jongvolwassenen met verschillende vormen van psychopathologie (met name antisociaal gedrag en middelengebruik); kinderen die perinataal zijn blootgesteld aan verschillende risicofactoren, en bij genetische syndromen zoals Neurofibromatose Type 1, Phenylketonurie en Tyrosinemie Type 1.
Antisociaal gedrag/(blootstelling aan) middelengebruik:
Leids Universiteits Fonds/Gratama Stichting: Prenatal Tobacco Exposure, Regional Brain Development, and Social Cognition: A Study with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (met Dr. S. Biro en Prof. Dr. C. Levelt): 2013-2016.
Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC), Interdisciplinary start-up projects within Research Profile Area Brain Function and Dysfunction over the Lifespan: Prenatal Tobacco Exposure and Infant Cognition: A Study with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (met Dr. S. Biro en Prof. Dr. C. Levelt): 2011-2015.
Leids Universiteits Fonds/Gratama Stichting: Stress and problem behavior in children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy: 2008-2011.
Genetische syndromen:
Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen: MD/PhD-subsidie voor Wiggert van Ginkel (project: “Understanding brain dysfunction in Tyrosinemia Type 1”). (met Prof. Dr. F.J. van Spronsen en Prof. Dr. E.A. van der Zee, UMCG): 2015-2020.
Neurofibromatose Vereniging Nederland: Cognitive and social functioning of individuals with NF1 (consolidation grant): 2014-2016.
Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship voor Dr. Marisa Loitfelder(post-doc subsidie). Structural and functional brain connectivity in Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Associations with executive and social functioning. (met Prof. Dr. S. A. Rombouts): 2014-2015.
Stichting Joris. Clouds over Tyrosinemia type I: Outcome can be improved. (met Prof. Dr. F.J. van Spronsen, UMCG): 2011-2016.
Fonds NutsOhra en Nederlandse PKU-vereniging: PhD-subsidie voor Rianne Jahja (project: “Executive function in adolescents and young adults with PKU: A follow-up study after 10 years”). (met Prof. Dr. F.J. van Spronsen): 2011-2014.
Neurofibromatose Vereniging Nederland: Structural and functional connectivity in relation to cognitive and social functioning of children and adolescents with Neurofibromatosis Type I: 2009-2012.
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (UK): PhD-subsidie voor Iris Rowbotham. Neurocognitive and psychosocial aspects of Neurofibromatosis Type I (met Prof. Dr. E.J.S. Sonuga-Barke): 2005-2009.
Professionele activiteiten
Bestuurslid van de Society for the Study of Behavioural Phenotypes(SSBP): 2013-heden.
Lid Instituutsraad Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden: 2006-heden.
Lid (coördinerend) van NWO, Nationaal Initiatief Hersenen en Cognitie, Baby Brein & Cognitie-netwerk: 2014-heden.
Congresambassadeur Stad Leiden (2014-2019), o.a. organisatie van BB&C-symposium “Perinatal risk factors for abnormal cognitive and social development, Leiden 2015” en jaarlijks internationaal SSBP-congres (2017).
Lid van Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie (NVN)
Lid van Institute for the Study of Education and Child Studies (ISED)
Lid van Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
Senior-onderzoeker Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC, o.a. hotspots LIBC-Junior en LIBC-Social)
Lid van European Society for PKU, o.a. lid van commissie opstelling Europese behandelrichtlijnen
Lid van Medische Adviesraad (MAR) van de Neurofibromatose Vereniging Nederland (NFVN)
Reviewer voor internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften
Lid van Editorial Board Social Development
Reviewer voor ZonMw
Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs, Universiteit Leiden
Trainingsprogramma voor begeleiding promovendi, Aletta Wubben - Mens- en organisatieontwikkeling, Universiteit Leiden
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in Higher Education, University of Southampton, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Trainingsprogramma Experimenteel Psychologische Onderzoeksschool (EPOS)
Relevante linken
Iris Rowbotham (University of Southampton): Friendship in children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1: An exploratory study of deficit and possible underlying causes (promotie: 31-7-2012)
Merel Griffith-Lendering (Universiteit Leiden): Cannabis use, cognition and behavior (promotie: 28-3-2013), co-promotor
Neely-Anne Davidse (Universiteit Leiden): Links between executive functions and early literacy and numeracy (promotie: 25-6-2014) , co-promotor
Rianne Jahja (Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen): Executive and social functioning in adolescents and young adults with PKU: A follow-up study after 10 years (promotie 27-6-2017), co-promotor
Jill Suurland (Universiteit Leiden): Psychophysiological risk factors for early aggressive behavior (promotie 4-7-2017), co-promotor
Hanneke Smaling (Universiteit Leiden): Maternal reflective functioning and the development of aggressive behavior in infancy and early childhood (promotie 14 maart 2017), co-promotor
Malou Noten (Universiteit Leiden): The relationship between the development of empathy and aggressive behavior in young children (promotie verwacht in 2019), co-promotor
Dide van Adrichem (Universiteit Leiden): Executive functioning and Theory of Mind during infancy and early childhood: Associations with neurobiological and social development (promotie verwacht in 2019) , co-promotor
Wiggert van Ginkel (Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen, MD-PhD): “Understanding brain dysfunction in Tyrosinemia Type 1” (promotie verwacht in 2020), co-promotor
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Neuropedagogiek en ontwikk. stoornissen
- Dijkstra A.M., Vliet N. van, Vliet D. van, Romani C., Huijbregts S.C.J., Goot E. van der, Hovens I.B., Zee E.A. van der, Kema I.P., Heiner-Fokkema M.R. & Spronsen F.J. van (2021), Correlations of blood and brain biochemistry in phenylketonuria: results from the Pah-enu2 PKU mouse, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 134(3): 250-256.
- Evers R.A.F., Wegberg A.M.J. van, Ahring K., Beblo S., Belanger-Quintana A., Bosch A.M., Burlina A., Campistol J., Coskun T., Feillet F., Gizewska M., Huijbregts S.C.J., Kearney S., Langeveld M., Leuzzi V., Maillot F., Muntau A.C., Rocha J.C., Romani C., Trefz F.K., MacDonald A. & Spronsen F.J. van (2021), Defining tetrahydrobiopterin responsiveness in phenylketonuria: survey results from 38 countries, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 132(4): 215-219.
- Liemburg G.B., Huijbregts S.C.J, Rutsch F., Feldmann R., Jahja R., Weglage J., Och U., Burgerhof J.G.M. & Spronsen F.J. van (2021), Metabolic control during the neonatal period in phenylketonuria: associations with childhood IQ, Pediatric Research : 1-5.
- Van Adrichem D.S., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van der Heijden K.B., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2020), Aggression in toddlerhood: The roles of parental beliefs, parenting behavior and precursors of theory of mind, Social Development 29(2): 427-442.
- Noten M.M.P.G., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2020), Infant emotional responses to challenge predict empathic behavior in toddlerhood, Developmental Psychobiology 62(4): 454-470.
- Noten M.M.P.G., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2020), Associations between empathy, inhibitory control, and physical aggression in toddlerhood, Developmental Psychobiology 62(6): 871-881.
- Adrichem D.S. van, Huijbregts S.C.J., Heijden K.B. van der, Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab H. (2020), Aggressive behavior during toddlerhood: interrelated effects of prenatal risk factors, negative affect and cognition, Child Neuropsychology : a Journal on Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence 26(7): 982-1004.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. (2020), What do clinicians and clinical researchers need to know about psychosocial and neurocognitive constructs?, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 62(7): 773.
- Adrichem D.S. van, Huijbregts S.C.J., Heijden K.B. van der, Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab J.T. (2020), The role of inhibitory control, attention and vocabulary in physical aggression trajectories from infancy to toddlerhood, Frontiers in Psychology 11: 1079.
- MacDonald A., Wegberg A.M.J. van, Ahring K., Beblo S., Bélanger-Quintana A., Burlina A., Campistol J., Coşkun T., Feillet F., Giżewska M., Huijbregts S.C., Leuzzi V., Maillot F., Muntau A.C., Rocha J.C., Romani C., Trefz F. & Spronsen F.J. van (2020), PKU dietary handbook to accompany PKU guidelines, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 15: 171.
- Noten M.M.P.G., Van der Heijen K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Bouw N., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2019), Empathic distress and concern predict aggression in toddlerhood: The moderating role of sex, Infant Behavior & Development 54: 57-65.
- Bouw N., Huijbregts S.C.J., Scholte E. & Swaab H. (2019), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Prison: Experiences of Inmates, Instructors, and Prison Staff, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15/16): 2550-2571.
- Noten M.M.P.G., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2019), Indicators of affective empathy, cognitive empathy, and social attention during emotional clips in relation to aggression in 3-year-olds, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 185: 35-50.
- Adrichem D.S. van, Huijbregts S.C.J., Van der Heijden K.B., Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab H. (2019), Prenatal risk and physical aggression during the first years of life: The gender-specific role of inhibitory control, Infancy 24(5): 807-826.
- Vliet K. van, Ginkel W.G. van, Jahja R., Daly A., MacDonald A., De Laet C., Vara R., Rahman Y., Cassiman D., Eyskens F., Timmer C., Mumford N., Bierau J., Hasselt P.M. van, Gissen P., Goyens P.J., McKiernan P.J., Wilcox G., Morris A.M., Jameson E.A., Huijbregts S.C.J. & Spronsen F.J. van (2019), Emotional and behavioral problems, quality of life and metabolic control in NTBC-treated Tyrosinemia type 1 patients, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 14: e285.
- Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2018), Infant Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Activity during Baseline, Stress and Recovery: Interactions with Prenatal Adversity Predict Physical Aggression in Toddlerhood, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 46(4): 755-768.
- Van der Kant A., Biro S., Levelt C. & Huijbregts S.C.J. (2018), Negative affect is related to reduced differential neural responses to social and non-social stimuli in 5-to-8-month-old infants: A functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-study, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 30: 23-30.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Bosch A.M., Simons Q.A., Jahja R., Brouwers M.C.G.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Vries M.C., Hofstede F.C., Hollak C.E.M., Janssen M.C.H., Langendonk J.G., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Van der Meere J.J., Van der Ploeg A.T. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2018), The impact of metabolic control and tetrahydrobiopterin treatment on health related quality of life of patients with early-treated phenylketonuria: A PKU-COBESO study, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 125(1-2): 96-103.
- Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2017), Infant autonomic nervous system response and recovery: Associations with maternal risk status and infant emotion regulation, Development and Psychopathology 29(3): 759-773.
- Koini M., Rombouts S.A.R.B., Veer I.M., Van Buchem M.A. & Huijbregts S.C.J. (2017), White matter microstructure of patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and its relation to inhibitory control, Brain Imaging and Behavior 11(6): 1731-1740.
- Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van der Heijden K.B., Hay D.F., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2017), Prenatal reflective functioning and development of aggression in infancy: The roles of maternal intrusiveness and sensitivity, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 45(2): 237-248.
- Suurland J., Heijden K.B. van der, Huijbregts S.C.J., Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab H. (2017), Interaction between prenatal risk and infant parasympathetic and sympathetic stress reactivity predicts early aggression, Biological Psychology 128: 98-104.
- Jahja R., Van Spronsen F.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Bosch A.M., Hollak C.E.M., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Brouwers M.C.G.J., Hofstede F.C., De Vries M.C., Janssen M.C.H., Van der Ploeg A.T., Langendonk J.G. & Huijbregts S.C.J. (2017), Long-Term Follow-Up of Cognition and Mental Health in Adult Phenylketonuria: A PKU-COBESO Study, Behavior Genetics 47(5): 486-497.
- Jahja R., Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Legemaat A.M., Bosch A.M., Hollak C.E.M., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Brouwers M.C.G.J., Hofstede F.C., De Vries M.C., Janssen M.C.H., Van der Ploeg A.T., Langendonk J.G. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2017), Cognitive profile and mental health in adult phenylketonuria: A PKU-COBESO study, Neuropsychology 31(4): 437-447.
- Boot E., Hollak C.E.M., Huijbregts S.C.J., Jahja R., Van Vliet D., Nederveen A.J., Nieman D.H., Bosch A.M., Bour L.J., Bakermans A.J., Abeling N.G.G.M., Bassett A.S., Van Amelsvoort T.A.M.J., Van Spronsen F.J. & Booij J. (2017), Cerebral dopamine deficiency, plasma monoamine alterations and neurocognitive deficits in adults with phenylketonuria, Psychological Medicine 47(16): 2854-2865.
- Huijbregts S. & Jansen A. (2017), Genetic disorders and neurobehavioural phenotypes. Editorial, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 61(9): 819-822.
- Van Spronsen F.J., Van Wegberg A.M.J., Ahring K., Belanger-Quintana A., Blau N., Bosch A.M., Burlina A., Campistol J., Feillet F., Gizewska M., Huijbregts S.C.J., Kearney S., Leuzzi V., Maillot F., Muntau A.C., Trefz F.K., Van Rijn M. & MacDonald A. (2017), Issues with European guidelines for phenylketonuria Reply, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 5(9): 683-684.
- Van Spronsen F. & Huijbregts S. (2017), Optimising treatment and monitoring of Phenylketonuria (PKU) based on 50 years of research into behavioural phenotypes, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 61(9): 823-824.
- Van Wegberg A.M.J., MacDonald A., Ahring K., Belanger-Quintana A., Blau N., Bosch A.M., Burlina A., Campistol J., Feillet F., Gizewska M., Huijbregts S.C., Kearney S., Leuzzi V., Maillot F., Muntau A.C., Van Rijn M., Trefz F., Walter J.H. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2017), The complete European guidelines on phenylketonuria: diagnosis and treatment, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 12: e162.
- Van Ginkel W.G., Jahja R., Huijbregts S.C.J. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2017), Neurological and neuropsychological problems in Tyrosinemia Type 1. In: Tanguay R.M. (red.), Hereditary Tyrosinemia - Pathogenesis, Screening and Management: Springer. 111-122.
- Bouw J.C., Huijbregts S.C.J., Scholte E.M. & Swaab J.T. (2017), Mindfulness in detentie: Plan- en Procesevaluatie. Eindrapport: Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, WODC.
- Spronsen F.J. van, Wegberg A.M.J. van, Ahring K., Bélanger-Quintana A., Blau N., Bosch A.M., Burlina A., Campistol J., Feillet F., Gizewska M., Huijbregts S.C., Kearney S., Leuzzi V., Maillot F., Muntau A.C., Trefz F., Rijn M. van, Walter J. & MacDonald A. (2017), Key European Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Phenylketonuria, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 5(9): 743-756.
- Kant A. van der, Huijbregts S.C.J., Levelt C.C. & Biro S. (2017), Negative affect is related to reduced differential neural responses to social and non-social stimuli in 5-to-8-month-old infants: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy-study, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 30: 23-30.
- Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Suurland J., Heijden K.B. van der, Mesman J., Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab J.T. (2016), Prenatal reflective functioning and maternal interactive behavior during free play, the Still-Face Paradigm, and two teaching tasks, Infancy 21(6): 766-784.
- Van Ginkel W.G., Jahja R., Huijbregts S.C.J., Daly A., MacDonald A., De Laet C., Cassiman D., Eyskens F., Korver-Keularts I.M.L.W., Goyens P.J., McKiernan P.J. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2016), Neurocognitive outcome in tyrosinemia type 1 patients compared to healthy controls, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2016(11): e87.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. (2016), De rol van stress bij zelfregulatie en psychopathologie. In: Swaab J.T., Bouma A., Hendriksen J. & König C. (red.), Klinische Kinderneuropsychologie. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers. 415-429.
- Jahja R., Van Spronsen F.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Bosch A.M., Hollak C.E.M., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Brouwers M.C.G.J., Hofstede F.C., De Vries M.C., Janssen M.C.H., Van der Ploeg A.T., Langendonk J.G. & Huijbregts S.C.J. (2016), Social-cognitive functioning and social skills in patients with early treated phenylketonuria: a PKU-COBESO study, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 39(3): 355-362.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Spronsen F.J., Van Amelsvoort T.A.M.J., Jahja R., Bosch A.M., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Booij J., Hollak C.E. & Boot E. (2016), Executive functioning and the hypodopaminergic state in adults with Phenylketonuria, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 60(9): 841-841.
- Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Smaling H.J.A., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2016), Parental perceptions of aggressive behavior in preschoolers: inhibitory control moderates the association with negative emotionality, Child Development 87(1): 256-269.
- Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van der Heijden K.B., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2016), Maternal reflective functioning as a multidimensional construct: Differential associations with children's temperament and externalizing behavior, Infant Behavior & Development 44: 263-274.
- Liemburg G.B., Jahja R., Van Spronsen F.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Bosch A.M., Hollak C.E.M., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Brouwers M.C.G.J., Hofstede F.C., De Vries M.C., Janssen M.C.H., Van der Ploeg A.T., Langendonk J.G. & Huijbregts S.C.J. (2015), Is BRIEF a useful instrument in day to day care of patients with phenylketonuria?, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 114(3): 425-430.
- Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab H. (2015), Prenatal reflective functioning in primiparous women with a high-risk profile, Infant Mental Health Journal 36(3): 251-261.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Loitfelder M., Rombouts S.A., Swaab H., Verbist B.M., Arkink E.B., Van Buchem M.A. & Veer I.M. (2015), Cerebral volumetric abnormalities in Neurofibromatosis type 1: Associations with parent ratings of social and attention problems, executive dysfunction, and autistic mannerisms, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 7: e32.
- Loitfelder M., Huijbregts S.C., Veer I.M., Swaab H.S., Van Buchem M.A., Schmidt R. & Rombouts S.A. (2015), Functional connectivity changes and executive and social problems in neurofibromatosis type I, Brain Connectivity 5(5): 312-320.
- Loitfelder M., Huijbregts S.C.J., Veer I.M., Van Buchem M.A. & Rombouts S.A. (2014), Functional connectivity changes and executive and social behavior in Neurofibromatosis Type 1. 17th International Conference of the Society for the Study of Behavioural Pehnotypes, New York. . New York, USA.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Smaling H.J.A., Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Swaab J.T. & Van Goozen S.H.M. (2014), Prenatal tobacco exposure and infant stress regulation: Dissociation between behavioral and physiological indicators of stress. Conference paper ICIS, Berlin. . Berlin, Germany.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. (2014), Lid van Medische Adviesraad (MAR) Neurofibromatose Vereniging Nederland. [overig].
- Huijbregts S.C.J. (2014), Member of the Advisory Board for Development of European Guidelines for Treatment of Phenylketonuria. [overig].
- Huijbregts S.C.J. (2014), Member of the Scientific Committee voor Annual Conference of Society for the Study of Behavioral Phenotypes, New York, USA. [overig].
- Huijbregts S.C.J. (2014), Member of the Advisory Board "Health care standards for Neurofibromatosis Type 1". [overig].
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Griffith-Lendering M.F.H., Vollebergh W.A.M. & Swaab H. (2014), Neurocognitive moderation of associations between cannabis use and psychoneuroticism, 36(8): 794-805.
- Jahja R., Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2014), Neurocognitive evidence for revision of treatment targets and guidelines for phenylketonuria, The Journal of Pediatrics 164(4): 895-899.e2.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. (9 december 2014), Executive functioning in early-treated Phenylketonuria and potential implications for other inborn errors of metabolism. Lecture University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. [lezing].
- Griffith-Lendering M.F.H., Wigman J.T.W., Van Leeuwen A.P., Huijbregts S.C.J., Huizink A.C., Ormel J., Verhulst F.C., Van Os J., Swaab H. & Vollebergh W.A.M. (2013), Cannabis use and vulnerability for psychosis in early adolescence-a TRAILS study, Addiction 108(4): 733-740.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Veer I.M., Van Buchem M.A., Swaab H. & Rombouts S.A.R.B. (2013), Volumetric abnormalities of subcortical brain regions in neurofibromatosis type 1: Associations with social and cognitive problems , Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 57(9): 799-799.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Gassió R. & Campistol J. (2013), Executive functioning in context: Relevance for treatment and monitoring of Phenylketonuria, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 110: S25-S30.
- Jahja R., Huijbregts S., De Sonneville L., Van der Meere J., Bosch A., Hollak C., Rubio-Gozalbo E., Brouwers M., Hofstede F., De Vries M., Janssen M., Van der Ploeg A., Langendonk J. & Van Spronsen F. (2013), Mental health and social functioning in early-treated Phenylketonuria: The PKU-COBESO study, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 110: S57-S61.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. (2012), Cognitive-behavioral phenotype or comorbid disorder? The case of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 54: 873-874.
- Griffith-Lendering M.F.H., Huijbregts S.C.J., Vollebergh W.A.M. & Swaab H. (2012), Motivational and cognitive inhibitory control in recreational cannabis users, 34: 688-697.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2011), Does cognitive impairment explain behavioural and social problems of children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1?, Behavior Genetics 41: 430-436.
- Griffith-Lendering M.F.H., Huijbregts S.C.J., Mooijaart A., Vollebergh W.A.M. & Swaab H. (2011), Cannabis use and development of externalizing and internalizing behaviour problems in early adolescence; a TRAILS study, Drug and Alcohol Dependence 116(1-3): 11-17.
- De Sonneville L.M.J., Huijbregts S.C.J., Licht R., Sergeant J.A. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2011), Pre-attentive processing in children with early and continuously-treated PKU: Effects of concurrent Phe level and lifetime dietary control, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 34(4): 953-962.
- Griffith-Lendering M.F.H., Huijbregts S.C.J., Huizink A.C., Ormel H., Verhulst F.C., Vollebergh W.A.M. & Swaab H. (2011), Social skills and precursors of cannabis use in young adolescents: A Trails study, Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 40(5): 706-714.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. & Tops M. (2011), Stressregulatie, psychopathologie en klinische neuropsychologie. In: Swaab H., Bouma A., Hendriksen J. & Köning C. (red.), Klinische kinderneuropsychologie. Amsterdam: Boom. 346-362.
- Davidse N.J., De Jong M.T., Bus A.G., Huijbregts S.C.J. & Swaab H. (2011), Cognitive and environmental predictors of early literacy skills, READING AND WRITING 24(4): 395-412.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Berkel S.R., Swaab H. & Van Goozen S.H.M. (2011), Neurobiological and behavioral stress reactivity in children prenatally exposed to tobacco, Psychoneuroendocrinology 36: 912-918.
- Spronsen F.J. van, Huijbregts S.C.J., Bosch A.M. & Leuzzi V. (2011), Cognitive, neurophysiological, neurological and psychosocial outcomes in early-treated PKU-patiens: A start toward standardized outcome measurement across development, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 104: S45-S51.
- Christ S.E., Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J. & White D.A. (2010), Executive function in early-treated phenylketonuria: Profile and underlying mechnisms, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 99(sup. 1): s22-s32.
- De Sonneville L.M.J., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Spronsen F.J., Verkerk P.H., Sergeant J.A. & Licht R. (2010), Event-related potential correlates of selective processing in early- and continuously-treated children with phenylketonuria: Effects of concurrent phenylalanine level and dietary control, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 99(sup.1): s10-s17.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Swaab H. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2010), Cognitive and motor control in neurofibromatosis type I: Influence of maturation and hyperactivity-inattention, Developmental Neuropsychology 35(6): 737-751.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Jahja R., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Breij S. & Swaab H. (2010), Social information processing in children and adolescents with Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 52: 620-625.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2010), Does cognitive impairment explain behavioral and social problems of children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1?, Behavior Genetics : .
- Rowbotham I., Pit-Ten Cate I.M., Sonuga-Barke E.J.S. & Huijbregts S.C.J. (2009), Cognitive control in adolescents with Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Neuropsychology 23(1): 50-60.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Seguin J.R., Zoccolillo M., Boivin M. & Tremblay R.E. (2008), Maternal prenatal smoking, parental antisocial behavior, and early childhood physical aggression, Development and Psychopathology 20(2): 437-453.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Warren A.J., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Swaab H. (2008), Hot and cool forms of inhibitory control and externalizing behavior in children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy: An exploratory study, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 36(1): 323-333.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Séguin J.R., Zoccolillo M. & Tremblay R.E. (2007), Associations of maternal prenatal smoking with early childhood physical aggression, hyperactivity-impulsivity and their co-occurrence, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 35(2): 203-215.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Séguin J.R., Zelazo P.D., Parent S., Japel C. & Tremblay R.E. (2006), Interrelations between maternal smoking during pregnancy, birth weight, and sociodemographic factors in the prediction of early cognitive abilities, Infant and Child Development 15: 593-606.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Kalkers N.F., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Groot V. & Polman C.H. (2006), Cognitive impairment and decline in different MS-subtypes, 245: 187-194.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Kalkers N.F., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Groot V., Reuling I.E.W. & Polman C.H. (2004), Differences in cognitive impairment of Relapsing-Remitting, Secondary and Primary Progressive MS, NEUROLOGY 63: 335-339.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. (2003), Phenylketonuria: The impact of an inherited metabolic disorder on cognitive development (article in Dutch), Neuropraxis 7: 74-78.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Spronsen F.J., Berends I.E., Licht R., Verkerk P.H. & Sergeant J.A. (2003), Motor function under lower and higher controlled processing demands in early- and continuously treated Phenylketonuria, Neuropsychology 17: 369-379.
- Sergeant J.A., Geurts H.M., Huijbregts S.C.J., Scheres A. & Oosterlaan J. (2003), The top and the bottom of ADHD: A neuropsychological perspective, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 27: 583-592.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Licht R., Sergeant J.A. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2002), Inhibition of prepotent responding and attentional flexibility in treated Phenylketonuria, Developmental Neuropsychology 22: 481-499.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Spronsen F.J., Licht R. & Sergeant J.A. (2002), The neuropsychological profile of early- and continuously treated Phenylketonuria: Orienting, vigilance, and maintenance versus manipulation-functions of working memory, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 26: 697-712.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Licht R., Van Spronsen F.J. & Sergeant J.A. (2002), Short-term dietary interventions in children and adolescents with treated Phenylketonuria: Effects on neuropsychological outcome of a well-controlled population, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 25: 419-430.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Licht R., Van Spronsen F.J., Verkerk P.H. & Sergeant J.A. (2002), Sustained attention and inhibition of cognitive interference in treated Phenylketonuria: Associations with concurrent and lifetime phenylalanine concentrations, Neuropsychology 40: 7-15.
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