Nashanty Brunken
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- N.G.C. Brunken MSc
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- +31 71 527 2727

- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
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- Sterrewacht NOVA
- Rubinstein A.E., Evans N.J., Tyagi H., Narang M., Nazari P., Gutermuth R., Federman S., Manoj P., Green J.D., Watson D.M., Megeath S.T., Rocha W.R.M., Brunken N.G.C., Slavicinska K., Dishoeck E.F. van, Beuther H., Bourke T.L., Caratti o Garatti A., Hartmann L., Klaassen P., Linz H., Looney L.W., Muzerolle J., Stanke T., Tobin J.J., Wolk S.J. & Yang Y.-L. (2024), IPA: class 0 protostars viewed in CO emission using JWST, The Astrophysical Journal 974(1): 112.
- Nazari P., Monteiro Rocha W.R., Rubinstein A.E., Slavicinska K., Gomes Rachid M., Dishoeck E.F. van, Megeath S.T., Gutermuth R., Tyagi H., Brunken N.G.C., Narang M., Manoj P., Watson D.M., Evans N.J., Federman S., Muzerolle Page J., Anglada G., Beuther H., Klaassen P., Looney L.W., Osorio M., Stanke T. & Yang Y.-L. (2024), Hunting for complex cyanides in protostellar ices with the JWST. A tentative detection of CH3CN and C2H5CN, Astronomy & Astrophysics 686: A71.
- Narang M., Manoj P., Tyagi H., Watson D.M., Megeath S.T., Federman S., Rubinstein A.E., Gutermuth R., Caratti o Garatti A., Beuther H., Bourke T.L., Dishoeck E.F. van, Evans N.J., Anglada G., Osorio M., Stanke T., Muzerolle J., Looney L.W., Yang Y.-L., Klaassen P., Karnath N., Atnagulov P., Brunken N.G.C., Fischer W.J., Furlan E., Green J., Habel N., Hartmann L., Linz H., Nazari P., Pokhrel R., Rahatgaonkar R., Monteiro Rocha W.R., Sheehan P., Slavicinska K., Stutz A.M., Tobin J.J., Tychoniec L. & Wolk S. (2024), Discovery of a collimated jet from the low-luminosity protostar IRAS 16253‑2429 in a quiescent accretion phase with the JWST, Astrophysical Journal Letters 962(1): L16.
- Rocha W., Dishoeck E. van, McClure M., Gelder M. van, Francis L., Brunken N., Slavicinska K., Tychoniec Ł. & Sturm A. (2024), Where it all begins: protostars contain the icy ingredients crucial for the genesis of habitable planets, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024. Padova, Italy.
- Rocha W.R.M., Dishoeck E.F. van, Ressler M.E., Gelder M.L. van, Slavicinska K., Brunken N.G.C., Linnartz H., Ray T.P., Beuther H., Caratti o Garatti A., Geers V., Kavanagh P.J., Klaassen P.D., Justtanont K., Chen Y., Francis L., Gieser C., Perotti G., Tychoniec Ł., Barsony M., Majumdar L., le Gouellec V.J.M., Chu L.E.U., Lew B.W.P., Henning T. & Wright G. (2024), JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS+): Detecting icy complex organic molecules and ions. I. CH4, SO2, HCOO−, OCN−, H2CO, HCOOH, CH3CH2OH, CH3CHO, CH3OCHO, and CH3COOH, Astronomy & Astrophysics 683: A124.
- Slavicinska K., Dishoeck E.F. van, Tychoniec Ł., Nazari P., Rubinstein A.E., Gutermuth R., Tyagi H., Chen Y., Brunken N.G.C., Rocha W.R.M., Manoj P., Narang M., Megeath S.T., Yang Y.-L., Looney L.W., Tobin J.J., Beuther H., Bourke T.L., Linnartz H., Federman S., Watson D.M. & Linz H. (2024), JWST detections of amorphous and crystalline HDO ice toward massive protostars, Astronomy & Astrophysics 688: A29.
- Tychoniec Ł., Gelder M.L. van, Dishoeck E.F. van, Francis L., Rocha W.R.M., Caratti o Garatti A., Beuther H., Gieser C., Justtanont K., Linnartz H., Le Gouellec V.J.M., Perotti G., Devaraj R., Tabone B., Ray T.P., Brunken N.G.C., Chen Y., Kavanagh P.J., Klaassen P., Slavicinska K., Güdel M. & Östlin G. (2024), JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS). Linked accretion and ejection in a Class I protobinary system, Astronomy & Astrophysics 687: A36.
- Brunken N.G.C., Dishoeck E.F. van, Slavicinska K., le Gouellec V.J.M., Monteiro Rocha W.R., Francis L.K.S., Tychoniec L., Gelder M.L. van, Navarro M.G., Boogert A.C.A., Kavanagh P.J., Nazari P., Greene T., Ressler M.E. & Majumdar L. (2024), JOYS+ study of solid-state 12C/13C isotope ratios in protostellar envelopes: observations of CO and CO2 ice with the James Webb Space Telescope, Astronomy and Astrophysics 692: A163.
- Brunken N. (2024), Tracing the chemical and thermal history of interstellar ices with JWST, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024. Geneva: European Astronomical Society. 1197.
- Federman S.A., Megeath S.T., Rubinstein A.E., Gutermuth R., Narang M., Tyagi H., Manoj P., Anglada G., Atnagulov P., Beuther H., Bourke T.L., Brunken N.G.C., Caratti o Garatti A., Evans N.J., Fischer W.J., Furlan E., Green J.D., Habel N., Hartmann L., Karnath N., Klaassen P., Linz H., Looney L.W., Osorio M., Muzerolle Page J., Nazari P., Pokhrel R., Rahatgaonkar R., Monteiro Rocha W.R., Sheehan P., Slavicinska K., Stanke T., Stutz A.M., Tobin J.J., Tychoniec L., Dishoeck E.F. van, Watson D.M., Wolk S. & Yang Y.-L. (2024), Investigating protostellar accretion-driven outflows across the mass spectrum: JWST NIRSpec Integral Field Unit 3-5 μm spectral mapping of five young protostars, The Astrophysical Journal 966(1): 41.
- Brunken N.G.C., Monteiro Rocha W.R., Dishoeck E.F. van, Gutermuth R., Tyagi H., Slavicinska K., Nazari P., Megeath S.T., Evans N.J., Narang M., Manoj P., Rubinstein A.E., Watson D.M., Looney L.W., Linnartz H.V.J., Caratti o Garatti A., Beuther H., Linz H., Klaassen P., Poteet C.A., Federman S., Anglada G., Atnagulov P., Bourke T.L., Fischer W.J., Furlan E., Green J., Habel N., Hartmann L., Karnath N., Osorio M., Muzerolle Page J., Pokhrel R., Rahatgaonkar R., Sheehan P., Stanke T., Stutz A.M., Tobin J.J., Tychoniec L., Wolk S. & Yang Y.-L. (2024), JWST observations of 13CO2 ice. Tracing the chemical environment and thermal history of ices in protostellar envelopes, Astronomy and Astrophysics 685: A27.
- Leemker M., Booth A.S., Dishoeck E.F. van, Marel N. van der, Tabone B., Ligterink N.F.W., Brunken N.G.C. & Hogerheijde M.R. (2023), A major asymmetric ice trap in a planet-forming disk: IV. Nitric oxide gas and a lack of CN tracing sublimating ices and a C/O ratio <1, Astronomy and Astrophysics 673: A7.
- Brunken N.G.C., Booth A.S., Leemker M., Nazari P., Marel N. van der & Dishoeck E.F. van (2022), A major asymmetric ice trap in a planet-forming disk: III. First detection of dimethyl ether, Astronomy and Astrophysics 659: A29.