Serena Viti
Hoogleraar Sterrenkunde
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- Prof.dr. S. Viti
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5803
- 0000-0001-8504-8844

Hoogleraar Sterrenkunde
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Ginsburg A., Bally J., Barnes A.T., Battersby C., Budaiev N., Butterfield N.O., Caselli P., Colzi L., Dutkowska K.M., García P., Gramze S., Henshaw J.D., Hu Y., Jeff D., Jiménez-Serra I., Kauffmann J., Klessen R.S., Levesque E.M., Longmore S.N., Lu X., Mills E.A.C., Morris M.R., Nogueras-Lara F., Oka T., Pineda J.E., Pillai T.G.S., Rivilla V.M., Sánchez-Monge Á., Santa-Maria M.G., Smith H.A., Sofue Y., Sormani M.C., Tremblay G.R., Vermariën G.J.P.W., Vikhlinin A., Viti S., Walker D., Wang Q.D., Xu F. & Zhang Q. (2024), A broad line-width, compact, millimeter-bright molecular emission line source near the galactic center, Astrophysical Journal Letters 968(1): L11.
- Fontani F., Vermariën G., Viti S., Gigli D., Colzi L., Beltrán M.T., Caselli P., Rivilla V.M. & Sánchez-Monge A. (2024), CHEMOUT: CHEMical complexity in star-forming regions of the OUTer Galaxy: IV. ALMA observations of organic species at a galactocentric radius of 23 kpc, Astronomy & Astrophysics 691: A180.
- Behrens E., Mangum J.G., Viti S., Holdship J.R., Huang K.Y., Bouvier M.M.E., Butterworth J.J., Eibensteiner C., Harada N., Martín S., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Tanaka K., Colzi L., Henkel C., Meier D.S., Rivilla V.M. & Werf P.P. van der (2024), Neural network constraints on the cosmic-ray ionization rate and other physical conditions in NGC 253 with ALCHEMI measurements of HCN and HNC, The Astrophysical Journal 977(1): 38.
- Manna A., Pal S. & Viti S. (2024), Detection of antifreeze molecule ethylene glycol in the hot molecular core G358.93-0.03 MM1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 533(1): 1143-1155.
- Zhang S., Cyganowski C.J., Henshaw J.D., Brogan C.L., Hunter T.R., Friesen R.K., Bonnell I.A. & Viti S. (2024), Filamentary mass accretion towards the high-mass protobinary system G11.92-0.61 MM2, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 533(1): 1075-1094.
- Gorski M., Aalto S., König S., Wethers C., Yang C., Muller S., Viti S., Black J., Onishi K. & Sato M. (2024), Abundances and excitation of a glycine precursor, methanimine, in compact obscured nuclei, IAU General Assembly. IAU General Assembly 6 augustus 2024 - 15 augustus 2024. Bulletin of the AAS. Cape Town, South Africa: AAS Publishing . 1833.
- Lefloch B., Codella C., Montargès M., Vastel C., Podio L., Viti S., Jimenez-Serra I. & Ceccarelli C. (2024), Spatial distributions of PN and PO in the shock region L1157-B1, Astronomy & Astrophysics 687: A75.
- Zhang Z.E., Sakai N., Ohashi S., Murillo N.M., Chandler C.J., Svoboda B., Ceccarelli C., Codella C., Cacciapuoti L., O'Donoghue R., Viti S., Aikawa Y., Bianchi E., Caselli P., Charnley S., Hanawa T., Jímenez-Serra I., Liu H.B., Loinard L., Oya Y., Podio L., Sabatini G., Vastel C. & Yamamoto S. (2024), FAUST. XIV. Probing the flared disk in L1527 with sulfur-bearing molecules, The Astrophysical Journal 966(2): 207.
- López-Gallifa Á., Rivilla V.M., Beltrán M.T., Colzi L., Mininni C., Sánchez-Monge Á., Fontani F., Viti S., Jiménez-Serra I., Testi L., Cesaroni R. & Lorenzani A. (2024), The GUAPOS project - V: The chemical ingredients of a massive stellar protocluster in the making, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529(4): 3244-3283.
- Wethers C.F., Aalto S., Privon G.C., Stanley F., Gallagher J., Gorski M., König S., Onishi K., Sato M., Yang C., Beswick R., Barcos-Munoz L., Combes F., Diaz-Santos T., Evans A.S., Garcia-Bernete I., Henkel C., Imanishi M., Martín S., Muller S., Nishimura Y., Ricci C., Rigopoulou D. & Viti S. (2024), Double, double, toil, and trouble. The tails, bubbles, and knots of the local compact obscured nucleus galaxy NGC 4418, Astronomy & Astrophysics 683: A27.
- Fontani F., Mininni C., Beltrán M.T., Rivilla V.M., Colzi L., Jiménez-Serra I., López-Gallifa Á., Sánchez-Monge Á. & Viti S. (2024), The GUAPOS project: G31.41+0.31 unbiased ALMA sPectral observational survey: IV. Phosphorus-bearing molecules and their relation to shock tracers, Astronomy & Astrophysics 682: A74.
- Tanaka K., Mangum J.G., Viti S., Martín S., Harada N., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Yoshimura Y., Nakanishi K., Herrero-Illana R., Emig K.L., Mühle S., Kaneko H., Tosaki T., Behrens E., Rivilla V.M., Colzi L., Nishimura Y., Humire P.K., Bouvier M.M.E., Huang K.Y., Butterworth J.J., Meier D.S. & Werf P.P. van der (2024), Volume density structure of the central molecular zone NGC 253 through ALCHEMI excitation analysis, The Astrophysical Journal 961(1): 18.
- de Mijolla D., Holdship J.R., Viti S. & Heyl J. (2024), Disentangling multiple emitting components in molecular observations with nonnegative matrix factorization, The Astrophysical Journal 961(2): 225.
- Bovino S., Grassi T., Holdship J., Kamp I., Lupi A., Rab C., Schleicher D. & Viti S. (2024), Case studies. In: Bovino S. & Grassi T. (red.), Astrochemical Modeling: Practical Aspects of Microphysics in Numerical Simulations. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 365-398.
- Gorski M., Aalto S., Konig S., Wethers C., Yang C., Muller S., Onishi K., Sato M., Falstad N., Mangum J., Linden S., Combes F., Martín S., Imanishi M., Wada K., Barcos-Muñoz L., Stanley F., García-Burillo S., Werf P. van der, Evans A., Henkel C., Viti S., Harada N., Díaz-Santos T., Gallagher J. & González-Alfonso E. (2024), A spectacular MHD-powered wind in the galaxy ESO 320-G030, IAU General Assembly. IAU General Assembly 6 augustus 2024 - 15 augustus 2024. IAU General Assembly. Cambridge : Cambridge Universtity Press. 1859.
- Nishimura Y., Aalto S., Gorski M.D., König S., Onishi K., Wethers C., Yang C., Barcos-Muñoz L., Combes F., Díaz-Santos T., Gallagher J.S., García-Burillo S., González-Alfonso E., Greve T.R., Harada N., Henkel C., Imanishi M., Kohno K., Linden S.T., Mangum J.G., Martín S., Muller S., Privon G.C., Ricci C., Stanley F., Werf P.P. van der & Viti S. (2024), CON-quest. II. Spatially and spectrally resolved HCN/HCO+ line ratios in local luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies, Astronomy & Astrophysics 686: A48.
- Gorski M.D., Aalto S., König S., Wethers C.F., Yang C., Muller S., Onishi K., Sato M., Falstad N., Mangum J.G., Linden S.T., Combes F., Martín S., Imanishi M., Wada K., Barcos-Muñoz L., Stanley F., García-Burillo S., Werf P.P. van der, Evans A.S., Henkel C., Viti S., Harada N., Díaz-Santos T., Gallagher J.S. & González-Alfonso E. (2024), A spectacular galactic scale magnetohydrodynamic powered wind in ESO 320-G030, Astronomy & Astrophysics 684: L11.
- Méndez E., Huang K.-Y., Viti S. & Higuera-G. M.-A. (2024), Chemical modeling of methanol as an extragalactic shock tracer, IAU General Assembly. IAU General Assembly 6 augustus 2024 - 15 augustus 2024 1166.
- Huang K.Y., Abbink D., Viti S. & García-Burillo S. (2024), Multi-transition study of methanol towards NGC 1068 with ALMA, Astronomy and Astrophysics 688: A130.
- Zhang Y., Viti S., Huang K.-Y., García-Burillo S. & Lamblin L. (2024), Characterizing the kinematics around the inner regions of NGC 1068 using sub-mm CO observations, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024. Padova, Italy 413.
- Zhang Y., Viti S., Huang K.-Y., García-Burillo S. & Lamblin L. (2024), Tracing AGN feedback through the kinematics of the circumnuclear disk in NGC 1068, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024. Padova, Italy 410.
- Zhang Y., Viti S., Huang K.-Y., García-Burillo S. & Lamblin L. (2024), Characterizing the kinematics of the circumnuclear disk in NGC 1068 using CO observations, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024. Padova, Italy 408.
- Bouvier M.M.E., Viti S., Behrens E., Butterworth J.J., Huang K.Y., Mangum J.G., Harada N., Martín S., Rivilla V.M., Muller S., Sakamoto K., Yoshimura Y., Tanaka K., Nakanishi K., Herrero-Illana R., Colzi L., Gorski M.D., Henkel C., Humire P.K., Meier D.S., Werf P.P. van der & Yan Y.T. (2024), An ALCHEMI inspection of sulphur-bearing species towards the central molecular zone of NGC 253, Astronomy & Astrophysics 689: A64.
- Podio L., Ceccarelli C., Codella C., Sabatini G., Segura-Cox D., Balucani N., Rimola A., Ugliengo P., Chandler C.J., Sakai N., Svoboda B., Pineda J., De Simone M., Bianchi E., Caselli P., Isella A., Aikawa Y., Bouvier M., Caux E., Chahine L., Charnley S.B., Cuello N., Dulieu F., Evans L., Fedele D., Feng S., Fontani F., Hama T., Hanawa T., Herbst E., Hirota T., Jiménez-Serra I., Johnstone D., Lefloch B., Le Gal R., Loinard L., Liu H.B., López-Sepulcre A., Maud L.T., Maureira M.J., Menard F., Miotello A., Moellenbrock G., Nomura H., Oba Y., Ohashi S., Okoda Y., Oya Y., Sakai T., Shirley Y., Testi L., Vastel C., Viti S., Watanabe N., Watanabe Y., Zhang Y., Zhang Z.E. & Yamamoto S. (2024), FAUST. XVII. Super deuteration in the planet-forming system IRS 63 where the streamer strikes the disk, Astronomy & Astrophysics 688: L22.
- Bao M., Harada N., Kohno K., Yoshimura Y., Egusa F., Nishimura Y., Tanaka K., Nakanishi K., Martín S., Mangum J.G., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Bouvier M.M.E., Colzi L., Emig K.L., Meier D.S., Henkel C., Humire P., Huang K.Y., Rivilla V.M., Werf P.P. van der & Viti S. (2024), Physical properties of the southwest outflow streamer in the starburst galaxy NGC 253 with ALCHEMI, Astronomy & Astrophysics 687: A43.
- Bouvier M. & Viti S. (2024), Transformational science with AtLAST. The Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) design study: results, science, and next steps 21 mei 2024 - 24 mei 2024 24.
- Chahine L., Ceccarelli C., De Simone M., Chandler C.J., Codella C., Podio L., López-Sepulcre A., Sakai N., Loinard L., Bouvier M.M.E., Caselli P., Vastel C., Bianchi E., Cuello N., Fontani F., Johnstone D., Sabatini G., Hanawa T., Zhang Z.E., Aikawa Y., Busquet G., Caux E., Durán A., Herbst E., Ménard F., Segura-Cox D., Svoboda B., Balucani N., Charnley S., Dulieu F., Evans L., Fedele D., Feng S., Hama T., Hirota T., Isella A., Jímenez-Serra I., Lefloch B., Maud L.T., Maureira M.J., Miotello A., Moellenbrock G., Nomura H., Oba Y., Ohashi S., Okoda Y., Oya Y., Pineda J., Rimola A., Sakai T., Shirley Y., Testi L., Viti S., Watanabe N., Watanabe Y., Zhang Y. & Yamamoto S. (2024), Multiple chemical tracers finally unveil the intricate NGC 1333 IRAS 4A outflow system: FAUST XVI, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531(2): 2653-2668.
- Harada N., Meier D.S., Martín S., Muller S., Sakamoto K., Saito T., Gorski M.D., Henkel C., Tanaka K., Mangum J.G., Aalto S., Aladro R., Bouvier M.M.E., Colzi L., Emig K.L., Herrero-Illana R., Huang K.Y., Kohno K., König S., Nakanishi K., Nishimura Y., Takano S., Rivilla V.M., Viti S., Watanabe Y., Werf P.P. van der & Yoshimura Y. (2024), The ALCHEMI Atlas: principal component analysis reveals starburst evolution in NGC 253, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 271(2): 38.
- Sabatini G., Podio L., Codella C., Watanabe Y., De Simone M., Bianchi E., Ceccarelli C., Chandler C.J., Sakai N., Svoboda B., Testi L., Aikawa Y., Balucani N., Bouvier M., Caselli P., Caux E., Chahine L., Charnley S., Cuello N., Dulieu F., Evans L., Fedele D., Feng S., Fontani F., Hama T., Hanawa T., Herbst E., Hirota T., Isella A., Jímenez-Serra I., Johnstone D., Lefloch B., Le Gal R., Loinard L., Liu H.B., López-Sepulcre A., Maud L.T., Maureira M.J., Menard F., Miotello A., Moellenbrock G., Nomura H., Oba Y., Ohashi S., Okoda Y., Oya Y., Pineda J., Rimola A., Sakai T., Segura-Cox D., Shirley Y., Vastel C., Viti S., Watanabe N., Zhang Y., Zhang Z.E. & Yamamoto S. (2024), FAUST. XIII. Dusty cavity and molecular shock driven by IRS7B in the Corona Australis cluster, Astronomy & Astrophysics 684: L12.
- Buiten V.A., Werf P.P. van der, Viti S., Armus L., Barr A.G., Barcos-Muñoz L., Evans A.S., Inami H., Linden S.T., Privon G.C., Song Y., Rich J.A., Aalto S., Appleton P.N., Böker T., Charmandaris V., Diaz-Santos T., Hayward C.C., Lai T.S.-Y., Medling A.M., Ricci C. & U V. (2024), GOALS-JWST: Mid-infrared molecular gas excitation probes the local conditions of nuclear star clusters and the active galactic nucleus in the LIRG VV 114, The Astrophysical Journal 966(2): 166.
- Butterworth J.J., Viti S., Werf P.P. van der, Mangum J.G., Martín S., Harada N., Emig K.L., Muller S., Sakamoto K., Yoshimura Y., Tanaka K., Herrero-Illana R., Colzi L., Rivilla V.M., Huang K.Y., Bouvier M.M.E., Behrens E., Henkel C., Yan Y.T., Meier D.S. & Zhou D. (2024), Molecular isotopologue measurements toward super star clusters and the relation to their ages in NGC 253 with ALCHEMI, Astronomy & Astrophysics 686: A31.
- Heyl J., Butterworth J.J. & Viti S. (2023), Understanding molecular abundances in star-forming regions using interpretable machine learning, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(1): 404-422.
- Raouf Hajar Zarrin M., Viti S., García-Burillo S., Richings A.J., Schaye J., Bemis A.R., Nobels F.S.J., Guainazzi M., Huang K.-Y., Schaller M., Impellizzeri C.W.V. & Holdship J.R. (2023), Hydrodynamic simulations of the disc of gas around supermassive black holes (HDGAS): I. Molecular gas dynamics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524(1): 786-800.
- Huang K.Y., Viti S., Holdship J., Mangum J.G., Martín S., Harada N., Muller S., Sakamoto K., Tanaka K., Yoshimura Y., Herrero-Illana R., Meier D.S., Behrens E., Werf P.P. van der, Henkel C., García-Burillo S., Rivilla V.M., Emig K.L., Colzi L., Humire P.K., Aladro R. & Bouvier M.M.E. (2023), Reconstructing the shock history in the CMZ of NGC 253 with ALCHEMI (Corrigendum), Astronomy and Astrophysics 678: C2.
- Huang K.Y., Viti S., Holdship J.R., Mangum J.G., Martín S., Harada N., Muller S., Sakamoto K., Tanaka K., Yoshimura Y., Herrero-Illana R., Meier D.S., Behrens E., Werf P.P. van der, Henkel C., García-Burillo S., Rivilla V.M., Emig K.L., Colzi L., Humire P.K., Aladro R. & Bouvier M.M.E. (2023), Reconstructing the shock history in the CMZ of NGC 253 with ALCHEMI, Astronomy and Astrophysics 675: A151.
- Heyl J., Lamberts A.L.M.., Viti S. & Holdship J.R. (2023), Investigating the impact of reactions of C and CH with molecular hydrogen on a glycine gas-grain network, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520(1): 503-512.
- Rybak M., Marrewijk J. van, Hodge J.A., Andreani P., Calistro Rivera G., Graziani L., McKean J.P., Viti S. & Werf P.P. van der (2023), PRUSSIC: II. ALMA imaging of dense-gas tracers in SDP.81: evidence for low mechanical heating and a sub-solar metallicity in a z = 3.04 dusty galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 679: A119.
- Scourfield M., Saintonge A., Mijolla D. de & Viti S. (2023), De-noising of galaxy optical spectra with autoencoders, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(2): 3037-3050.
- Avison A., Fuller G.A., Frimpong N.A., Etoka S., Hoare M., Jones B.M., Peretto N., Traficante A., Tak F. van der, Pineda J.E., Beltrán M., Wyrowski F., Thompson M., Lumsden S., Nagy Z., Hill T., Viti S., Fontani F. & Schilke P. (2023), Tracing Evolution in massive protostellar objects: I. Fragmentation and emission properties of massive star-forming clumps in a luminosity-limited ALMA sample, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(2): 2278-2300.
- Codella C., Bachiller R. & Viti S. (2023), The distribution of high-excitation OCS emission around the Cep A-East protostellar cluster, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 7(10): 219.
- Manna A., Pal S., Viti S. & Sinha S. (2023), Identification of the simplest sugar-like molecule glycolaldehyde towards the hot molecular core G358.93-0.03 MM1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525(2): 2229-2240.
- Mininni C., Beltrán M.T., Colzi L., Rivilla V.M., Fontani F., Lorenzani A., López-Gallifa Á., Viti S., Sánchez-Monge Á., Schilke P. & Testi L. (2023), The GUAPOS project: III. Characterization of the O- and N-bearing complex organic molecules content and search for chemical differentiation, Astronomy and Astrophysics 677: A15.
- Cacciapuoti L., Macias E., Maury A.J., Chandler C.J., Sakai N., Tychoniec Ł., Viti S., Natta A., De Simone M., Miotello A., Codella C., Ceccarelli C., Podio L., Fedele D., Johnstone D., Shirley Y., Liu B.J., Bianchi E., Zhang Z.E., Pineda J., Loinard L., Ménard F., Lebreuilly U., Klessen R.S., Hennebelle P., Molinari S., Testi L. & Yamamoto S. (2023), FAUST: IX. Multiband, multiscale dust study of L1527 IRS. Evidence for variations in dust properties within the envelope of a class 0/I young stellar object, Astronomy and Astrophysics 676: A4.
- Cosentino G., Tan J.C., Jiménez-Serra I., Fontani F., Caselli P., Henshaw J.D., Barnes A.T., Law C.-Y., Viti S., Fedriani R., Hsu C.-J., Gorai P. & Zeng S. (2023), Deuterium fractionation across the infrared-dark cloud G034.77-00.55 interacting with the supernova remnant W44, Astronomy and Astrophysics 675: A190.
- Aalto S., Battersby C., Chin G., Hunt L.K., Rigopoulou D., Stark A.A., Viti S. & Walker C.K. (2023), Extragalactic science with the Orbiting Astronomical Satellite Investigating Stellar Systems (OASIS) Observatory, Space Science Reviews 219(1): 9.
- Gorski M.D., Aalto S., König S., Wethers C., Yang C., Muller S., Viti S., Black J.H., Onishi K. & Sato M. (2023), The opaque heart of the galaxy IC 860: Analogous protostellar, kinematics, morphology, and chemistry, Astronomy and Astrophysics 670: A70.
- Bonato M., Leisawitz D., Urry C., Shivaei I., Aalto S., Eales S., Farrah D., Kogut A., Sanders D., Scoville N., Sutter J., Viti S. & Wilson G. (2023), Extragalactic science goals and predictions for the SPICE Far-IR Probe, American Astronomical Society meeting abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #241 8 januari 2023 - 12 januari 2023. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society nr. 55. Seattle: AAS publishing. 160.05.
- Huang K.Y. & Viti S. (2023), Tracing the chemical footprint of shocks in AGN-host and starburst galaxies with ALMA multi-line molecular studies, Faraday Discussions 245: 181-198.
- Heyl J., Viti S. & Vermariën G.J.P.W. (2023), A statistical and machine learning approach to the study of astrochemistry, Faraday Discussions 245: 569-585.
- Butterworth J.J, Holdship J.R., Viti S. & García-Burillo S. (2022), Understanding if molecular ratios can be used as diagnostics of AGN and starburst activity: the case of NGC 1068, Astronomy and Astrophysics 667: A131.
- Behrens E., Mangum J.G., Holdship J.R., Viti S., Harada N., Martín S., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Tanaka K., Nakanishi K., Herrero-Illana R., Yoshimura Y., Aladro R., Colzi L., Emig K.L., Henkel C., Huang K.Y., Humire P.K., Meier D.S., Rivilla V.M. & Werf P.P. van der (2022), Tracing Interstellar heating: an ALCHEMI measurement of the HCN Isomers in NGC 253, The Astrophysical Journal 939(2): 119.
- Holdship J.R., Mangum J.G., Viti S., Behrens E., Harada N., Martín S., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Tanaka K., Nakanishi K., Herrero-Illana R., Yoshimura Y., Aladro R., Colzi L., Emig K.L., Henkel C., Nishimura Y., Rivilla V.M. & Werf P.P. van der (2022), Energizing star formation: the cosmic-ray ionization rate in NGC 253 derived from ALCHEMI measurements of H3O+ and SO, The Astrophysical Journal 931(2): 89.
- Heyl J., Holdship J.R. & Viti S. (2022), Using statistical emulation and knowledge of grain-surface diffusion for bayesian inference of reaction rate parameters: an application to a glycine network, The Astrophysical Journal 931(1): 26.
- Haasler D., Rivilla V.M., Martín S., Holdship J.R., Viti S., Harada N., Mangum J., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Tanaka K., Yoshimura Y., Nakanishi K., Colzi L., Hunt L., Emig K.L., Aladro R., Humire P., Henkel C. & Werf P.P. van der (2022), First extragalactic detection of a phosphorus-bearing molecule with ALCHEMI: phosphorus nitride (PN), Astronomy and Astrophysics 659: A158.
- Holdship J.R. & Viti S (2022), History-independent tracers: forgetful molecular probes of the physical conditions of the dense interstellar medium, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A103.
- Huang K.Y., Viti S., Holdship J.R., García-Burillo S., Kohno K., Taniguchi A., Martín S., Aladro R., Fuente A. & Sánchez-García M. (2022), The chemical footprint of AGN feedback in the outflowing circumnuclear disk of NGC 1068, Astronomy and Astrophysics 666: A102.
- Tristram K.R.W., Impellizzeri C.M.V., Zhang Z.-Y., Villard E., Henkel C., Viti S., Burtscher L.H., Combes F., García-Burillo S., Martín S., Meisenheimer K. & Werf P.P. van der (2022), ALMA imaging of the cold molecular and dusty disk in the type 2 active nucleus of the Circinus galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 664: A142.
- Heyl J., Sellentin E., Holdship J.R. & Viti S. (2022), Identifying the most constraining ice observations to infer molecular binding energies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517(1): 38-46.
- Megías A., Jiménez-Serra I., Martín-Pintado J., Vasyunin A.I., Spezzano S., Caselli P., Cosentino G. & Viti S. (2022), The complex organic molecular content in the L1517B starless core, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519(2): 1601-1617.
- Vastel C., Alves F., Ceccarelli C., Bouvier M., Jiménez-Serra I., Sakai T., Caselli P., Evans L., Fontani F., Le Gal R., Chandler C.J., Svoboda B., Maud L., Codella C., Sakai N., López-Sepulcre A., Moellenbrock G., Aikawa Y., Balucani N., Bianchi E., Busquet G., Caux E., Charnley S., Cuello N., De Simone M., Dulieu F., Durân A., Fedele D., Feng S., Francis L., Hama T., Hanawa T., Herbst E., Hirota T., Imai M., Isella A., Johnstone D., Lefloch B., Loinard L., Maureira M., Murillo N.M., Mercimek S., Mori S., Menard F., Miotello A., Nakatani R., Nomura H., Oba Y., Ohashi S., Okoda Y., Ospina-Zamudio J., Oya Y., Pineda J.E., Podio L., Rimola A., Segura Cox D., Shirley Y., Testi L., Viti S., Watanabe N., Watanabe Y., Witzel A., Xue C., Zhang Y., Zhao B. & Yamamoto S. (2022), FAUST: V. Hot methanol in the [BHB2007] 11 protobinary system; hot corino versus shock origin, Astronomy and Astrophysics 664: A171.
- Imai M., Oya Y., Svoboda B., Liu H.B., Lefloch B., Viti S., Zhang Y., Ceccarelli C., Codella C., Chandler C.J., Sakai N., Aikawa Y., Alves F.O., Balucani N., Bianchi E., Bouvier M., Busquet G., Caselli P., Caux E., Charnley S., Choudhury S., Cuello N., Simone M.D., Dulieu F., Durán A., Evans L., Favre C., Fedele D., Feng S., Fontani F., Francis L., Hama T., Hanawa T., Herbst E., Hirano S., Hirota T., Isella A., Jímenez-Serra I., Johnstone D., Kahane C., Le Gal R., Loinard L., López-Sepulcre A., Maud L.T., Maureira M.J., Menard F., Mercimek S., Miotello A., Moellenbrock G., Mori S., Murillo N.M., Nakatani R., Nomura H., Oba Y., O'Donoghue R., Ohashi S., Okoda Y., Ospina-Zamudio J., Pineda J., Podio L., Rimola A., Sakai T., Segura-Cox D., Shirley Y., Taquet V., Testi L., Vastel C., Watanabe N., Watanabe Y., Witzel A., Xue C., Zhao B. & Yamamoto S. (2022), Chemical and physical characterization of the isolated protostellar source CB68: FAUST IV, The Astrophysical Journal 934(1): 70.
- O'Donoghue R., Viti S., Padovani M. & James T. (2022), The effects of cosmic rays on the chemistry of dense cores, The Astrophysical Journal 934(1): 63.
- Humire P.K., Henkel C., Hernández-Gómez A., Martín S., Mangum J., Harada N., Muller S., Sakamoto K., Tanaka K., Yoshimura Y., Nakanishi K., Mühle S., Herrero-Illana R., Meier D.S., Caux E., Aladro R., Mauersberger R., Viti S., Colzi L., Rivilla V.M., Gorski M., Menten K.M., Huang K.Y., Aalto S., Werf P.P. van der & Emig K.L. (2022), Methanol masers in NGC 253 with ALCHEMI, Astronomy and Astrophysics 663: A33.
- de A. Schutzer A., Rivera-Ortiz P.R., Lefloch B., Gusdorf A., Favre C., Segura-Cox D., López-Sepulcre A., Neri R., Ospina-Zamudio J., De Simone M., Codella C., Viti S., Podio L., Pineda J., O'Donoghue R., Ceccarelli C., Caselli P., Alves F., Bachiller R., Balucani N., Bianchi E., Bizzocchi L., Bottinelli S., Caux E., Chacón-Tanarro A., Dulieu F., Enrique-Romero J., Fontani F., Feng S., Holdship J.R., Jiménez-Serra I., Jaber Al-Edhari A., Kahane C., Lattanzi V., Oya Y., Punanova A., Rimola A., Sakai N., Spezzano S., Sims I.R., Taquet V., Testi L., Theulé P., Ugliengo P., Vastel C., Vasyunin A.I., Vazart F., Yamamoto S. & Witzel A. (2022), SOLIS: XVI. Mass ejection and time variability in protostellar outflows: Cep E, Astronomy and Astrophysics 662: A104.
- Awad Z. & Viti S (2022), Interstellar hydrocarbons: degradation chemistry in diffuse clouds, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511(3): 3832-3843.
- Mangum J.G., Viti S. & Alchemi Collaboration (2022), ALCHEMI: Results from the ALMA comprehensive high-resolution extragalactic molecular inventory of NGC253. Bouscasse L., Kramer C. & Gueth F. (red.), European Physical Journal web of conferences. Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium 4 april 2022 - 6 april 2022 nr. 265. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences.
- Viti S. (2022), Isotopic ratios and fractionation in the local Universe. Bouscasse L., Kramer C. & Gueth F. (red.), European Physical Journal web of conferences. Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium 4 april 2022 - 6 april 2022 nr. 265. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences.
- Sato M.T., Aalto S., Kohno K., König S., Harada N., Viti S., Izumi T., Nishimura Y. & Gorski M. (2022), APEX and NOEMA observations of H2S in nearby luminous galaxies and the ULIRG Mrk 231: a possible relation between dense gas properties and molecular outflows, Astronomy and Astrophysics 660: A82.
- Cosentino G., Jiménez-Serra I., Tan J.C., Henshaw J.D., Barnes A.T., Law C.-Y., Zeng S., Fontani F., Caselli P., Viti S., Zahorecz S., Rico-Villas F., Megías A., Miceli M., Orlando S., Ustamujic S., Greco E., Peres G., Bocchino F., Fedriani R., Gorai P., Testi L. & Martín-Pintado J. (2022), Negative and positive feedback from a supernova remnant with SHREC: a detailed study of the shocked gas in IC443, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511(1): 953-963.
- Keil M., Viti S. & Holdship J.R. (2022), UCLCHEMCMC: an MCMC inference tool for physical parameters of molecular clouds, The Astrophysical Journal 927(2): 203.
- Harada N., Martín S., Mangum J.G., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Tanaka K., Nakanishi K., Herrero-Illana R., Yoshimura Y., Mühle S., Aladro R., Colzi L., Rivilla V.M., Aalto S., Behrens E., Henkel C., Holdship J., Humire P.K., Meier D.S., Nishimura Y., Werf P.P. van der & Viti S. (2021), Starburst energy feedback seen through HCO^+/HOC^+ emission in NGC 253 from ALCHEMI, The Astrophysical Journal 923(1): 24.
- Martín S., Mangum J.G., Harada N., Costagliola F., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Aladro R., Tanaka K., Yoshimura Y., Nakanishi K., Herrero-Illana R., Mühle S., Aalto S., Behrens E., Colzi L., Emig K.L., Fuller G.A., García-Burillo S., Greve T.R., Henkel C., Holdship J.R., Humire P., Hunt L., Izumi T., Kohno K., König S., Meier D.S., Nakajima T., Nishimura Y., Padovani M., Rivilla V.M., Takano S., Werf P.P. van der, Viti S. & Yan Y.T. (2021), ALCHEMI, an ALMA comprehensive high-resolution extragalactic molecular inventory: survey presentation and first results from the ACA array, Astronomy and Astrophysics 656: A46.
- Barrientos A., Holdship J.R., Solar M., Martín S., Rivilla V.M., Viti S., Mangum J., Harada N., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Tanaka K., Yoshimura Y., Nakanishi K., Herrero-Illana R., Mühle S., Aladro R., Aalto S., Henkel C. & Humire P. (2021), Towards the prediction of molecular parameters from astronomical emission lines using Neural Networks, Experimental Astronomy 52(1-2): 157-182.
- Holdship J., Viti S., Martín S., Harada N., Mangum J., Sakamoto K., Muller S., Tanaka K., Yoshimura Y., Nakanishi K., Herrero-Illana R., Mühle S., Aladro R., Colzi L., Emig K.L., García-Burillo S., Henkel C., Humire P., Meier D.S., Rivilla V.M. & Werf P. van der (2021), The distribution and origin of C2H in NGC 253 from ALCHEMI, Astronomy and Astrophysics 654: 1-18 (A55).
- Holdship J., Viti S., Haworth T.J. & Ilee J.D. (2021), Chemulator: fast, accurate thermochemistry for dynamical models through emulation, Astronomy and Astrophysics 653: A76.
- Walker C.K., Chin G., Aalto S., Anderson C.M., Arenberg J.W., Battersby C., Bergin E., Bergner J., Biver N., Bjoraker G.L., Carr J., Cavalié T., De Beck E., DiSanti M.A., Hartogh P., Hunt L.K., Kim D., Takashima Y., Kulesa C., Leisawitz D., Najita J., Rigopoulou D., Schwarz K., Shirly Y., Stark A.A., Tielens X., Viti S., Wilner D., Wollack E. & Young E. (2021), Orbiting Astronomical Satellite for Investigating Stellar Systems (OASIS): following the water trail from the interstellar medium to oceans. Hull T.B., Kim D., Hallibert P. & Keller F. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications 2021 1 augustus 2021 - 5 augustus 2021 nr. 11820. Washington: SPIE.
- Falstad N., Aalto S., König S., Onishi K., Muller S., Gorski M., Sato M., Stanley F., Combes F., González-Alfonso E., Mangum J.G., Evans A.S., Barcos-Muñoz L., Privon G.C., Linden S.T., Díaz-Santos T., Martín S., Sakamoto K., Harada N., Fuller G.A., Gallagher J.S., Werf P.P. van der, Viti S., Greve T.R., García-Burillo S., Henkel C., Imanishi M., Izumi T., Nishimura Y., Ricci C. & Mühle S. (2021), CON-quest: searching for the most obscured galaxy nuclei, Astronomy and Astrophysics 649: A105.
- Audibert A., Combes F., García-Burillo S., Hunt L., Eckart A., Aalto S., Casasola V., Boone F., Krips M., Viti S., Muller S., Dasyra K., Werf P.P. van der & Martín S. (2021), Black hole feeding and star formation in NGC 1808, Astronomy and Astrophysics 656: A60.
- Tang X.D., Henkel C., Menten K.M., Gong Y., Chen C.-H.R., Li D.L., Lee M.-Y., Mangum J.G., Ao Y.P., Mühle S., Aalto S., García-Burillo S., Martín S., Viti S., Muller S., Costagliola F., Asiri H., Levshakov S.A., Spaans M., Ott J., Impellizzeri C.M.V., Fukui Y., He Y.X., Esimbek J., Zhou J.J., Zheng X.W., Zhao X. & Li J.S. (2021), Kinetic temperature of massive star-forming molecular clumps measured with formaldehyde: IV. The ALMA view of N113 and N159W in the LMC, Astronomy and Astrophysics 655: A12.
- Lefloch B., Busquet G., Viti S., Vastel C., Mendoza E., Benedettini M., Codella C., Podio L., Schutzer A., Rivera-Ortiz P.R., Lépine J.R.D. & Bachiller R. (2021), HCN/HNC chemistry in shocks: a study of L1157-B1 with ASAI, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507(1): 1034-1046.
- Codella C., Bianchi E., Podio L., Mercimek S., Ceccarelli C., López-Sepulcre A., Bachiller R., Caselli P., Sakai N., Neri R., Fontani F., Favre C., Balucani N., Lefloch B., Viti S. & Yamamoto S. (2021), SOLIS: XII. SVS13-A Class I chemical complexity as revealed by S-bearing species, Astronomy and Astrophysics 654: 1-22 (A52).
- Awad Z., Coutens A., Viti S. & Holdship J.R. (2021), On the formation of deuterated methyl formate in hot corinos, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506(1): 1019-1030.
- Colzi L., Rivilla V.M., Beltrán M.T., Jiménez-Serra I., Mininni C., Melosso M., Cesaroni R., Fontani F., Lorenzani A., Sánchez-Monge A., Viti S., Schilke P., Testi L., Alonso E.R. & Kolesniková L. (2021), The GUAPOS project: II. A comprehensive study of peptide-like bond molecules, Astronomy and Astrophysics 653: 1-45 (A129).
- Jiménez-Serra I., Vasyunin A.I., Spezzano S., Caselli P., Cosentino G. & Viti S. (2021), The complex organic molecular content in the L1498 starless Core, The Astrophysical Journal 917(1): 44.
- James T.A., Viti S., Yusef-Zadeh F., Royster M. & Wardle M. (2021), Revealing the physical conditions around Sgr A* using Bayesian inference: I. Observations and radiative transfer, The Astrophysical Journal 916(2): 69.
- Priestley F.D., Wurster J. & Viti S. (2021), Erratum: ambipolar diffusion and the molecular abundances in pre-stellar cores, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503(2): 2899-2901.
- Mijolla D. de, Ness M.K., Viti S. & Wheeler A.J. (2021), Disentangled representation learning for astronomical chemical tagging, The Astrophysical Journal 913(1): 12.
- Benedettini M., Viti S., Codella C., Ceccarelli C., Neri R., López-Sepulcre A., Bianchi E., Busquet G., Caselli P., Fontani F., Lefloch B., Podio L., Spezzano S. & Vastel C. (2021), Seeds of Life in Space (SOLIS): XI. First measurement of nitrogen fractionation in shocked clumps of the L1157 protostellar outflow, Astronomy and Astrophysics 645: 1-7 (A91).
- Wiedner M.C., Aalto S., Amatucci E.G., Baryshev A., Battersby C., Belitsky V., Bergin E.A., Borgo B., Carter R.C., Caux E., Cooray A., Corsetti J.A., Beck E. de, Delorme Y., Desmaris V., Dipirro M.J., Ellison B., Di Giorgio A.M., Eggens M., Gallego J.D., Gerin M., Goldsmith P.F., Goldstein C., Helmich F., Herpin F., Hills R.E., Hogerheijde M.R., Hunt L.K., Jellema W., Keizer G., Krieg J.M., Kroes G., Laporte P., Laurens A., Leisawitz D.T., Lis D.C., Martins G.E., Mehdi I., Meixner M., Melnick G., Milam S.N., Neufeld D.A., Nguyen Tuong N., Plume R., Pontoppidan K.M., Quertier-Dagorn B., Risacher C., Staguhn J.G., Tong E., Viti S. & Wyrowski F. (2021), Heterodyne receiver for Origins, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 7: 011007.
- Mininni C., Beltrán M.T., Rivilla V.M., Sánchez-Monge A., Fontani F., Möller T., Cesaroni R., Schilke P., Viti S., Jiménez-Serra I., Colzi L., Lorenzani A. & Testi L. (2020), The GUAPOS project: G31.41+0.31 Unbiased ALMA sPectral Observational Survey. I. Isomers of C2H4O2, Astronomy and Astrophysics 644: A84.
- Scourfield M., Viti S., García-Burillo S., Saintonge A., Combes F., Fuente A., Henkel C., Alonso-Herrero A., Harada N., Takano S., Nakajima T., Martín S., Krips M., Werf P.P. van der, Aalto S., Usero A. & Kohno K. (2020), ALMA observations of CS in NGC 1068: chemistry and excitation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496(4): 5308-5329.
- Favre C., Vastel C., Jimenez-Serra I., Quénard D., Caselli P., Ceccarelli C., Chacón-Tanarro A., Fontani F., Holdship J.R., Oya Y., Punanova A., Sakai N., Spezzano S., Yamamoto S., Neri R., López-Sepulcre A., Alves F., Bachiller R., Balucani N., Bianchi E., Bizzocchi L., Codella C., Caux E., De Simone M., Enrique Romero J., Dulieu F., Feng S., Jaber Al-Edhari A., Lefloch B., Ospina-Zamudio J., Pineda J., Podio L., Rimola A., Segura-Cox D., Sims I.R., Taquet V., Testi L., Theulé P., Ugliengo P., Vasyunin A.I., Vazart F., Viti S. & Witzel A. (2020), Seeds of Life in Space (SOLIS). VII. Discovery of a cold dense methanol blob toward the L1521F VeLLO system, Astronomy and Astrophysics 635: A189.
- Heyl J., Viti S., Holdship J.R. & Feeney S.M. (2020), Exploiting network topology for accelerated Bayesian inference of grain surface reaction networks, The Astrophysical Journal 904(2): 197.
- Viti S., Fontan F. & Jiménez-Serra I. (2020), A chemical study of carbon fractionation in external galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497(4): 4333-4345.