Sheila van Berkel
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. S.R. van Berkel
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6622
- 0000-0003-4555-4456

Sheila van Berkel focust zich in haar onderzoek op de invloed die broers en zussen op elkaars ontwikkeling hebben. Hierbij richt zij zich in het bijzonder op geweld en mishandeling tussen broers en zussen. Ze daarnaast betrokken bij verschillende onderzoeken binnen de programmagroep Forensische Gezinspedagogiek en Jeugdhulpverlening.
Meer informatie over Sheila van Berkel
Sheila van Berkel focust zich in haar onderzoek op de invloed die broers en zussen op elkaars ontwikkeling hebben. Hierbij richt zij zich in het bijzonder op geweld en mishandeling tussen broers en zussen. Ze daarnaast betrokken bij verschillende onderzoeken binnen de programmagroep Forensische Gezinspedagogiek en Jeugdhulpverlening.
- Het doorbreken van de stilte rondom seksueel misbruik tussen broers en zussen
- Perpetrator, Victim, Sibling: a Pioneering Study on Sibling Abuse in the Netherlands
- Veerkracht na het meemaken van het overlijden van een ouder tijdens de kindertijd
- Prevalentie van kindermishandeling tijdens de lockdown
- Unravelling antisocial behavior: Testing differential mechanisms for maltreated and nonmaltreated youth
- N.K. Tran (2017)
- M. Beckerman (2018)
- S. van der Asdonk (2020)
- W. D. de Haan (2021)
- S. Vermeulen
- C. J. M. van Heijningen
Academische carrière
- Postdoc, onderzoeksgroep kindermishandeling, Universiteit Leiden (2015-2020)
- Promovendus Algemene en gezinspedagogiek, Universiteit Leiden. Proefschrift: Growing up together. Promotoren: Prof. dr. J. Mesman and Prof. dr. M.J. Bakermans-Kranenburg (2015)
- MPhil/MSc in Educational Sciences: Normal and deviant patterns of attachment and self-regulated learning, Clinical practice and research track, Orthopedagogiek, Universiteit Leiden (2009)
- Forensische gezinspedagogiek: ontwikkelingspsychopathologie en diagnostiek
- Forensische aspecten van kindermishandeling
- Orthopedagogiek: theorieën en modellen
- Observatie van interacties binnen gezinnen
- Master scripties
- LUF-Gratema projectsubsidie, onderzoek naar geweld tussen broers en zussen
- LUF-SKAI projectsubsidie, onderzoek naar seksueel misbruik tussen broers en zussen
- Subsidie voor onderzoek met onontgonnen data, Instituutsraad pedagogische wetenschappen Universiteit Leiden, onderzoek naar conflicten tussen broers en zussen in de vroege kindertijd
- Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, onderzoek naar prevalentie geweld bij kinderen in de jeugdzorg
- KNAW Van der Gaag grant. Study trip to Crimes against Children Research Center, Univeristy of New Hampshire
- Jo Kolk Study Fund. Study trip to Center for Human Growth and Development, University of Michigan.
- Leiden University Fund (LUF) voor studieverblijf promovendi, Center for Human Growth & Development (CHGD), University of Michigan
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Forensische gezinsped. en Jeugdhulpverl.
- Rudolph J.I., Berkel S.R. van, Zimmer-Gembeck M.J., Walsh K., Straker D. & Campbell T. (2024), Parental involvement in programs to prevent child sexual abuse: a systematic review of four decades of research, Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 25(1): 560-576.
- Berkel S.R. van, Prevoo M.J.L., Linting M., Pannebakker F. & Alink L.R.A. (2024), What about the children?: Co-occurrence of child maltreatment and parental separation, Child Maltreatment 29(1): 53-65.
- Heijningen C.J.M. van, Berkel S.R. van, Langereis I., Elzinga B.M. & Alink L.R.A. (2024), Losing a parent during childhood: the impact on adult romantic relationships, Family Process : .
- Berkel S.R. van, Bicanic I.A.E. & Voort A. van der (2024), “Just listen to me”: experiences of therapy after childhood sibling sexual abuse, Child Abuse & Neglect : 107138.
- Kullberg M.-L. & Van Berkel S. (2023), "Straks ben ik aan de beurt...", Augeo Magazine : 5-11.
- van Heijningen C.J.M., van Berkel S.R., Rosinda S.J., Penninx B.W.J.H., Alink L.R.A. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Long-term effects of experiencing childhood parental death on mental and physical health: a NESDA study, Stress and Health : 1-14 (e3222).
- Vermeulen S., Alink L.R.A. & Berkel S.R. van (2022), Child maltreatment during school and childcare closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Child Maltreatment 28(1): 13-23.
- Van Berkel S.R., Groeneveld M.G., Van der Pol L.D., Linting M. & Mesman J. (2022), Growing up together: differences between siblings in the development of compliance separating within-family and between-family effects, Developmental Psychology : .
- Vermeulen S., Berkel. S.R. van, Vendel M.A.J. & Alink L.R.A. (2022), Gebruik van de noodopvang tijdens de tweede lockdown. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Vermeulen S., Berkel. S.R. van & Alink L.R.A. (2022), Kindermishandeling tijdens de tweede lockdown. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Vermeulen S., Berkel. S.R. van & Alink L.R.A. (2021), Kindermishandeling tijdens de eerste lockdown. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Beckerman M., Van Berkel S.R., Mesman J., Huffmeijer R. & Alink L.R.A. (2020), Are negative parental attributions predicted by situational stress? From a theoretical assumption toward an experimental answer, Child Maltreatment 25(3): 352-362.
- Berkel S.R. van, Prevoo M.J.L, Linting M., Pannebakker F.D. & Alink L.R.A. (2020), Prevalence of child maltreatment in the Netherlands: an update and cross-time comparison, Child Abuse & Neglect 103: 104439.
- Asdonk S. van der, Haan W.D. de, Berkel S.R. van, IJzendoorn M.H. van, Rippe R.C.A., Schuengel C., Kuiper C., Lindauer R.J.L., Overbeek M. & Alink L.R.A. (2020), Effectiveness of an attachment-based intervention for the assessment of parenting capacities in maltreating families: a randomized controlled trial, Infant Mental Health Journal 41(6): 821-835.
- Berkel S.R. van, Song J.H., Gonzalez R., Olson S.L. & Volling B.L. (2020), Don't touch: Developmental trajectories of toddlers' behavioral regulation related to older siblings' behaviors and parental discipline, Social Development 29(4): 1031-1050.
- Tran N.K., Van Berkel S.R., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Alink L.R.A. (2020), Child and family factors associated with child maltreatment in Vietnam, Journal of Interpersonal Violence : .
- Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboorn E.T. & Mesman J. (2019), Fathers: The interplay between testosterone levels and self-control in relation to parenting quality, Hormones and Behavior 112: 100-106.
- Van der Asdonk S., Van Berkel S.R., De Haan W.D., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Schuengel C. & Alink L.R.A. (2019), Improving decision-making agreement in child protection cases by using information regarding parents' response to an intervention: A vignette study, Children and Youth Services Review 107: e104501.
- Haan W.D. de, Berkel S.R. van, Asdonk S. van der, Finkenauer C., Forder C.J., IJzendoorn M.H. van, Schuengel C. & Alink L.R.A. (2019), Out-of-home placement decisions: How individual characteristics of professionals are reflected in deciding about child protection cases, Developmental Child Welfare 1(4): 312-326.
- Berkel S.R. van, Euser S., Tharner A., IJzendoorn M.H. van, Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Alink L.R.A. (2019), Prevalentieschatting van kindermishandeling in de reguliere Nederlandse jeugdzorg. In Commissie onderzoek naar geweld in de Jeugdzorg Onvoldoende beschermd: Deel 2-Sector- en themastudies. Den Haag: Rijksoverheid.
- Alink L., Prevoo M., Van Berkel S.R., Linting M., Klein Velderman M. & Pannebakker F. (2019), NPM-2017: nationale prevalentiestudie mishandeling van kinderen en jeugdigen nr. 3. Den Haag: Leiden University - Institute of Education and Child Studies/TNO Child Health.
- Haan W.D. de, Asdonk S. van der, Forder C.J., Berkel S.R. van & Alink L.R.A. (2019), The quality of out-of-home placement decisions: individual characteristics of and agreement among decision-makers, International Family Law 1(4): 268-273.
- Beckerman M., Berkel S.R. van, Mesman J. & Alink L.R.A. (2018), Negative parental attributions mediate associations between risk factors and dysfunctional parenting: a replication and extension, Child Abuse & Neglect 81: 249-258.
- Tran N.K., Berkel S.R. van, Nguyen H.T., IJzendoorn M.H. van & Alink L.R.A. (2018), Changes in prevalence of child maltreatment in Vietnam over 10 years, Child Abuse & Neglect 80: 172-182.
- Van der Asdonk S., Van Berkel S.R., De Haan W.D., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Schuengel C. & Alink L.R.A. (2018), Improving decision-making in child protection cases. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health Congress, Rome. 26 mei 2018 - 30 mei 2018. [conferentie poster].
- Berkel S.R. van, Tucker C.J. & Finkelhor D. (2018), The combination of sibling victimization and parental child maltreatment on mental health problems and delinquency, Child Maltreatment 23(3): 244-253.
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Pol L.D. van der, Berkel S.R. van, Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2017), Gender Differences in Child Aggression: Relations With Gender-Differentiated Parenting and Parents’ Gender-Role Stereotypes, Child Development 88(1): 299-316.
- Tran N.K., Alink L.R.A., Berkel S.R. van & IJzendoorn M.H. van (2017), Child Maltreatment in Vietnam: Prevalence and Cross-Cultural Comparison, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 26(3): 211-230.
- Beckerman M., Van Berkel S., Mesman J. & Alink L.R.A. (2017), The role of negative parental attributions in the associations between daily stressors, maltreatment history, and harsh and abusive discipline, Child Abuse & Neglect 64: 109-116.
- Tran N.K., Van Berkel S.R., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Alink L.R.A. (2017), The association between child maltreatment and emotional, cognitive, and physical health functioning in Vietnam, BMC Public Health 17: e332.
- Berkel S.R. van, Groeneveld M.G., Pol L.D. van der, Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2017), No! Don’t touch the toys: Preschoolers’ discipline towards their younger siblings, Infant and Child Development 26(6): e2031.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Pol L.D. van der, Linting M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2017), Mothers' and fathers' sensitivity with their two children: A longitudinal study from infancy to early childhood, Developmental Psychology 53(5): 860-872.
- Van Berkel S.R. & Buist K.L. (2017), Broertjes & zusjes: zo stimuleer je een warme band tussen je kinderen. Amsterdam: Why’s.
- Alink L.R.A., Prevoo M.J.L., Van Berkel S.R., Linting M. & Pannebakker F. (2017), De prevalentie van kindermishandeling in Nederland: Het belang van het nauwkeurig beoordelen van schattingen, Kind en Adolescent 38: 264-267.
- Alink L.R.A., Prevoo M.J.L., Van Berkel S.R., Linting M. & Pannebakker F. (2017), De prevalentie van kindermishandeling in Nederland: paper De Nationale Prevalentiestudies Mishandeling van kinderen en jeugd: Slotwoord, Kind en Adolescent 38(4): 271-272.
- Alink L.R.A., Pannebakker F., Prevoo M.J.L., Van Berkel S.R., Linting M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Vogels T., Euser S. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2017), De Nationale Prevalentiestudie Mishandeling van kinderen en jeugdigen (NPM): Een repliek op Prinsen, Nederlands Juristenblad 42: 3079-3080.
- Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2016), Diurnal testosterone variability is differentially associated with parenting quality in mothers and fathers, Hormones and Behavior 80: 68-75.
- Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2016), Associations between fathers' and mothers' psychopathology symptoms, parental emotion socialization, and preschoolers' social-emotional development, Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(11): 3367-3380.
- Van der Pol L.D., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2016), Sibling gender configuration and family processes, Journal of Family Issues 37(15): 2095-2117.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2016), Wait until your mother gets home! Mothers' and fathers' discipline strategies, Social Development 25(1): 82-98.
- Van Berkel S.R., Groeneveld M.G., Mesman J., Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Van der Pol L.D. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2015), Parental sensitivity towards toddlers and infant siblings predicting toddler sharing and compliance, Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(8): 2270-2279.
- Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Endendijk J.J., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2015), To share or not to share: Parental, sibling, and situational influences on sharing with a younger sibling, Environments 39(3): 235-241.
- Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2015), Fathers' and mothers' emotion talk with their girls and boys from toddlerhood to preschool age, Emotion 15(6): 854-864.
- Berkel S.R. van (10 maart 2015), Growing up together (Dissertatie. Education and Child Studies, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Groeneveld M.G.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Mothers, fathers, sons and daughters: Parental sensitivity in families with two children, Journal of Family Psychology 28(2): 138-147.
- Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Sibling gender configuration: Differences in child behavior and parenting. IRD Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. . Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Mesman J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Fathers' and mothers' psychopathology differentially predict their discipline strategies towards their 12-month-old children. Paper presented at 14th World WAIMH Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. . Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Wait until your mother gets home! Mothers' and fathers' discipline strategies. Paper presented at XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies Berlin, Germany (ISIS). . Berlin, Germany.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D., Linting M. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Mothers' and fathers' sensitivity towards their two children: A longitudinal study from infancy to early childhood. ISED Research Days, Amsterdam. . Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Mesman J., Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Endendijk J.J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Mothers and fathers talking about emotions with their sons and daughters: Boys are angry and girls are sad. WAIMH Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. . Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Mesman J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Parental differential sensitivity towards their two children: Birth order effects or child age effects? Conference paper ICIS, Berlin. . Berlin, Germany.
- Bakermans M.J., Hallers E.T., Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G. & Endendijk J.J. (2014), The testosterone trade-off: High diurnal variation of testosterone as a predictor of optimal fathering. Gender Development Conference, San Francisco, USA. The Seventh Gender Development Research Conference, San Francisco. 27 oktober 2014 - 28 oktober 2014. [conferentie poster].
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Mesman J., Van der Pol L.D., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Van Berkel S.R. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Switching sides: Fathers' traditional and nontraditional gender views predict opposite gender-differentiated parenting and child outcomes. Gender Development Conference, San Francisco, USA. [conferentie poster].
- Van Berkel S.R., Bakermans M.J., Van der Pol L.D., Endendijk J.J., Mesman J., Hallers E.T. & Groeneveld M.G. (2014), Mothers' and fathers' differential use of physical discipline with boys and girls and the role of parental gender stereotypes. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies ICIS, Berlin. 3 juli 2014 - 5 juli 2014. [conferentie poster].
- Mesman J., Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers E.T., Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G. & Bakermans M.J. (2014), Wait until your mother gets home! Mothers' and fathers' discipline strategies. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies ICIS, Berlin. 3 juli 2014 - 5 juli 2014. [conferentie poster].
- Bakermans M.J., Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D., Hallers E.T., Endendijk J.J., Mesman J. & Groeneveld M.G. (2014), It's all about the combination: The effects of sibling gender configuration on child behavior and parenting. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies ICIS, Berlin. 3 juli 2014 - 5 juli 2014. [conferentie poster].
- Hallers E.T., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Bakermans M.J. & Van der Pol L.D. (2014), Behavioral development in toddlers with siblings: Relations with fathers' and mothers' treatment of both children. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies ICIS, Berlin. 3 juli 2014 - 5 juli 2014. [conferentie poster].
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Boys don't play with dolls: Mothers' and fathers' gender talk during picture book reading, Parenting: Science and Practice 14(3-4): 141-161.
- Mesman J., Hallers-Haalboom E., Endendijk J., Van Berkel S., Van der Pol L., Groeneveld M. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2013), Paternal and maternal responses to child noncompliance: Effects of parent and child gender on family discipline interactions. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 17 april 2013 - 20 april 2013. Seattle, Washington.
- Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2013), If you keep screaming, i'll take them all!' Parental and siblings' sharing. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle, USA (April) . Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle. 17 april 2013 - 20 april 2013. [conferentie poster].
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2013), Gender stereotypes in the family context: Mothers, fathers, and siblings, Sex Roles 68: 577-590.
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Berkel S.R. van, Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2012), Measuring Parental Messages About Gender Stereotypes to Young Children: The Gender Stereotypes Picture Book. .
- Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Berkel S.R. van, Hallers-Haalboom E.T. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2012), Fathers and mothers: Sensitivity towards boys and girls. [overig].
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Berkel S.R., Swaab H. & Van Goozen S.H.M. (2011), Neurobiological and behavioral stress reactivity in children prenatally exposed to tobacco, Psychoneuroendocrinology 36: 912-918.