Sander Nieuwenhuis
Hoogleraar Cognitieve Neurowetenschap van Besluitvorming
- Naam
- Prof.dr. S.T. Nieuwenhuis
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3834
- 0000-0003-2418-3879
Sander Nieuwenhuis is hoogleraar Cognitieve Neurowetenschap van Besluitvorming bij de sectie Cognitieve Psychologie van het Instituut Psychologie.
Meer informatie over Sander Nieuwenhuis
Sander Nieuwenhuis is hoogleraar Cognitieve Neurowetenschap van Besluitvorming bij de sectie Cognitieve Psychologie van het Instituut Psychologie.
Kort CV
Sander Nieuwenhuis studeerde cognitieve psychologie in Groningen. Hij behaalde zijn doctorstitel in 2001 aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam waar hij begon met zijn onderzoek naar de rol van de prefrontale cortex in cognitieve controle. Hij was Visiting Research Fellow aan Cambridge University en postdoc aan Princeton University en de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam voordat hij in 2006 als universitair docent werd aangesteld bij de Universiteit Leiden. Aan Princeton University begon hij met zijn onderzoek naar de rol van de noradrenerge systemen in menselijke cognitie. In 2012 is Nieuwenhuis aangesteld als hoogleraar bij de Universiteit Leiden.
Onderzoek door Sander Nieuwenhuis
Zijn onderzoek in het Temporal Attention Lab is gericht op de temporele fluctuaties in aandacht en de neurale basis van temporele aandacht. Er zijn 3 hoofdthema's:
- De rol van het locus coeruleus-noradrenaline systeem in menselijke cognitie;
- Trial-to-trial schommelingen in cognitieve controle;
- De effecten van alertheid op informatieverwerking.
Deze onderwerpen worden bestudeerd met behulp van gedragsmethoden, EEG, fMRI, farmacologie, genetica, patiëntstudies and computationele modellen.
- Hoogleraar Cognitieve neurowetenschap
- Voorzitter van de Research Master Opleidingscommissie
- Coördinator en docent Scientific Writing
Hoogleraar Cognitieve Neurowetenschap van Besluitvorming
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Lloyd B. & Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2024), The effect of reward-induced arousal on the success and precision of episodic memory retrieval, Scientific Reports 14: 2105.
- Kolnes M., Uusberg A. & Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2024), Broadening of attention dilates the pupil, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 86: 146-158.
- Steenbergen H. van, Wilderjans T.F., Band G.P.H. & Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2024), Boosting arousal and cognitive performance through alternating posture: insights from a multi-method laboratory study, Psychophysiology 61(10): e14634.
- Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2024), Arousal and performance: revisiting the famous inverted-U-shaped curve, Trends in Cognitive Sciences 28(5): 394-396.
- Lucchi F., Lloyd B. & Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2024), Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation and the motivation to work for rewards: a replication of Neuser et al. , Psychophysiology 61(4): e14484.
- Johnson P.A., Nieuwenhuis S. & Urai A.E. (2024), Pupil dynamics preceding switches in task engagement. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46 24 juli 2024 - 27 december 2024.
- Tromp J., Wurm F., Lucchi F., Kleijn R. de & Nieuwenhuis S. (2024), Phasic alertness generates urgency and amplifies competition between evidence accumulators, bioRxiv : .
- Lloyd B., Wurm F.R., Kleijn R.E. de & Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2023), Short-term transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation increases pupil size but does not affect EEG alpha power: a replication of Sharon et al. , Brain Stimulation 16: 1001-1008.
- Lloyd B., Voogd L. de, Mäki-Marttunen V. & Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2023), Pupil size reflects activation of subcortical ascending arousal system nuclei during rest, eLife 12: 1-24 (e84822).
- Mäki-Marttunen V., Kies D.A., Pijpers J.A., Louter M.A., Wee N.J. van der, Rombouts S.A.R.B., Nieuwenhuis S.T., Kruit M. & Terwindt G.M. (2023), Functional connectivity of the visual cortex in chronic migraine before and after medication withdrawal therapy , NeuroImage: Clinical 40: 103543.
- Tromp J.J., Nieuwenhuis S.T. & Murphy P. (2022), The effects of neural gain on reactive cognitive control, Computational Brain & Behavior : .
- Giraudier M., Ventura-Bort C., Burger A.M., Claes N., D'Agostini M., Fisher R., Franssen M., Kaess M., Koenig J., Liepelt R., Nieuwenhuis S.T., Sommer A., Usichenko T., Diest I. van, Leupoldt A. von, Warren C.M. & Weymar M. (2022), Evidence for a modulating effect of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on salivary alpha-amylase as indirect noradrenergic marker: a pooled mega-analysis, Brain Stimulation 15(6): 1378-1388.
- Scheffer M., Borsboom B., Nieuwenhuis S. & Westley F. (2022), Belief traps: tackling the inertia of harmful beliefs, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119(32): e2203149119.
- Brink R.L. van den, Murphy P.R., Desender K., Ru N. de & Nieuwenhuis S. (2021), Temporal expectation hastens decision onset but does not affect evidence quality, Journal of Neuroscience 41(1): 130-143.
- Tona K.D., Revers. H., Verkuil B. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2020), Noradrenergic regulation of cognitive flexibility: no effects of stress, transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation and atomoxetine on task-switching, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 32(10): 1881-1895.
- Warren C.M., Tona K.D., Ouwerkerk L., Paridon J. van, Poletiek F., Steenbergen H. van, Bosch J.A. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2019), The neuromodulatory and hormonal effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation as evidenced by salivary alpha amylase, salivary cortisol, pupil diameter, and the P3 event-related potential, Brain Stimulation 12(3): 635-642.
- Tona K.D., Van Osch M.J.P., Nieuwenhuis S. & Keuken M.C. (2019), Quantifying the contrast of the human locus coeruleus in vivo at 7 Tesla MRI, 14(2): e0209842.
- Ásgeirsson Á.G. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2019), Effects of arousal on biased competition in attention and short-term memory, Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 81(6): 1901-1912.
- Warren C.M. Tona K.D. Ouwerkerk L. Paridon J. van Poletiek F. Steenbergen H. van Bosch J.A. Nieuwenhuis S. (2019), The neuromodulatory and hormonal effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation as evidenced by salivary alpha amylase, salivary cortisol, pupil diameter, and the P3 event-related potential, Brain Stimulation 12(3): 635-642.
- Harsay H.A., Cohen M.X., Spaan M., Weeda W.D., Nieuwenhuis S. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2018), Error Blindness and Motivational Significance: Shifts in Networks Centering on Anterior Insula Co-Vary with Error Awareness and Pupil Dilation, Behavioural Brain Research 355: 24-35.
- Van den Brink R.L., Nieuwenhuis S.T., Van Boxtel G.J.M., Van Luijtelaar G., Eilander H.J. & Wijnen V.J.M. (2018), Task-free spectral EEG dynamics track and predict patient recovery from severe acquired brain injury, NeuroImage: Clinical 17: 43-52.
- Brink R.L. van den, Nieuwenhuis S. & Donner T.H. (2018), Amplification and Suppression of Distinct Brainwide Activity Patterns by Catecholamines, Journal of Neuroscience 38(34): 7476 - 7491.
- Shine J.M., Brink R.L. van den, Hernaus D., Nieuwenhuis S. & Poldrack R.A. (2018), Cathecholaminergic manipulation alters dynamic network topology across cognitive states, Network Neuroscience 2(3): 381-396.
- Tona K., Keuken M.C., De Rover M., Lakke E., Forstmann B.U., Nieuwenhuis S.T. & Van Osch M.J.P. (2017), In vivo visualization of the locus coeruleus in humans: quantifying the test-retest reliability, Brain, Structure and Function 222(9): 4203-4217.
- Asgeirsson A.G. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2017), No arousal-biased competition in focused visuospatial attention, Cognition 168: 191-204.
- Warren C.M., Wilson R.C., Wee N.J. van der, Giltay E.J., Noorden M.S. van, Cohen J.D. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2017), The effect of atomoxetine on random ad directed exploration in humans, 12(4): e0176034.
- Warren C.M., Brink R.L. van den, Nieuwenhuis S. & Bosch J.A. (2017), Norepinephrine transporter blocker atomoxetine increases salivary alpha amylase, Psychoneuroendocrinology 78: 233-236.
- De Gee J.W., Colizoli O., Kloosterman N., Knapen T., Nieuwenhuis S.T. & Donner T.H. (2017), Dynamic modulation of decision biases by brainstem arousal systems, eLife 2017(6): e23232.
- Brown S.B., Slagter H.A., Van Noorden M.S., Giltay E.J., Van der Wee N.J. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2016), Effects of clonidine and scopolamine on multiple target detection in rapid serial visual presentation, Psychopharmacology 233(2): 341-350.
- Jepma M., Murphy P., Nassar M.R., Rangel-Gomez M., Meeter M. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2016), Catecholaminergic regulation of learning rate in a dynamic environment, PLoS Computational Biology 12(10): e1005171.
- Murphy P., Van Moort M.L. & Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2016), The pupillary orienting response predicts adaptive behavioral adjustment after errors, PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151763.
- Murphy P.R., Boonstra E. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2016), Global gain modulation generates time-dependent urgency during perceptual choice in humans, 7: e13526.
- Van den Brink R.L., Murphy P.R. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2016), Pupil diameter tracks lapses of attention, PLoS ONE 11(10): e0165274.
- Tona K.D., Murphy P.R., Brown S.B. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2016), The accessory stimulus effect is mediated by phasic arousal: a pupillometry study, Psychophysiology 53(7): 1108-1113.
- Warren C.M., Eldar E., Van den Brink R.L., Tona K.D., Van der Wee N.J., Giltay E.J., Van Noorden M.S., Bosch J.A., Wilson R.C., Cohen J.D. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2016), Catecholamine-mediated increases in gain enhance the precision of cortical representations, Journal of Neuroscience 36(21): 5699-5708.
- Van den Brink R.L., Pfeffer T., Warren C.M., Murphy P.R., Tona K.D., Van der Wee N.J., Giltay E., Van Noorden M.S., Rombouts S.A., Donner T.H. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2016), Catecholaminergic Neuromodulation Shapes Intrinsic MRI Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain, Journal of Neuroscience 36(30): 7865-7876.
- Naber M., Vedder A., Brown S.B.R.E. & Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2016), Speed and lateral inhibition of stimulus processing contribute to individual differences in Stroop-task performance, Frontiers in Psychology 2016(7): e822.
- Warren C.M., Murphy P.R. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2016), Cognitive control, dynamic salience, and the imperative toward computational accounts of neuromodulatory function, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39: e227.
- Sellaro R., Van Leusden J.W.R., Tona K.D., Verkuil B., Nieuwenhuis S. & Colzato L.S. (2015), Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation enhances post-error slowing, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27(11): 2126-2132.
- Warren C.M., Nieuwenhuis S. & Donner T.H. (2015), Perceptual choice boosts network stability: Effect of neuromodulation?, Trends in Cognitive Sciences 19(7): 362-364.
- De Rover M., Brown S.B.R.E., Band G.P.H., Giltay E.J., Van Noorden M.S., Van der Wee N.J.A. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Beta receptor-mediated modulation of the oddball P3 but not err-related ERP components in humans, Psychopharmacology 232(17): 3161-3172.
- Matzke D., Nieuwenhuis S., Van Rijn H., Slagter H.A., Van der Molen M.W. & Wagenmakers E.J. (2015), The effect of horizontal eye movements on free recall: A preregistered adversarial collaboration, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144(1): e1-15.
- Brown S.B., Tona K.D., Van Noorden M.S., Giltay E.J., Van der Wee N.J. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Noradrenergic and cholinergic effects on speed and sensitivity measures of phasic alerting, Behavioral Neuroscience 129(1): 42-49.
- Brown S.B., Van der Wee N.J., Van Noorden M.S., Giltay E.J. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Noradrenergic and cholinergic modulation of late ERP responses to deviant stimuli, Psychophysiology 52(12): 1620-1631.
- Boonstra E., De Kleijn R., Colzato L.S., Alkemade A., Forstmann B.U. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Neurotransmitters as food supplements: The effects of GABA on brain and behavior, Frontiers in Psychology 6: 1520.
- Van Steenbergen H., Band G.P.H., Hommel B., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Hedonic hotspots regulate cingulate-driven adaptation to cognitive demands, Cerebral Cortex 25(7): 1746-1756.
- Van Nunspeet F., Derks B., Ellemers N. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Moral impression management: Evaluation by an in-group member during a moral IAT affects perceptual attention and conflict an response monitoring, Social Psychology and Personality Science 6(2): 183-192.
- Naber M., Brown S., Vedder A. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Stimulus strenght and visual competition contribute to individual differences in Stroop-Task performance, 15(12): 1336-1336.
- Brown S.B.R.E., Steenbergen H. van, Kedar T. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2014), Effects of arousal on cognitive control: Empirical tests of the conflict-modulated Hebbian-learning hypothesis, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8: e23.
- Nunspeet F. van, Ellemers N., Derks B. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2014), Moral concerns increase attention and response monitoring during IAT performance: ERP evidence, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 9(2): 141-149.
- Murphy P.R., Vandekerckhove J. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2014), Pupil-linked arousal determines variability in perceptual decision making, PLoS Computational Biology 10(9): e1003854.
- Van den Brink R.L., Wynn S.C. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2014), Post-error slowing as a consequence of disturbed low-frequency oscillatory phase entrainment, Journal of Neuroscience 34(33): 11096-11105.
- Colzato L.S., De Rover M., Van den Wildenberg W.P.M. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2013), Genetic marker of norepinephrine synthesis predicts individual differences in post-error slowing: A pilot study, Neuropsychologia 51: 2600-2604.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Elzinga B.M., Ras P., Berends F., Duijs P., Samara Z. & Slagter H.A. (2013), Bilateral saccadic eye movements and tactile stimulation, but not auditory stimulation, enhance memory retrieval, Brain and Cognition 81(1): 52-56.
- Scheepers D., Derks B., Nieuwenhuis S., Lelieveld G.-J., Van Nunspeet F., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & De Rover M. (2013), The neural correlates of in-group and self-face perception: Is there overlap for high identifiers?, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 528.
- Donner T.H. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2013), Brain-wide gain modulation: The rich get richer, Nature Neuroscience 16: 989-990.
- Nieuwenhuis S. & De Kleijn R. (2013), The impact of alertness on cognitive control, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39(6): 1797-1801.
- Dutilh G., Van Ravenzwaaij D., Nieuwenhuis S., Van der Maas H.L.J., Forstmann B.U. & Wagenmakers E.J. (2012), How to measure post-error slowing: A confound and a simple solution, Estudios Gerenciales 56: 208-216.
- De Rover M., Brown S.B.R.E., Boot N., Hajcak G., Van Noorden M.S., Van der Wee N.J.A. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2012), Beta receptor-mediated modulation of the late positive potential in humans, 219(4): 971-979.
- Brown S.B.R.E., Steenbergen H. van, Band G.P.H., Rover M. de & Nieuwenhuis S. (2012), Functional significance of the emotion-related late positive potential, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6: 33.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Jepma M. & Wagenmakers E.J. (2012), Temporal expectation may affect the onset, not the rate, of evidence accumulation (electronic response to Rohenkohl, Cravo, Wyart & Nobre 2012) Temporal expectation improves the quality of sensory information. In European Journal of Neuroscience, 32. [overig].
- Jepma M., Wagenmakers E.J. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2012), Temporal expectation and information processing: A model-based analysis, Cognition 122(3): 426-441.
- Jepma M., Verdonschot R.G., Steenbergen H. van, Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2012), Neural mechanisms underlying the induction and relief of perceptual curiosity, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 6: e5.
- Nieuwenhuis S., De Geus E.J. & Aston-Jones G. (2011), The antomical and functional relationship between the P3 and autonomic components of the orienting response, Psychophysiology 48: 162-175.
- Nieuwenhuis S. (2011), Learning, the P3, and the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system. In: Mars R., Sallet J., Rushworth M. & Yeung N. (red.), Neural Basis of Motivational and Cognitive Control.: MIT Press. 209-222.
- Nieuwenhuis S. & Jepma M. (2011), Investigating the role of the noradrenergice system in human cognition. In: Robbins T., Delgado M. & Phelps E. (red.), Decision making. Attention & Performance, Vol XXIII. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 367-385.
- Nieuwenhuis S. & Donner T.H. (2011), The visual attention network untangled, Nature Neuroscience 14: 542-543.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Forstmann B.U. & Wagenmakers E.J. (2011), Erronenous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: A problem of significance, Nature Neuroscience 14: 1105-1107.
- Nieuwenhuis S. & De Kleijn R. (2011), Consciousness of targets during the attantional blink: A gradual or all-or-none dimension?, Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 73: 364-373.
- Jepma M., Deinum J., Asplund C.L., Rombouts S.A.R.B., Tamsma J.T., Tjeerdema N., Spapé M., Garland E.M., Robertson D., Lenders J.W. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2011), Neurocognitive function in Dopamine-beta-Hydroxylase deficiency, Neuropsychopharmacology 36(8): 1608-1619.
- Jepma M. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2011), Pupil diameter predicts changes in the exploration-exlpoitation trade-off: Evidence for the adaptive gain theory, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23: 1587-1596.
- Samara Z., Elzinga B.M., Slagter H.A. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2011), Do horizontal saccadic eye movements increase interhemispheric coherence? Investigation of a hypothesized neural mechanism underlying EMDR, Frontiers in Psychiatry 2(4): 1-9.
- De Kleijn R.E. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2011), Consciousness of targets during the attentional blink: a gradual or all-or-none dimension?, Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 73: 364-373.
- Nieuwenhuis S. & De Rover M. (2010), Event-related potentials. In: , Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology: Springer Verlag.
- De Rover M., Nieuwenhuis S. & Van der Wee N.J.A. (2010), Cardiorespiratory arrest in a healthy volunteer after a singel oral dose of 80 mg of the betablocker propranolol, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 94(4): 576-577.
- Bogacz R., Wagenmakers E.J., Forstmann B.U. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2010), The neural basis of the speed-sccuracy tradeoff, Trends in Neurosciences 33: 10-16.
- Gilzenrat M.S., Nieuwenhuis S., Jepma M. & Cohen J.D. (2010), Pupil diameter tracks changes in control state predicted by the adaptive gain theory of locus coeruleus function, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 10: 252-269.
- Jepma M., Te Beek E.T., Wagenmakers E.J., Gerven J.M. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2010), The role of the noradrenergic system in the exploration-expliotation trade-off: A psychopharmacological study, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 4: 170.
- Colzato L.S., Waszak F., Nieuwenhuis S., Posthuma D. & Hommel B. (2010), The flexible mind is asscociated with the catehol-O-methyltransferase(COMT) Val158Met polymorphism: Evidence for a role of dopamine in the control of task switching, Neuropsychologia 48(9): 2764-2768.
- Yeung N. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2009), Dissociating response conflict and error likelihood in anterior cingulate cortex, European Journal of Neuroscience 29: 14506-14510.
- Slagter H.A., Lutz A., Greischar L.L. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2009), Theta phase synchrony and conscious target perception: Impact of intensive mental training, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21(8): 1536-1549.
- Jepma M., Wagenmakers E.J., Band G.P.H. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2009), The effects of accessory stimuli om information processing: Evidence from electrophysiology and diffusion-model analysis, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21(5): 847-864.
- Keizer A.W., Nieuwenhuis S., Colzato L.S., Theeuwisse W., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Hommel B. (2008), When moving faces activate the house area: An fMRI study of object file retrieval, Behavioral and Brain Functions 4:50: .
- Colzato L.S., Bajo M.T., Wildenberg W. van den, Paolieri D., Nieuwenhuis S., La Heij W. & Hommel B. (2008), How does bilingualism improve executive control? A comparison of active and reactive inhibition mechanisms, Estética 34(2): 302-312.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Jepma M., La Fors S. & Olivers C.N.L. (2008), The role of the magnocellular and parvocellular pathways in the attentional blink, Brain and Cognition 68: 42-48.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Schweizer T.S., Mars R.B., Botvinick M.M. & Hajcak G. (2007), Error-likelihood prediction in the medial frontal cortex: A critical evaluation, Cerebral Cortex 17: 1570-1581.
- Slagter H.A., Lutz A., Greischar L.L., Francis A.D., Nieuwenhuis S., Davis J. & Davidson R.J. (2007), Mental training affects distribution of limited brain resources, PLoS Biology 5: 1228-1235.
- Ridderinkhof K.R., Nieuwenhuis S. & Braver T.S. (2007), Medial frontal cortex function: An introduction and overview, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 4: 261-265.
- Yeung N., Ralph J. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2007), Drink alcohol and dim the lights: The impact of cognitive deficits on medial frontal cortex function, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 7(4): 347-355.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Van Nieuwpoort C., Veltman D.J. & Drent M.L. (2007), Effects of the noradrenergic agonist clonidine on temporal and spatial attention, 193(2): 261-269.
- Yeung N., Bogacz R., Holroyd C.B., Nieuwenhuis S. & Cohen J.D. (2007), Theta phase resetting and the error-related negativity, Psychophysiology 44(1): 39-49.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Stins J.F., Posthuma D., Polderman T.C., Boomsma D.I. & De Geus E.J.C. (2006), Accounting for sequential trail effect in the flanker task:Conflict adaption or associative priming?, Memory and Cognition 34(6): 1260-1272.
- Olivers C.N. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2006), The beneficial effects of additional task load, positive affect, and instruction on the attentional blink, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32(2): 364-79.
- Hajcak G., Nieuwenhuis S., Ridderinkhof K.R. & Simons R.F. (2005), Error preceding brain activity: Robustness, temporal dynamics, and boundary conditions, Biological Psychology 70: 67-78.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Heslenfeld D.J., Von Geusau N.J., Mars R., Holroyd C.B. & Yeung N. (2005), Activity in human reward-sensitive brain areas is strongly context dependent, NeuroImage 25(4): 1302-1309.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Aston-Jones G. & Cohen J.D. (2005), Decision making, the P3, and the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system, Psychological Bulletin 131(4): 510-32.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Slagter H.A., Von Geusau N.J., Heslenfeld D.J. & Holroyd C.B. (2005), Knowing good from bad: differential activation of human cortical areas by positive and negative outcomes, European Journal of Neuroscience 21(11): 3161-3168.
- Donkers F.C., Nieuwenhuis S. & Van Boxtel G.J. (2005), Mediofrontal negativities in the absence of responding, Cognitive brain research 25(3): 777-787.
- Mars R.B., Coles M.G., Grol M.J., Holroyd C.B., Nieuwenhuis S., Hulstijn W. & Toni I. (2005), Neural dynamics of error processing in medial frontal cortex, NeuroImage 28(4): 1007-13.
- Nieuwenhuis S. & Yeung N. (2005), Neural mechanisms of attention and control: losing our inhibitions?, Nature Neuroscience 8(12): 1631-1633.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Nielen M.M., Mol N., Hajcak G. & Veltman D.J. (2005), Performance monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder, Psychiatry Research 134(2): 111-22.
- Olivers C.N. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2005), The beneficial effect of concurrent task-irrelevant mental activity on temporal attention, Psychological Science 16(4): 265-269.
- Talsma D., Slagter H.A., Nieuwenhuis S., Hage J. & Kok A. (2005), The orienting of visuospatial attention: an event-related brain potential study, Cognitive brain research 25(1): 117-129.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Gilzenrat M.S., Holmes B.D. & Cohen J.D. (2005), The role of the locus coeruleus in mediating the attentional blink: a neurocomputational theory, Estética 134(3): 291-307.
- Ridderinkhof K.R., Ullsperger M., Crone E.A. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2004), The role of medial frontal cortex in cognitive control, Science 306: 443-447.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Broerse A., Nielen M.M. & De Jong R. (2004), A goal activation approach to the study of executive function: an application to antisaccade tasks, Brain and Cognition 56(2): 198-214.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Holroyd C.B., Mol N. & Coles M.G. (2004), Reinforcement-related brain potentials from medial frontal cortex: origins and functional significance, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 28(4): 441-448.
- Holroyd C.B., Nieuwenhuis S., Yeung N., Nystrom L., Mars R.B., Coles M.G. & Cohen J.D. (2004), Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex shows fMRI response to internal and external error signals, Nature Neuroscience 7(5): 497-498.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Yeung N., Holroyd C.B., Schurger A. & Cohen J.D. (2004), Sensitivity of electrophysiological activity from medial frontal cortex to utilitarian and performance feedback, Cerebral Cortex 14(7): 741-747.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Yeung N. & Cohen J.D. (2004), Stimulus modality, perceptual overlap, and the go/no-go N2, Psychophysiology 41(1): 157-160.
- Ridderinkhof K.R., Nieuwenhuis S. & Bashore T.R. (2003), Errors are foreshadowed in brain potentials associated with action monitoring in cingulate cortex, Neuroscience Letters 348: 1-4.
- Nieuwenhuis S., Yeung N., Van den Wildenberg W. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2003), Electrophysiological correlates of anterior cingulate function in a go/no-go task: effects of response conflict and trial type frequency, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 3(1): 17-26.
- Holroyd C.B., Nieuwenhuis S., Yeung N. & Cohen J.D. (2003), Errors in reward prediction are reflected in the event-related brain potential, Neuroreport 14(18): 2481-2484.
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