Naomi Truan
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. N.A.L. Truan
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1650
- 0000-0003-1023-4663
Naomi Truan is universitair docent bij het Centre for Linguistics.
Meer informatie over Naomi Truan
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Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Duits
- Truan N.A.L. (2024), Whose language counts?: Native speakerism and monolingual bias in language ideological research: challenges and directions for further research, European Journal of Applied Linguistics 12(1): 34-53.
- Truan N.A.L. (2024), Introduction: language ideologies—again?: New insights from a flourishing field, European Journal of Applied Linguistics 12(1): 1-13.
- Truan N.A.L. (2023), "I am a real cat" : French-speaking cats on Twitter as an enregistered variety and community of practice, Internet Pragmatics 6(1): 67-106.
- Truan N.A.L. & Fischer F. (2023), Die digitale Hashtag-Kampagne rund um #CoronaEltern und #CoronaElternRechnenAb: Twitter-Positionierungspraktiken in der Pandemie, Journal für Medienlinguistik 5(1): 1-33.
- Bock C. F. Busch F. Truan N.A.L. (2023), Introduction: the sociolinguistics of exclusion : indexing (non)belonging in mobile communities, Language & Communication 93: 192-195.
- Truan N.A.L. (2022), (When) can I say du to you? The metapragmatics of forms of address on German-speaking Twitter, Journal of Pragmatics 191: 227-239.
- Truan N.A.L. & Dressel D. (2022), Doing open science in a research-based seminar: students' positioning towards openness in higher education, The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 23(3): 153-170.
- Oldani M. & Truan N.A.L. (2022), Navigating the German school system when being perceived as a student 'with migration background': students' perspectives on linguistic racism, Linguistics and Education 71: 101049.
- Truan N.A.L., Fahrer S., Heck T. & Röwert R. (2022), From theoretical debates to lived experiences: autoethnographic insights into open educational practices in German higher education, Research Ideas and Outcomes 8: e86663.
- Truan N.A.L. & Romary L. (2022), Building, encoding, and annotating a corpus of parliamentary debates in TEI XML: a cross-linguistic account. TEI Conference 2019 17 maart 2019 - 20 maart 2019. Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative.
- Truan N.A.L. (2021), The politics of person reference: third-person forms in English, German, and French. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Truan N.A.L. (2021), Narratives of dialogue in parliamentary discourse: constructing the ethos of the receptive politician, Journal of Language and Politics 20(4): 563-584.
- Truan N.A.L. & Oldani M. (2021), The view from within: gendered language ideologies of multilingual speakers in contemporary Berlin, Journal of Sociolinguistics 25(3): 374-397.
- Truan N.A.L. & Dressel D. (2021), Das eigene digitale Schreiben erforschen, Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung – Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion 4(1): 378-397.
- Tóth-Czifra E. & Truan N.A.L. (2021), Creating and analyzing multilingual parliamentary corpora. Research Data Management Workflows Volume 1. [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. (2019), Talking about, for, and to the people: populism and representation in parliamentary debates on Europe, Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 67(3): 307-337.
- Truan N.A.L. (2019), Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen einer pragmatisch orientierten kontrastiven Diskursanalyse: Ein Vorschlag am Beispiel deutscher, französischer, und britischer Parlamentsdebatten, Diskurse – digital 1(3): 29-50.
- Truan N.A.L. (2019), The discursive construction of the people in European political discourse: semantics and pragmatics of a contested concept in German, French, and British parliamentary debate. In: Zienkowski J. & Breeze R. (red.), Imagining the peoples of Europe: populist discourses across the political spectrum. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 201-228.
- Truan N.A.L. (2018), Generisch, unpersönlich, indefinit?: Die Pronomina man, on, one und generisches you im politischen Diskurs. In: Vinckel-Roisin H., Gautier L. & Modicom P. (red.), Diskursive Verfestigungen: Schnittstellen zwischen Morphosyntax, Phraseologie und Pragmatik im Deutschen und im Sprachvergleich. Konvergenz & Divergenz. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 347-363.
- Truan N.A.L. (2018), Bespreking van: Arendholz J., Bublitz W. & Kirner-Ludwig M., The pragmatics of quoting now and then. Discourse & Society 29(5): 592-594.
- Truan N.A.L. (2017), Zwischenrufe zwischen parlamentarischer Routine und Kreativität: Bundestagsdebatten über Europa aus dem Blickwinkel von unautorisierten Unterbrechungen, Cahiers d’Études Germaniques 73: 125-138.
- Truan N.A.L. (2017), Dire l’intégration: les rapports français et allemands sur l’intégration entre injonction à la neutralité et volonté d’influence (1991-2014), Mots: les langages du politique (114): 77-93.
- Bernier-Monod A., Dubslaff V., Lensing A., Truan N.A.L. & Zunino B. (2017), Le doctorat nouvelle mouture: pratiques et vécu en France et en Allemagne. Une enquête de l’association GIRAF-IFFD. In: Meise H., Nicklas T. & Roques C.E. (red.), Hybridisierungen = Hybridations. Reims: Les Éditions de l’Épure. 295-311.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), On the pragmatics of interjections in parliamentary interruptions, Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique (40): 125-144.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), "Les citations doivent être exactes!": Pratiques polémiques de la citation au parlement, Travaux Interdisciplinaires sur la Parole et le Langage (32): 93-122.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Convoquer autrui dans le discours politique: ethos et adresse indirecte dans les débats parlementaires allemands et britanniques contemporains sur l’Europe (1998-2015), Trajectoires (Special issue 1): .
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), France: the reluctance to use the word ‘populism’ as a concept. In: Aalberg T., Esser F., Reinemann C., Stromback J. & Vreese C. de (red.), Populist political communication in Europe: a cross-national analysis of European countries. New York: Routledge.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Bespreking van: Wieczorek A.E. , Clusivity: a new approach to association and dissociation in political discourse. Journal of Language and Politics 15(5): 657-660.
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Parliamentary Debates on Europe at the Assemblée nationale (2002-2012). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language). [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Parliamentary Debates on Europe at the Deutscher Bundestag (1998-2015). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language). [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. (2016), Parliamentary Debates on Europe at the House of Commons (1998-2015). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language). [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. & Renard L. (2016), Rapports allemands sur l’intégration (1991-2014). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language). [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. & Renard L. (2016), Rapports français sur l’intégration (1991-2012). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and Tools for Language) 1. [dataset].
- Truan N.A.L. (2015), Stratégies de contournement de l’adresse et délocution: le tiers du discours politique, Échanges de linguistique en Sorbonne 3(1): 52-71.
- Truan N.A.L. (2015), Faire intervenir des êtres collectifs dans et par le discours: de l’usage des syntagmes nominaux à valeur collective dans les discours conservateurs allemand et britannique, Tracés 29(3): 103-122.
- Truan N.A.L. (2015), Bespreking van: Léon J. (2015), Histoire de l’automatisation des sciences du langage: ENS Éditions. Lectures .