Peter Klinkhamer
Hoogleraar evolutionaire plantenecologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. P.G.L. Klinkhamer
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-8650-2199

Voor meer informatie, zie de Engelse versie.
Lina Bayona Maldonado
Jing Zhan
Dinar Cahyaningrum
Hennivanda Hennivanda
Luis Francisco Salome Abarca
Sanae Mouden
Yangan Chen
Saskia Klumpers
Yan Yan
Xianqin Wei
Mahmoud Moshgani
Xiaojie Liu
Tianrian Lin
Tri Rini Nuringtyas
Andreas Plischke
Lena Johanna Doorduin
Dandan Cheng
Andrea Lubbe
Erica Georgina Wilson
Lotte Joosten
Roman Romero Gonzalez
Hoogleraar evolutionaire plantenecologie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Plant Sciences
- Bierman T.V., Fernandes H.P., Choi Y.H., Seo S., Vrieling K., Macel M., Knegt B., Kodger T.E., Zwieten R. van, Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Bezemer T.M. (2025), Sprayable solutions containing sticky rice oil droplets reduce western flower thrips damage and induce changes in Chrysanthemum leaf chemistry, Frontiers in Plant Science 16: .
- Zwieten R. van, Bierman T.V., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Bezemer T.M., Vrieling K. & Kodger T.E. (2024), Mimicking natural deterrent strategies in plants using adhesive spheres, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(21): e2321565121.
- Chen Y., Mulder P.P.J., Schaap O.D., Memelink J., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Vrieling K. (2022), The evolution of pyrrolizidine alkaloid diversity among and within Jacobaea species, Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60(2): 361-376.
- Zhang J., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Vrieling K. & Bezemer T.M. (2022), The negative effects of soil microorganisms on plant growth only extend to the first weeks , Journal of Plant Ecology 15(4): 854–863.
- Vos R.A., Veen-van Wijk van der C.A.M., Schranz M.E., Vrieling K., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Lens F.P. (2022), Refining bulk segregant analyses: ontology-mediated discovery of flowering time genes in Brassica oleracea, Plant Methods 18: 92.
- Salomé Abarca L.F., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Erol O., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Kim H.K. & Choi Y.H. (2021), HPTLC-based chemical profiling: an approach to monitor plant metabolic expansion caused by fungal endophytes, Metabolites 11(3): 174.
- Salome-Abarca L.F., Toorn T.J.C. van der, Vugt R.R. van, Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Choi Y.H. (2021), Chemical differentiation of plant latexes and their anti-herbivory activity against thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (#), Planta Medica 87(12/13): 1032-1044.
- Zhang J., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Vrieling K. & Bezemer T.M. (2021), Belowground responses of bacterial communities to foliar SA application over four plant generations, Plant and Soil 470: 65–79.
- Wahyuni D.S.C., Choi Y.H., Leiss K.A. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2021), Morphological and chemical factors related to Western Flower Thrips resistance in the ornamental gladiolus, Plants 10(7): 1384.
- Salome Abarca L.F., Godevac D., Kim M.S., Hwang G.-S., Parc S.C., Jang Y.P., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van der, Verpoorte R., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Choi Y.H. (2021), Latex metabolome of Euphorbia species: geographical and inter-species variation and its proposed role in plant defense against herbivores and pathogens, Journal of Chemical Ecology 47: 564–576.
- Vanda H., Mustafa N.R., Verpoorte R., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Choi Y.H. (2021), Natural deep eutectic solvents present in plant exudates? A case study on the saps of Droseraspecies, Advances in Botanical Research 97: 253-269.
- Wei X., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Mulder P.P.J., Veen C.A.M. van der & Vrieling K. (2021), Seasonal variation in defence compounds: a case study on pyrrolizidine alkaloids of clones of Jacobaea vulgaris, Jacobaea aquatica and their hybrids, Plant Science 313: 111067.
- Zhang J., Vrieling K., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Bezemer T.M. (2021), Exogenous application of plant defense hormones alters the effects of live soils on plant performance, Basic and Applied Ecology 56: 144-155.
- Lin T., Vrieling K., Laplanche D., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Lou Y.G., Bekooy L., Degen T., Bustos-Segura C., Turlings T.C.J. & Desurmont G.A. (2021), Evolutionary changes in an invasive plant support the defensive role of plant volatiles, Current Biology 31(15): 3450-3456.
- Wei X., Vrieling K., Kim H.K., Mulder P.P.J. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2021), Application of methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid lead to contrasting effects on the plant's metabolome and herbivory, Plant Science 303: 110784.
- Huberty M.D., Martis B., Kampen J. van, Choi Y.H., Vrieling K., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Bezemer T.M. (2020), Soil Inoculation Alters Leaf Metabolic Profiles in Genetically Identical Plants, Journal of Chemical Ecology 46: 745-755.
- Chen Y., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Memelink J. & Vrieling K. (2020), Diversity and evolution of cytochrome P450s of Jacobaea vulgaris and Jacobaea aquatica, BMC Plant Biology 20: 342.
- Salomé-Abarca L.F., Mandrone M., Sanna C., Poli F., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van der, Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Choi Y.H. (2020), Metabolic variation in Cistus monspeliensis L. ecotypes correlated to their plant-fungal interactions, Phytochemistry 176: 112402.
- Chen G., Kim H.K., Klinkhamper P.G.L. & Escobar R. (2020), Site-dependent induction of jasmonic acid-associated chemical defenses against western flower thrips in Chrysanthemum, Planta 251: 8.
- Salomé Abarca L.F., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Choi Y.H. (2019), Plant latex, from ecological interests to bioactive chemical resources, Planta Medica 85(11-12): 856-868.
- Steenbergen M., Abd-el-Haliem A., Bleeker P., Dicke M., Escobar R., Gang Cheng G., Haring M.A., Kant M.R., Kappers I., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Leiss K.A., Legarrea S., Macel M., Mouden S., Pieterse C.M.J., Sarde S.J., Schuurink R.C., De Vos M., Van Wees S.C.M. & Broekgaarden C. (2018), Thrips advisor: exploiting thrips-induced defences to combat pests on crops, Journal of Experimental Botany 69(8): 1837-1848.
- Escobar R., Ruijgrok J., Kim H.K., Grosser K., Dam N.M. van, Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Leiss K.A. (2018), Light intensity-mediated induction of Trichome-associated allelochchemicals increases resistance against thrips in tomato, Plant and Cell Physiology 59(12): 2462-2475.
- Chen G., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Escobar R. & Leiss K.A. (2018), Type VI glandular trichome density and their derived volatiles are differently induced by jasmonic acid in developing and fully developed tomato leaves: Implications for thrips resistance, Plant Science 276: 87-98.
- Chen G., Escobar-Bravo R., Kim H.K., Leiss K.A. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2018), Induced resistance against western flower thrips by the Pseudomonas syringae-derived defense elicitors in tomato, Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1417.
- Salome Abarca L.F., Pas J. van der, Kim H.K., Uffelen G.A. van., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Choi Y.H. (2018), Metabolic discrimination of pine resins using multiple analytical platforms, Phytochemistry 155: 37–44.
- Mouden S., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Choi Y.H. & Leiss K.A. (2017), Towards eco-friendly crop protection: natural deep eutectic solvents and defensive secondary metabolites, Phytochemistry Reviews 16(5): 935-951.
- Escobar R., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Leiss K.A. (2017), Induction of Jasmonic Acid-Associated Defenses by Thrips Alters Host Suitability for Conspecifics and Correlates with Increased Trichome Densities in Tomato, Plant and Cell Physiology 58(3): 622-634.
- Escobar R., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Leiss K.A. (2017), Interactive effects of UV-B light with abiotic factors on plant growth and chemistry, and their consequences for defense against arthropod herbivores, Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 278.
- Mouden S., Facun Sarmiento H.K., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Leiss K.A. (2017), Integrated Pest Management in Western Flower Thrips "Past, Present and Future", Pest Management Science 73(5): 813-822.
- Liu X., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Vrieling K. (2017), The Effect of Structurally Related Metabolites on Insect Herbivores: A Case Study on Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Western Flower Thrips, Phytochemistry 138: 93-103.
- Liu X., Vrieling K. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2017), Interactions between Plant Metabolites Affect Herbivores: A Study with Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Chlorogenic Acid, Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 903.
- Cheng D., Mulder P.P.J., Meijden E. van der, Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Vrieling K. (2017), The correlation between leaf-surface and leaf-tissue secondary metabolites: a case study with pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Jacobaea hybrid plants, Metabolomics 13(5): 47.
- Wei X., Vrieling K., Mulder P.P.J. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2017), Local adaptation in oviposition choice of a specialist herbivore: The cinnabar moth, Acta Oecologica 79: 1-7.
- Leiss K.A., Choi Y.H. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2016), Application of eco-metabolomics in biological science, AIP Conference Proceedings 1744(1): 020033.
- Yan Y., Kuramae E.E., Hollander M. de, Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Veen J.A. van (2016), Functional traits dominate the diversity-related selection of bacterial communities in the rhizosphere, The ISME Journal 11: 56-66.
- Bovee T.F.H., Helsdingen R.J.R., Hoogenboom R.L.A.P., Nijs M.W.C.M. de, Liu X., Vrieling K., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Peijnenburg A.A.C.M. & Mulder P.P.J. (2015), Are effects of common ragwort in the Ames test caused by pyrrolizidine alkaloids?, Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 778: 1-10.
- Zheng L., Wang M., Ibarra Estrada E., Wu C., Wilson E.G., Verpoorte R., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Choi Y.H. (2015), Investigation of chemomarkers of astragali radix of different ages and geographical origin by NMR profiling, Molecules 20(2): 3389-3405.
- Lin T., Klinkhamer P.G. & Vrieling K. (2015), Parallel evolution in an invasive plant: effect of herbivores on competitive ability and regrowth of Jacobaea vulgaris, Ecology Letters 18(7): 668-676.
- Yan Y., Kuramae E.E., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Veen J.A. van (2015), Revisiting the Dilution Procedure Used To Manipulate Microbial Biodiversity in Terrestrial Systems, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81(13): 4246-4252.
- Wei X., Vrieling K., Mulder P.P.J. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2015), Testing the Generalist-Specialist Dilemma: The Role of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Resistance to Invertebrate Herbivores in Jacobaea Species, Journal of Chemical Ecology 41(2): 159-167.
- Klinkhamer P.G.L., Nuringtyas T.R., Verpoorte R., Oers M.M. & leiss K.A. (2014), Toxicity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids to Spodoptera exigua using insect cell lines and injection bioassays, Jounal of Chemical Ecology 40(6): 609 -616.
- Kos S.P., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Leiss K.A. (2014), Cross-resistance of chrysanthemum to western flowers thrips, celery leafminer and two-spotted spider mite, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 15(3): 198 - 208.
- Rong J., Lammers Y., Strasburg J.L., Schidlo N.S., Ariyurek Y., Jong T.J. de, Klinkhamer P.G.L., Smulders M.J.M. & Vrieling K. (2014), New insights into domestication of carrot from root transcriptome analysis, BMC Genomics 15: 895.
- Cheng Dandan, Van der Meijden Eddy, Mulder Patrick P.J., Vrieling Klaas & Klinkhamer Peter G.L. (2013), Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Composition Influences Cinnabar Moth Oviposition Preferences in Jacobaea Hybrids, Journal of Chemical Ecology 39(3): 430-437.
- Wahyuni D.S., Van der Kooy F., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Verpoorte R. & Leiss K.A. (2013), The use of bio-guided fractionation to explore the use of leftover biomass in Dutch flower bulb production as allelochemicals against weeds, Molecules 18: 4510-4525.
- Leiss K.A., Cristofori R., Steenis R. van, Verpoorte R. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2013), An eco-metabolomic study of host plant resistance to Western flower thrips in cultivated, biofortified and wild carrots, Phytochemistry 93: 63-70.
- Mirnezhad M., Schidlo N.S., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Leiss K.A. (2012), Variation in genetics and performance of Dutch western flower thrips populations, Journal of Economic Entomology 105: 1816-1824.
- Klinkhamer P.G.L. (red.) (2012), . Journal of Ecology.
- Klinkhamer P.G.L. (red.) (2012), .
- Kirk H.E., Cheng D., Choi Y.H., Vrieling K. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2012), Transgressive segregation of primary and secondary metabolites in F2 hybrids between Jacobaea aquatica and J. vulgaris, METABOLOMICS 8: 211-219.
- Plischke A., Choi Y.H., Brakefield P.M., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Bruinsma M. (2012), Metabolomic plasticity in GM and Non-GM potato leaves in response to Aphid Herbivory and virus infection, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60(6): 1488-1493.
- Nuringtyas T.R., Choi Y.H., Verpoorte R., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Leiss K.A. (2012), Differential tissue distribution of metabolites in Jacobaea vulgaris, Jacobaea aquatica and their crosses, Phytochemistry 78: 89-97.
- Cheng D., Kirk H.E., Mulder P.P.J., Vrieling K. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2011), Pyrrolizidine alkaloid variation in shoots and roots of segregating hybrids between Jacobaea vulgaris and Jacobaea aquatica, New Phytologist 192(4): 1010-1023.
- Cheng D., Vrieling K. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2011), The effect of hybridization on secondary metabolites and herbivore resistance: implications for the evolution of chemical diversity in plants, 10(1 (SI)): 107-117.
- Joosten L., Cheng D., Mulder P.P.J., Vrieling K., Veen J.A. van & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2011), The genotype dependent presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids as tertiary amine in Jacobaea vulgaris, Phytochemistry 72(2-3 (SI)): 71-77.
- Klinkhamer Peter (2011), Special Issue: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Senecio: In honour of the eremitate of Prof. Eddy van der Meijden (Institute of Biology IBL, University of Leiden, the Netherlands) Introduction, 10(1): 1-2.
- Jong T.J. de, Klinkhamer P.G.L., Shmida A. & Thuijsman F. (2011), : On the evolution of protandry and the distinction between preference and rank order in pollinator visitation, Evolutionary Ecology Research 13(3): 307-314.
- Cheng D., Kirk H.E., Vrieling K., Mulder P.P.J. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2011), The Relationship between Structurally Different Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Western Flower Thrips Resistance in F(2) Hybrids of Jacobaea vulgaris and Jacobaea aquatica, Journal of Chemical Ecology 37(10): 1071-1080.
- Leiss K.A., Choi Y.H., Verpoorte R. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2011), An overview of NMR-based metabolomics to identify secondary plant compounds involved in host plant resistance, Phytochemistry Reviews 10(2): 205-216.
- Mirnezhad M., Romero-González R.R., Leiss K.A., Choi H.-K., Verpoorte R. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2010), Metabolomic analysis of host plant resistance to thrips in wild and cultivated tomatoes, Phytochemical Analysis 21: 110-117.
- Joosten L., Mulder P.P.J., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Veen J.A. van (2010), Soil-borne microorganisms and soil-type affect pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Jacobaea vulgaris, Plant and Soil 325: 133-143.
- Joosten L., Mulder P.P.J., Vrieling K., Veen J.A. van & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2010), The analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Jacobaea vulgaris; a comparison of extraction and detection methods, Phytochemical Analysis 21(2): 197-204.
- Leiss K.A., Choi Y.H., Abdel-Farid I.B., Verpoorte R. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2009), NMR metabolomics of thrips resistance in Senecio hybrid, Journal of Chemical Ecology 35: 219-229.
- Stang M., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Waser N.M., Stang I. & Meijden E. van der (2009), Size-specific interaction patterns and size matching in a plant-pollinator interaction web, Annals of Botany 103(9): 1459-1469.
- Metz J.A.J., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Jong T.J. de (2009), A different model to explain delayed germination, Evol. Ecol. Res. 11: 177-190.
- Macel M. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2009), Chemotype of Senecio jacobaea affects damage by pathogens and insect herbivory in the field, Evolutionary Ecology : .
- Leiss K.A., Peet M. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2009), Does spatial aggregation of total nectar production lead to genetic structure?, Basic and Applied Ecology 10(4): 379-386.
- Leiss K.A., Maltese F., Choi Y.H., Verpoorte R. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2009), Identification of chlorogenic acid as a resistance factor for thrips in chrysanthemum, Plant Physiology 150(3): 1567-1575.
- Leiss K.A., Choi Y.H., Abdel-Farid I.B., Verpoorte R. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2008), NMR metabolomics of thrips resistance in Senecio hybrid, Journal of Chemical Ecology : .
- Tamis W.L.M., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Meijden E. van der, Snoo G.R. de & Veen J.A. van (2008), Potentiële effecten van diergeneesmiddelen op het terrestrische milieu in Nederland. Leiden: CML Department of Environmental Biology (oud --> CML-CB).
- Stang M., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Meijden E. van der (2007), Asymmetric specialization and extinction risk in plant flower visitor webs: a matter of morphology or abundance?, Oecologia 151(3): 442-453.
- Stang M., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Meijden E. van der (2006), Size constraints and flower abundance determine the number of interactions in a plant-flower visitor web, OIKOS 112(1): 111-121.
- Jong T.J. de & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2005), Evolutionary ecology of plant reproductive strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Jong T.J. de, Dijk H. van & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2005), Hamilton's rule, imprinting and parent-offspring conflict over seed mass in partially selfing plants, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 676-682.
- Leiss K.A. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2005), Genotype by environment interactions in the nectar production of Echium vulgare, Functional Ecology 19: 454-459.
- Kirk H.E., Vrieling K. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2005), Reproductive fitness of hybrids between Senecio jacobaea and S-aquaticus (Asteraceae), American Journal of Botany 92(9): 1467-1473.
- Esch S., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Meijden E. van der (2005), Do distances among host patches and host density affect the distribution of a specialist parasitoid?, Oecologia 146: 218-226.
- Leiss K.A. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2005), Spatial distribution of nectar production in a natural Echium vulgare population: implications for pollinator behaviour, Basic and Applied Ecology 6: 317-324.
- Jong T.J. de, Batenburg J.C. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2005), Distance-dependent pollen limitation of seed set in some insect-pollinated dioecious plants, Acta Oecologia 28: 331-335.
- Kirk H.E., Vrieling K. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2005), Maternal effects and heterosis influence the fitness of plant hybrids, New Phytologist 166(2): 685-694.
- Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Lugt P.P. van der (2004), Pollinator service only depends on nectar production rates in sparse populations, Oecologia 140: 491-492.
- Kirk H.E., Macel M., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Vrieling K. (2004), Natural hybridization between Senecio jacobaea and Senecio aquaticus: molecular and chemical evidence, Molecular Ecology 13(8): 2267-2274.
- Cadet C., Metz J.A.J. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2004), Size and the not-so-single sex: Disentangling the effects of size and budget on sex allocation in hermaphrodites, American Naturalist 164(6): 779-792.
- Leiss K.A., Vrieling K. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2004), Heritability of nectar production in Echium vulgare, Heredity 92: 446-431.
- Macel M., Vrieling K. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2004), Variation in pyrrolizidine alkaloid patterens of Senecio jacobaea, Phytochemistry 65: 865-873.
- Blomqvist M.M., Vos P., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Keurs W.J. ter (2003), Declining plant species richness of grassland ditch banks - a problem of colonisation or extinction?, Biological Conservation 109(3): 391-406.
- Blomqvist M.M., Vos P., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Keurs W.J. ter (2003), Declining plant species richness of grassland ditch banks - a problem of colonisation or extinction?, Biological Conservation 109: 391-406.
- Macel M., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Vrieling K. & Meijden E. van der (2002), Diversity of pyrrolozidine alkaloids in Senecio species does not affect the specialist herbivore Tyria jacobaea, Oecologia 133: 541-550.
- Jong T.J. de & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2002), Sex ratios in dioecious plants. In: Hardy I. (red.), Sex ratios: conccepts and research methods: Cambridge University Press. 333-348.
- Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Jong T.J. de (2002), Sex allocation in hermaphrodite plants. In: Hardy I. (red.), Sex ratios concepts and research methods: Cambridge University Press. 349-365.
- Korbecka G., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Vrieling K. (2002), Selective embry abortion Hypothesis revisited - a molecular approach, Plant Biology 4: 1-13.
- Kowalchuk G.A., Buma D.S., Veen J.A. van, Boer W. de & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (2002), Effects of above-ground plant species composition and diversity on the diversity of soil-borne microorganisms, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 81(1-4): 509-520.
- Jong T.J. de, Goosen-de Roo L. & Klinkhamer P.G.L. (1998), Is the threshold size for flowering in Cynoglossum officinale fixed or dependent on environment, New Phytology 138: 489-496.